Techcrunch Disrupt Hackfest 2011

May 23rd, 2011 |Computers


A bunch of friends and I entered the Techcrunch Hackathon this year for 20 straight hours of hacking. We created Link Current which is a tool that measures the current and future social value of your content. You simply enter a link and our system begins to aggregate data from across the web to give you a “Social Score”. The Social Score is based on the virality of the content, how old it is and many other components. We also have a realtime geolocation of Tweets and Facebook likes so you can see where your content is being consumed and spread. This is all bundled up with a pretty cool looking techy interface that I put together.

It was a fun and exhausting weekend. I had the opportunity to work with a rockstar team which included people from MovableInk, SimpleReach and Opani. I can’t explain how excited I was to be working with these guys.

After a solid night of sleep and recovery, I can honestly say that what we created was a lot more than a hack. We created, what could be, a viable business that should appeal to any content provider – anyone looking to measure the impact of their content and figure out where their campaign may fall short. It’s a broad and interesting enough idea that the product could grow in so many ways.

The whole thing was designed and built in a warehouse at Pier 94 in New York City’s Upper West Side. That’s pretty cool.


RVM Instructions

May 20th, 2011 |Computers, Development

I always forget this information so I’m noting it here. For complete instructions visit the official rvm site.

rvm allows you to switch versions of ruby for different projects without conflicts. It also allows you to create gemsets to use with different versions of ruby (an old version of ruby might use older versions of gems).

Enter the following commands (minus the comments in parentheses) into your shell.

  • rvm info (get info)
  • ruby -v (get ruby version)
  • rvm use 1.9.2 (use a specific ruby version)
  • rvm use 1.9.2 --default (this sets the default - otherwise it'll use the system ruby by default)
  • rvm gemset list (show all gemsets)
  • rvm gemset create (create new gemsets)

Computers, Development

Upstage App Beta Launch

February 26th, 2011 |Computers, Design, Development, Interaction Design, iPhone


Scott Taylor and I have been working evenings and weekends on Upstage App. It’s been a fun experience working on a project outside of work that belongs to us. I love working for clients and I like my job but there’s nothing like the experience of having something that’s all your own.

If you’re a designer or developer working on iPhone or iPad, you should checkout Upstage App. We’re currenlty working to implement better sharing functionality but even as it stands now, it’s a very useful tool that I use daily in my workflow.

Computers, Design, Development, Interaction Design, iPhone

Google Chrome Ad Blocker Behavior

December 3rd, 2010 |browser, Development, Google Chrome, Webkit

In a project we’re working on for the Webby Awards, we noticed that a certain button wasn’t appearing at times in Google Chrome. After snooping around, we realized that the button was hidden in the DOM only when Google Chrome Ad Blocker was enabled because the class of the button was “advertising”.

Note to self: Do not use class: “advertising” or something similar unless it’s actually an advertisement or something you want hidden from ad blockers.

browser, Development, Google Chrome, Webkit

CSS Extended TextMate Bundle

November 29th, 2010 |Design, Development

I just pushed a TextMate bundle to supplement the CSS bundle by adding CSS3 properties and their browser specific counterparts.

Design, Development

Apple Touch Shortcut Icons

October 12th, 2010 |html, iPhone

There are two ways to include Apple touch shortcut icons as bookmarks/favicons for a website. The differences in their appearance are determined by the the “rel” attribute:


  1. Without the signature Apple aqua gloss (Pre-composed):
    <link rel="apple-touch-icon-precomposed" class="/images/apple-shortcut.png" type="image/x-icon" />
  2. With the signature Apple aqua gloss (Composed):
    <link rel="apple-touch-icon" class="/images/apple-shortcut.png" type="image/x-icon" />

You can name your files anything. They don’t need to be named “apple-shortcut.png”. You should make them a .png though.

html, iPhone

iPhone 4 Screen Resolution and the Internets

September 22nd, 2010 |Computers, Design, Development, iPhone


CSS background images look really bad on the iPhone 4. They’re stretched and ratty. Without going into the details, you need to declare the size of the background image for the device:

"px">Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know about all the unnecessary extra bandwidth this will take for devices that don’t support the higher resolutions. But that’s another problem.

Computers, Design, Development, iPhone

Git and Lighthouse Ticket Integration

September 13th, 2010 |Computers, Development

Git and Lighthouse are two great tools we use all the time for version control and bug tracking. They’re integrated so you can close tickets while also committing changes to the repository.

  git commit -m "Make some change that resolves ticket 66 [#66 state:resolved]"

Computers, Development

Apple Finder Icons

September 13th, 2010 |Computers, Design, Photoshop

They’re located at: /System/Library/CoreServices/ Just type the following into

open /System/Library/CoreServices/

Computers, Design, Photoshop

Photoshop Extract Filter is Missing

August 7th, 2010 |Design, Photoshop

I’m still using Adobe CS4 and it’s taken a couple years to notice that the extract filter is missing. I used to use it frequently while image retouching at 300+ dpi for print but most of the silos I make for web at 72 dpi can be accomplished more quickly with the pen tool. Fortunately, Adobe was nice enough to make it available as a download for those willing to search:

  • Mac Version
  • Windows Version

After you download them, place the filters in the filter directory within the Photoshop Application and the extensions in their respective directory (something like: /Applications/Photoshop CS4/Plug-ins/Filters) and restart Photoshop. Bango!

Design, Photoshop

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