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Equal parts left-brained and right-brained (as well as equal parts country and rock ‘n’ roll), I’ve crossed the bridge between the artsy fartsy and hard science many times.


My mom wanted me to become a doctor, my dad wanted me to become a lawyer and I wanted to become a car designer. Frankly, I’ve become none of the above.

I tried though.

I studied a year of Industrial Design at Delft’s University of Technology before finding a new interest: marketing.

After graduating with an M.A. in marketing, I’ve worked in management consulting, public relations and online marketing.

Today, most of my time is spent with landing pages, opt-in forms and analytics dashboards.

You might be wondering what part of online marketing that is.

It’s the best part.

I get to go nuts on the creative side to get measurable improvements/results. With extensive experience in writing and (web) design, I help clients with driving online behavior more effectively.


Amsterdam is where I was born and what I call home. When it comes to sports though, I am a total Masshole supporting the New England Patriots, the Boston Red Sox, the Boston Celtics and the Boston Bruins.


A result of having a variety of interests, I tend to write about many different topics.

On this blog, I write mostly about interesting developments and observations within online marketing.

My Dutch blog is mostly about conversion optimization and marketing (for entrepreneurs and small businesses).

Occasionally, I also write about music and “lifestyle”.


Armed with snark, I am a conversational counter-puncher as well as a beer and whiskey appreciator, a football fan, a car fanatic, and a horrible drawer of humans.


If you’re interested in my updates on work, football, music, art, and life in general, follow me on Twitter: @kennethlim

If you want to keep things strictly professional, connect with me on LinkedIn: kennethlim

If you intend to avoid me, find out where you can do that on Foursquare: kennethlim

If you’d like to scrutinize my music taste, I’m on kennethlim

And if you really can’t get enough of me, find me on Facebook: kennethlim is neither affiliated with the authors of this page nor responsible for its contents. This is a safe-cache copy of the original web site.