
Blog Lovin’

During college, I spent every day reading about the food adventures of my peers on a college wide forum called “Foodies”. Through foodies I expanded my palate, learned about global food traditions, and occasionally regaled the forum with my own adventures, including the infamous “Iron Chef Banana” and “Iron Chef Molasses”with partner in crime Lizzy.

After college, shut off from the college network, I turned to food blogs, waiting patiently for my favorite bloggers to post their new stories and creations. This was almost perfect, but I realized I missed one essential part, coming up with my own contributions- so I created thesecondlunch to fulfill that joy.

My RSS feed is overflowing, and I’m always looking for new things to read. I apologize in advance for any hours that may be lost by discovering some new ones on this list you may have overlooked.

Also, this list is ever growing, and I’m always forgetting people. If you know I read your blog, or you are my twitter friend, and I haven’t gotten to you, I welcome you to give me a nudge – and get yourself on here.

Food Blogs:

101 Cookbooks: by Heidi, in San Francisco. Heidi writes about the most wonderful healthy foods – and is the author of a wonderful cookbook, ‘Super Natural Cooking’. And when I say healthy, I mean, yes, they are healthy, but also they are some of the most delicious recipes ever.

Alice Q. Foodie: by in Southern California. One of my favorites!

Cafe Fernando : by Cenk, from Istanbul. Features swoon-worthy photos and some of my favorite Turkish foods. His blog is one of the first ones that I read on a regular basis and got me hooked on food bloggers.

Canelle et Vanille: by Aran, a Basque ex-pat living in the US. Painfully beautiful photography of elaborate pastry and sweets. I wouldn’t mind being her neighbor…

Chez Pim: by Pim, a Bay Area blogger. The creator of Menu for Hope, and one of the original food bloggers. Partner of David Kinch of Manresa – and has a thing for jams. And is the author of ‘The Foodie Handbook‘. And she’s a sweetheart!

Chocolate & Zucchini: by Clotilde, from Paris. A wonderful blog filled with food and fun. She’s also the translator of the Beee-autiful “I Know How to Cook” the English version of Ginette Mathiot’s classic french cookbook.

Cookbook Catchall: by Sabra, from New York. Professional food photography and easy recipes. She also takes gorgeous photography of children. Good food and cute babies? Yes please!

Cooking with Amy: by Amy, from the Bay Area. Amy is a veteran foodblogger, and cookbook author. Her most recent book is William Sonoma’s New Flavors for Appetizers. She also runs a useful calendar of food events for the bay area on her blog that is a great resource!

The Cooking of Joy: by Joy, in Massachusetts. (She gets extra credit for her amusing blog title). She also gets extra credit for some really great Taiwanese recipes, among others.

David Lebovitz : my Ice Cream god! A former pastry chef at Chez Panisse, David Lebovitz moved to Paris many years ago and now is living the sweet life writing about his city, food, and a healthy dose of chocolate and sweets. Also one of the influences for my camera choice (A

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