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Philadelphia 2012


You’re Invited to Our Blogging and Social Media Conference in Philadelphia, PA!

Date: May 19, 2012
Time: 9:00am to 5:00pm {Cocktail party to follow at 5:30pm}
Location: Radisson Plaza-Warwick Hotel, 220 South 17th Street, Philadelphia
{We’ve got a great room rate of $189/night}

Get Connected on Twitter via Hashtag #2012BBC

Interested in getting connected with our 2012 attendees? Then be sure to use the hashtag, #2012BBC, on Twitter. With over 700 women in attendance in 2012, there is always a conversation happening!

Topics for Philadelphia include:

Business of Blogging: This 2 hour break out will cover everything from contracts to creating media kits to pitching effectively to running successful campaigns and giveaways and wrap up reports. We’ll be talking money and what you need to know to “go pro”.

Using StumbleUpon and Pinterest: These tools are an amazing asset to build your traffic and engage a wider audience. Learn how they work and how to use them effectively.

Vlogging: How to vlog and why you should consider adding it your blogging repertoire.

SEO: Search Engine Optimization matters. Learn easy and effective techniques to building your sites ranking.

Design: Is your blog putting it’s best foot forward? We break it down- the good, the bad, the ugly and the fabulous. Small changes can have a huge impact.

Writer’s Workshop: A full 2 hour breakout for those interested in crafting excellent content. Nothing like sitting in a room with a bunch of writers who “get it”.

And we are still ironing out an additional topic or two, so stay tuned.

Need more convincing? Google “Bloggy Boot Camp” for lots of authentic feedback.

Tickets to the Philadelphia event are $99 and selling quickly. Get yours now!



Speakers for Philadelphia are in the process of being confirmed. Check back to see who we add in the coming months!

Dali Burgado {@DaliBurgado}

spacer Dali Burgado, also known as “The Dali Blogger” teaches creative entrepreneurs how to carve a web presence that connects with their Inner Guru and their target audience. Her first online marketing love is SEO. She’s an avid connector on Facebook, Twitter, and Google+. When she’s not coaching or teaching, she’s tweaking sites for Search Engine Visibility, working on her PHP and Javascript coding skills, Singing Opera, or learning about gardening.

Audrey McClellan {@AudreyMcClellan}

spacer Audrey McClelland, a social media consultant and brand advocate, is the founder of, an online destination for mothers. Mom Generations is in its 5th year and is a destination for mothers featuring over 550 videos and 3000 postings on the latest trends in fashion and beauty for moms, kid fashion, baby gear, product reviews, toys and many other pieces of advice for busy moms. Author of “The Digital Mom Handbook” and fashion/beauty brand spokesperson, Audrey has been featured on Good Morning America, the Rachael Ray Show, The Daily Buzz and in publications such as The New York Times, Boston Globe, Parenting Magazine, Pregnancy Magazine, Redbook and Woman’s Day.

Colleen Padilla {@ClassyMommy}

spacer Social media consultant, mom expert, and brand advocate Colleen Padilla is the author of The Digital Mom Handbook from Harper Collins and the founder and editor of Colleen has an MBA from Cornell and has served as a spokesperson for Scrubbing Bubbles, Energizer, Mattel, and TJ Maxx/Marshalls. She’s been featured on Fox News, Good Morning America, The New York Times, MSNBC and more. She writes weekly for Lifetime Digital’s “Lifetime Moms” website and lives in Philadelphia with her husband and two young children.

Sharon Rowley {@sharonmomof6}

spacer Momof6 blogger Sharon Rowley is a mom to- you guessed it- six great kids—ages 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, and 5 years old. There are two things she is frequently asked: “Are they all yours?” (uhh- yes) and “How do you do it?” The answers to that question is the reason behind Momof6 – where Sharon offers advice and solutions that have helped to keep her sane and organized and her family humming along. Sharon is also one of the original iVoices at iVillage, where she serves as a video correspondent, writer, and community challenge coach, and an associate writer at Parenting Squad. Sharon came to us as part of the 2011 BBC Speaker Contest!

Jill Smokler {@ScaryMommy}

spacer Jill Smokler blogs about motherhood — the good, the bad and the scary — at Her take on motherhood has appeared on CNN, Good Morning America, Huffington Post and a vast array of waiting room type magazines. Her first book, Confessions of a Scary Mommy, comes out in April 2012. She highly suggests that you buy it.

Laurie Turk {On Facebook}

spacer Laurie Turk is a creative soul who has a passion for embellishing life. She lives in Dallas, is a mom to 3 boys, and considers herself an all around girly-girl. Laurie’s primary focus is to create moments that matter for herself, her man, and her children. And while she refers to herself as the “cruise director” of her family, Laurie is a mom-preneur all her own. In 2006, she launched Executive Homemaker, which has over 600 printables for busy moms and was later re-branded as Tip Junkie Printables. Today, her passion to promote creative women through their fabulous ideas and products can be seen on her phenomenally successful website, Tip Junkie, which features the best tips and tricks from everyday women.

Cynthia Wheeler {@NapWarden}

spacer With two design degrees, and an unhealthy obsession with all things Adobe, Cynthia started her one stop shop for everything from blog design to custom illustration and logo creation 3 years ago. Over 100 blog designs later, and many late night dates with her Macbook Pro, NW Designs has become her full time job. As if that wasn’t enough, she also adds wife and mom of two to her list. You can find her chronicling the entire journey at her personal blog Nap

Tiffany Romero {@TiffanyRom}

spacer Tiffany is a mom, wife, business owner, and entrepreneur who began blogging in March 2008. Tiffany is an active social media personality, with her own website, Tiffany, and a social media consulting company, Launched Productions LLC. In 2009, Tiffany reaffirmed her passion for connecting women online by creating Bloggy Boot Camp, one day conferences for women in social media. Since that time, the sold out conference tour has garnered attention from The NY Times, The Huffington Post and ABC News. When not on-line, Tiffany keeps busy running a private summer camp with her husband in Los Angeles and working as the Vice President for the Western Association of Independent Camps.

Francesca Banducci {@SITSGirls}

spacer Francesca is a mom to three children, ages 5, 3 and a one year old. Since starting her personal blog, Francesca has received multiple awards, including recognition by Nielsen Online as one of the Top 50 Power Moms. Her interest in marketing prompted her to earn her MBA in the field and launch her own consulting company, Social Girl Media. In 2010, Francesca joined Tiffany as a partner on both The SITS Girls and Bloggy Boot Camp. Prior to joining the on-line world, Francesca studied Viticulture & Enology at UC Davis, worked at various wineries in both California and Italy, and was employed for many years at the biotech company, Genentech.


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