About Me


I am a woman, sister, daughter, friend, mother of three beautiful girls (10, 6 and 3) and wife to Michael.

Raising our children has stretched and grown me more than any experience of my life. I’ve never known such challenge or joy. My husband provides a safe, strong and loving place in the midst of the growing.

After studying journalism in college, I explored a career in law. For several years before I birthed children of my own, I worked as a full-time mentor to girls in the city of Portland. They are always with me.

I am passionate about mentoring young women and find continual inspiration in the creativity, honesty and wisdom of children. I care greatly about issues surrounding diversity and community.

I love to laugh, listen to a good story, travel, share meals and conversation with family, engage in deep talk with friends and spend time in nature. And over the last two years, I’ve embraced how much I love to write. Simply put, I feel close to God when I do.

I feel life deeply. I struggle with insecurity. Some days I wrestle with my purpose and identity. I’ve experienced times of great pain, as most of us have, and I believe it’s not been wasted.

Each day, I must choose to stay present. Not zone out, not escape into my head or into the pantry where my chocolate chips live, but draw near to what is in this moment because this moment has something to teach.

I’m grateful you’ve come to this place. May you find a moment of rest or resonance or space to draw a breath and recognize the good of living awake and the good of who you are as one formed by a loving Creator.

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