Welcome to Camp Blogaway!


Here are ten things you should know, then meander our website to learn more:spacer

  1. Next Camp is 2012 – May 4 to 6.
  2. Our venue is in the tiny town of Angelus Oaks, up Highway 38 from Redlands, CA.
  3. Beginning, intermediate, expert bloggers all attend.
  4. This is “camp,” not “camping.”  Cabins, indoor bathrooms, hot private showers, serene decks.
  5. Outdoorsy or computer potato — you’ll fit in.
  6. Fewer than 100 attendees. Nice!
  7. You eat plenty here, and we accommodate special diets.
  8. There is time in the agenda to relax and breathe. Not a LOT, but some.
  9. Sponsors are campers, too. Get to know them as real people.
  10. Cliques not allowed. Everyone is nice. And generous.


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