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25 Things

When I saw my friend Lisa was joining Shauna’s party, well, I had to join too.  That is just how I roll these days.

1.  Lisa was going to Canton last week and I couldn’t drive to meet her.  I thought about her all weekend.  She is one person I would love to meet IRL and get a hug from.

2.  I miss my friends in Florida.  Like in a heart-breaking I can’t find new friends way.

3.  I forgot how much I dislike potty training.  I thought girls were easier.  Wait, she is easier, just later than her brothers – what gives?

4.  My brain never stops.  I am constantly thinking of things I want to write, make, do.

5.  I drive in total silence.  When I am alone, it is me and my GPS.  No phone calls, no radio.  DFW scares me!

6.  I am also deathly afraid of snakes.  We saw a HUGE snake at the ball fields last summer and I am still afraid that he is still there waiting for me.

7.  I fret, think about and pray for my clients.  You would be surprised how close organizing is to therapy some days.

8.  I love that my business is shifting to creating 90% of the time.  I feel far more refreshed for organizing the other 10% of the time.

9.  Someone that was what I would consider one of my best friends in college passed away yesterday.  He and I and his 2 friends and my 2 roomies hung out all the time.  We skied, we camped, we one time helped a family we found while 4 wheeling.  His wife lived on my hall freshman year.  I have spent the last 24 hours thinking/praying for her and their 3 kids.

10.  It makes me reconsider wanting to kill Mr. BP some days.

11.  Princess Fiona is finally letting us put bows in her hair.  {Sigh}.  While she wears her brothers baseball jersey and cleats.  {double sigh}

12.  Mr. BP is on a quest to lose 40 pounds.

13.  There goes chicken and dumplin’s casserole.  And blueberry dump cake.  And bacon.  See number 10.

14.  Comparison is the thief of joy.

15.  I never drank coffee until I was pregnant with Avery-Grace and I craved it.  I drank decaf.  Now I drink full force many times a day.

16.  The Keurig rocks.  See number 15.

17.  I loved my 3rd, 5th and 12th grade English teachers.  I think they influenced me far more than they will ever know.

18.  I always assume the worst.  I am such a people pleaser and fret over everything.  When someone says something nice to me it truly makes my day.

19.  Wow, I think I need to work on number 18.

20.  I am not the kind of mom I thought I would be.

21.  I hate to go to the grocery store.  And fold clothes.

22.  We woke up at 2 this morning hearing a weird noise.  Mr. BP turned on the light.  It was Mr. Hammy – the kids didn’t shut his cage and he was on a field trip.  Since we just watched Infested, I was dreaming it was a possum.

23.  I didn’t watch the Super Bowl.  I don’t regret it.

24.  I love handmade.  Handmade takes time.  I wish people understood that.

25.  I still dream of homeschooling the kids.  Then I wake up.  See number 20.  We would need to live out of the hustle and bustle for me to relax enough to homeschool.

What are your 25?

Much love,


Pinning Away

I had a post in mind with some new quilts to share, but I have had a little flare today while driving home from Ft. Worth and I started losing vision in my left eye {those that have been around a while may remember last year when a neurologist was pretty certain I have MS; however, [...]


How to Paint a Tile Backsplash

 Recently I had a client that was faced with this:  Please, if you love chickens don’t send me hate mail.  I love chickens, too.  When they are laying eggs. But not on a tile backsplash in a home that lends itself to a more contemporary style. First thing is to really clean the tile with [...]

Home Organizing


Perfectly Imperfect

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Monday Challenge

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How to Make a Raw-Edge Memory Quilt

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Sweet Divinity Quilt

Right after Christmas, MaryAnn came to live with us and it was a happy day! I wanted to test her out so to speak and so I pulled some Riley Blake fabric from my stash. It is called Sweet Divinity. It was a fun and easy quilt to throw together (literally between dinner and bedtime). [...]



How to Paint a Tile Backsplash

 Recently I had a client that was faced with this:  Please, if you love chickens don’t send me hate mail.  I love chickens, too.  When they are laying eggs. But not on a tile backsplash in a home that lends itself to a more contemporary style. First thing is to really clean the tile with [...]


Fireplace Mantel Makeover

Oh, to love a client who lets me paint their fireplace purple – The funny thing about this client is that she shares the same name as my favorite client/friend in Florida.  They just spell their name a tiny bit different, but have the same traits of being real and funny and having hearts made [...] is neither affiliated with the authors of this page nor responsible for its contents. This is a safe-cache copy of the original web site.