Note Fifteen — Business Grade WP

Note Fif­teen is a WordPress cus­tom devel­oper pro­vid­ing solu­tions for busi­ness run­ning on the WordPress plat­form. We build cus­tom func­tion­al­ity based on your busi­ness needs by inte­grat­ing select business-ready best-of-breed plu­g­ins and aug­ment with cus­tom devel­op­ment to your spe­cific cri­te­ria. This is what we call Busi­ness Grade WP.

We’ve built large-scale, high traf­fic CMS sys­tems includ­ing work on,,, and we know how real busi­ness needs to be done on the web. We bring our large sys­tems knowl­edge and expe­ri­ence to the WordPress plat­form. You get the ben­e­fit of our expe­ri­ence and the free­dom of the open source WordPress — the best of both worlds.

While most com­pa­nies find they can do 60 — 80% of what they need in WordPress right out of the box, with a care­ful com­bi­na­tion of them exten­sions and inspired cus­tom devel­op­ment, we’ve found you can do real busi­ness with the sys­tem.  Our job at Note Fif­teen is to do the work to build out a site and add the cru­cial func­tion­al­ity that makes your busi­ness work.

Note Fif­teen — like music to your business

Our job is to take your great design along with detailed specs for the project and build out the func­tion­al­ity, the ‘back end’ so to speak, and make the site or app actu­ally DO what is intended. The sky is the limit.  We can build pretty much any­thing* you might need on the web.

We take on projects work­ing with cre­ative, for­ward think­ing com­pa­nies to cre­ate great WordPress mar­ket­ing sites, dynamic pub­lish­ing por­tals and tar­geted yet ever improv­ing land­ing page sys­tems that drive business.

Why WordPress?

Note Fif­teen rec­og­nizes that a change is tak­ing place in the way busi­ness approaches the web. A strate­gic web pres­ence and social media plan is an inte­gral part of most mod­ern busi­nesses today. We’ve found that you can do real busi­ness on the WordPress CMS plat­form. Using the LAMP stack and a solidly sup­ported open-source CMS is a great way to do busi­ness today. If you’re lament­ing the expense and lock-in of pro­pri­etary CMS plat­forms like Ektron, Sitefin­ity, Epis­erver, or even Share­point — it may be time to con­sider turn­ing to WordPress.

Busi­ness Grade WP

We have moved to the WordPress CMS plat­form for a vari­ety of rea­sons. While WordPress started out as a sim­ple blog­ging script, it has blos­somed into a sys­tem that is suit­able for run­ning the web pres­ence for a major­ity of  the busi­nesses out there. We inte­grate site themes and add open source canned func­tion­al­ity, then fin­ish off by build­ing cus­tom plu­g­ins just for your busi­ness to get the exact mix of fea­tures you need. Work­ing with Note Fif­teen will dra­mat­i­cally cut down the con­ver­sion process and get you set up with the infra­struc­ture, work­flow and sys­tem fea­tures you need — much more quickly than you could alone.  WordPress sites now com­prise 14.7% of the web and 22% of sites reg­is­tered in the last year.  WordPress is well adopted and grow­ing in popularity.

Con­tact Us and let’s dis­cuss what you need to do on the web to take your busi­ness to the next level.

*We build using mod­ern web stan­dards.  HTML5, CSS3.  WordPress. We don’t do Flash. We don’t do Sil­verlight. Adobe Air? Don’t even think about it.

COPYRIGHT © 2011 NOTE FIFTEEN, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. is neither affiliated with the authors of this page nor responsible for its contents. This is a safe-cache copy of the original web site.