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How To | Valentine Hearts Fingerprint Canvas

By Alanna George, on February 1st, 2012


Shhh, I don’t want to give away the surprise, but we made this Valentine gift for my husband. I am pretty sure he will find the perfect spot on his desk at work to display this little piece of artwork. What could be cuter than hearts made from tiny fingerprints? This was such an easy project to make. You should get some supplies and whip one up too!

How To | Fingerprint Heart Canvas


  • 3.5″ x 2.5″  Canvas (I found mine at Jo-Ann’s for $1.99)
  • Mini Art Easel (Jo-Ann’s)
  • Acrylic Paint or Stamp Pad
  • Rub-on Letters (Mine are Heidi Swapp from Making Memories and may not be available anymore.)
  • Paint Brush
  • Krylon Clear Acrylic Coating Spray
  • Diaper Wipes
  • Wax Paper

How To:

  1. Choose the colors of acrylic paint you are going to use and squirt a small amount of each color onto your wax paper. (Or have your stamp pads ready.)
  2. Use a paintbrush to paint the tip of your child’s pointer finger. Have them hold their finger straight and lift the canvas to their finger. Press their finger onto the canvas at a slight angle. That is the first half of the heart.
  3. Paint the tip of your child’s finger again and repeat the above step but angle their finger the other way to create the second half of the heart. Use a diaper wipe to quickly and easily clean off your child’s finger.
  4. Repeat above steps to create multiple fingerprint hearts. Let dry.
  5. Use rub-on letters or a marker to write a message under the heart fingerprints.
  6. Spray your canvas with an Acrylic Sealer to protect the artwork and the writing.
  7. On the back of the canvas write the date and name of each child and the placement of their fingerprint.

spacer Handmade Gift Ideas, How To, Painting Projects, Valentine's Day Projects   spacer DIY Fingerprint Heart, DIY Valentine, DIY Valentine Gift, Easy Valentine Gift, Fingerprint Art, Fingerprint heart, Handmade Gift, Handmade Valentine, Heart Canvas project, Heart Fingerprint How TO, homemade gift, Homemade Valentine, is neither affiliated with the authors of this page nor responsible for its contents. This is a safe-cache copy of the original web site.