Category Archives: A.E.V. Crow Tarot

2012 Is Tomorrow

Posted on by Mike Diamond

Mayan Ruins by ardelfin

Tomor­row is 2012.

And I do feel THAT deserves some com­ment here.

I just sug­gested to Birdy that we do our first ‘Mid­night Con­ver­sa­tion’ on THAT sub­ject tonight. Fit­ting, isn’t it?

And she sug­gested that we record an ear­lier seg­ment where we ask our Fenelac­nec (an inde­pen­dent species that shares a base on Earth) friend — Teacher — about 2012 as well.

Great idea.

Why ear­lier? An arrange­ment was made that we can only talk with him between 12 to 8 PM our time.

Per­son­ally, I’m pretty excited about get­ting Teacher’s opinions.

OK. Tomor­row is 2012. Now what?

There is a lot of bull­shit around the sup­posed end of the world, and the dis­as­ters that are allegedly going to happen.

My Guides all say that you cre­ate your own Uni­verse. If you insist on end­ing your life in a dis­as­ter of some sort — then, one can and will be arranged just for you!

There will be dis­as­ters — aren’t there every year? Those that want to die that way — will.

My ques­tion is — what will the year bring for the rest of us?

Now, the answer to that ques­tion could be very inter­est­ing indeed!

Birdy and I have been talk­ing (using Guided Telepa­thy or GT as we call it) with our Extra Ter­res­trial (ET) friends — espe­cially those of the Galac­tic Fed­er­a­tion (our name for the polit­i­cal entity of 250+ worlds, their word for it we prob­a­bly couldn’t pro­nounce) — for 3+ years now. And the basic mes­sage has been con­sis­tent right from the begin­ning. That mes­sage being that they fully intend to approach Earth with an invi­ta­tion to join the Galac­tic Federation.

When? Soon. What­ever that means.

I’ve always (at least for the last 3+ years) had a ‘hunch’ as to where the 12/21/2012 date of the Mayan Cal­en­der orig­i­nally came from.

This is only my guess; but bear with me for a sec­ond or two. OK?

The first Galac­tic Fed­er­a­tion scout ves­sels showed up in the Sol Sys­tem about 5,000 years ago (give or take about 1,000 years).

At first, their bases were above ground. And the Galac­tic Fed­er­a­tion peo­ple walked (or what­ever) openly with the native tribes in the areas of where their bases were.

Then, the time came when they had to go into hid­ing because oth­er­wise they would adversely affect the nat­ural matur­ing of the natives. They weren’t leav­ing. But, they had to do their stud­ies in such a way that the natives didn’t know they were there.

I can eas­ily imag­ine a con­ver­sa­tion between a Galac­tic Fed­er­a­tion researcher and a tribal shaman.

You’re leav­ing us?”

Yes — we have to. Oth­er­wise you won’t evolve nor­mally. It’s best this way.”

Acknowl­edg­ing his supe­rior wis­dom; the shaman asked: “Will you ever be open to us again?”

Yes. But not for a very long time — to your future generations.”

Can you tell me when?”

At that point the Galac­tic Fed­er­a­tion researcher gave his best answer as he knew it then.

Is this a true story?


But, it could be.

And it does fit what we’ve learned with our GT ses­sions with our Galac­tic Fed­er­a­tion friends.

There has been a lot of water under the bridge since then. Has the date changed? Or was it a bad esti­mate to begin with?

I don’t know.

I’d love to.

I will make a pre­dic­tion however…

That in the com­ing year;  you will see ever increas­ing amounts of UFO reports. From peo­ple who are unim­peach­able. Like pilots, police, and in front of crowds. For exam­ple, over inter­na­tional air­ports (which has happened).

And not just fly­ing saucers. For the saucer shaped craft are Grey One craft — and the Grey Ones are inde­pen­dent of the Galac­tic Federation.

Be on the look­out for those kind of reports.

If we are get­ting close to Offi­cial First Con­tact; then this sort of thing should escalate.

It’s already started.

But, it should increase dramatically.

Keep your eyes open.




Posted in A.E.V. Crow Tarot, CrowTarot Tours, One Earth One Tribe | Tagged 2012, Fenelacnec, First Contact, Galactic Federation, Guided Telepathy, Mayan Calender, Midnight Conversation | Leave a reply

EVP Experiments — Early Success! :>

Posted on by Mike Diamond
Frac­tal by pschubert

Break­ing News!!!

Here at the Crafty­Crows Mind Arts Lab; we have begun the very ear­li­est stages in learn­ing just what EVP’s (Elec­tronic Voice Phe­nom­e­non) are. And can there be a prac­ti­cal use for them?

With the help of my Guides, and with my own per­sonal expe­ri­ence with the phe­nom­ena of 3rd eye com­mu­ni­ca­tion, we have come up with a cou­ple of pos­tu­lates as to what is going on with EVP’s.

  • Pos­tu­late 1: An EVP is recorded tele­pathic communication.

  • Pos­tu­late 2: The senders intent mat­ters as to the record abil­ity of the communication.

  • Pos­tu­late 3: The amount of energy the sender can put into the com­mu­ni­ca­tion helps deter­mine the suc­cess of the recording.

We have just begun, but on 5/12/11 I reheard a record­ing we did on 5/09/11 when I asked my Guide Mon­odon to leave an EVP as part of a record­ing for another purpose.


At the 47 sec­ond mark after some noises, Mon­odon clearly says “hello!”

The recorder was part of the Nikon Coolpix L3 cam­era we have. The micro­phone is built in so you have a lot of inter­nal noise.

But in this snip­pet, you hear me ask­ing for the EVP, and the answer is unmistakable.

The Guides say there is a learn­ing curve for them, so I expect them to get more under­stand­able as time goes on.

Be on the look­out for more EVP’s from not only our Guides; but from our ghost and ET (Extra-Terrestrial) friends as well.

Much more later…

Posted in A.E.V. Crow Tarot, Crafty Crows | Tagged channelling, communication, electronic voice phenomenon, EVP, Guides, Monodon, paranormal research | Leave a reply

Worldview Audio Course — Free! :>

Posted on by Mike Diamond
World­view = how you view your world. What it con­tains, what it doesn’t, the shape and size of it. Photo by J. Durham

Hello, fel­low Corvids!

Yes, This is truly free — not even an E-Mail Addy required.

We con­sider this sub­ject to be so impor­tant to the under­stand­ing of what we do here that we didn’t want to cre­ate any bar­ri­ers to this being lis­tened to.

OK — so you are think­ing: If it’s so vitally impor­tant — then what is this world­view thing?

Great Ques­tion! (and here’s our Answer!)

First thing I will do is direct you to two posts I have already writ­ten on “What’s This World­view Thing Any­way?” and “It’s All In Your Head!” . And of course, our new two-part audio course:

[audio src="/img/spacer.gif">

World­view: Part 1 (1 hr 14 min, 33.8Mb)

[audio src="/img/spacer.gif">

World­view: Part 2 (35 min, 16.1Mb)

Lis­ten and enjoy!


Posted in A.E.V. Crow Tarot, Crafty Crows, CrowTarot Tours | Tagged audio, introductory material, worldview | Leave a reply

Introduction to Channelling Audio

Posted on by Barbara 'Birdy' Cox-Diamond
Watch Nature’s spi­rals in action in this fern frond. Photo by seriousfun.


Wel­come to the Grove!

A quick post on co-incidence-nots and our deci­sion & delight about audio as an information-conveyance medium.

The Jour­ney

The beginning-of-this-bit (because there is no firm begin­ning to any­thing — there is always a time-before), can be defined as our deci­sion to have some fun our­selves and host a Sol­stice celebration.

Although there is also the bit about being grouped in a busi­ness mas­ter­mind with Andy Dolph, because he is an impor­tant part of this story too.

See what I mean about there being an end­less tan­gle of beginning-bits?

  • To con­nect the dots a bit, Andy Dolph & I met through our busi­ness mastermind.
  • He learned of my chan­nelling skill, and that my hus­band & I planned to make that how we made our living.
  • He promptly offered his ser­vices as audience-member.
  • I accepted.

Back to the Sol­stice celebration.

  • We invited, he came, he lis­tened, he offered his ser­vices as an audio-tech-dude so that we could be even more awesome.
  • We grate­fully accepted, then began recording.
  • We dis­cov­ered that the words flowed far more eas­ily this way.
  • Awe­some things were (and are!) happening.

And that brings us to today! spacer

The Results


We will still be doing some typed posts, but much of our com­mu­ni­ca­tions will be in audio form.

If you have ques­tions, feel free to e-mail me at Birdy at Crow­Tarot­Tours dot com.

While we can­not guar­an­tee a per­sonal response every time, we will do our best to get your ques­tion answered in some fash­ion — whether it be a per­sonal response, a FAQ page, or an upcom­ing questions-based show, we will respect your curi­ousity & queries.

The Record­ing

So, to begin as we mean to go on, please find below our intro­duc­tory record­ing for this site, titled, appro­pri­ately enough:“Introduction to Channelling”.

[audio src="/img/spacer.gif">

Intro­ToChan­nel­ing (49 min, 22.4Mb)

Lis­ten & enjoy!

Com­ment Zen for the Grove

This is a place for explo­ration, learn­ing, and active experimentation.

  • This means that we accept peo­ple where they are, wher­ever that may be, while still main­tain­ing our own healthy boundaries.
  • We con­sider the impact of our words before we say them, being both aware of & hon­or­ing their abil­ity to help and/or harm.
  • We remem­ber that there are many ways of touch­ing the ele­phant, none bet­ter than another, so we sus­pend judg­ment on anoth­ers’ ways.
  • We allow oth­ers to soar, and real­ize that their flight does not hin­der our own.
Posted in A.E.V. Crow Tarot, An Encouraging Bird, Bold Kitten Brigade, Crafty Crows, CrowTarot Tours, Mysticphoenyx Cafe, Paranormal Avians, Paranormal Lifestyle, TwOOwls Art | Tagged audio, channelling, introductory material, Lady Coco | Leave a reply