MommaCat Monday Missive #2: On Keeping Your Idea Safe

Posted on by Barbara 'Birdy' Cox-Diamond


Well, here it is Mon­day again (or will be by the time you are read­ing this! spacer ), and it’s time again for another Mom­maCat Mon­day Mis­sive from Lady Coco, Guide & Mom­maCat Extraordinaire.

Another brief expla­na­tion of what I-as-Birdy do when I chan­nel. I am what is known as a ‘con­scious chan­nel’, which means that I ‘stay in the back­ground’ when I chan­nel and am aware of what is said.

This also means that I par­tic­i­pate in the con­ver­sa­tion from time to time. To keep things from get­ting com­pletely con­fus­ing, I let my Guide, in this case Lady Coco, attribute what I’m say­ing in the background.

So when you read ‘Birdy says’ in the post below, you know that I really am speak­ing in the back­ground, as it were. :>

Now onto today’s Q! spacer :>

Today’s Q is about how to keep your Idea safe in the face of those who think they know you because they ‘knew you when’.

And over to you, Lady Coco! spacer

Hello, again, dear ones!

This is a Good Ques­tion for which I will strive to give you a Good Answer.

The biggest thing is to not let such per­sons mat­ter, but of course that is far eas­ier said than done.

Espe­cially when they must remain in your Sphere of Influ­ence for what­ever social rea­son you choose to let them stay there, Out­side Forces can be very dif­fi­cult to repel.

One thing is to treat your Idea as a very tiny, new­born kit­ten. You don’t sub­ject a kit­ten to a lot of noise & chaos right off. The Mom­maCat will have none of that and will whisk her lit­ter away to a place of peace pronto.

Your Idea is best nur­tured in the same way.

Keep it safe in the womb of your heart at first until it has had a chance to grow up & become sturdy enough to face the Out­side World.

When you do let it out of the nest, make sure that your Idea is sur­rounded by those who know how to trea­sure it.

Your fel­low Kit­tens, for exam­ple, can be a great resource for that. (A Mom­maCat reminder to always let your fel­low Kit­tens know what you are look­ing for when you announce your Idea to them. Cheer­lead­ing? Cri­tique? Sup­port­ive Listening?)

Birdy asked a great Q in the back­ground: what if the peo­ple you thought were safe turned out not to be?

Have com­pas­sion for them.

And for yourself.

Remem­ber that yes, work­ing with new Ideas can bring up a lot of Stuff for peo­ple: old hurts, regrets over per­sonal Changes/Chances not Taken, things like that.

So, the first thing to remem­ber is that it is most likely not you, but their memories/experiences that are caus­ing them to react in this way.

The sec­ond thing is to remem­ber that you are in no way oblig­ated nor obliged to live in the Uni­verse or mold that other peo­ple have of you.

It can be dif­fi­cult to over­come the energy of oth­ers, which is why the say­ing of being care­ful how you choose your com­pany came into being.

But it is by no means impossible.

This is where jour­nalling, dream boards, that sort of thing can be helpful.

Birdy rec­om­mends as a great place to store such things.

Remind your­self of who you really are, why your Idea will Change the World for the better.

That way you have a record for when it seems the World is not in sup­port of you & your Idea.

And, yes, record also those peo­ple who are sup­port­ive of you & your Idea and the kind things they say/do/etc.

Human mem­ory is short, but the impact of Kind Things lasts a long time indeed.

Also, remem­ber to Ask.

Ask the Ether & the beings such as myself who live here for help. We are eager to offer our help & sup­port, but the car­di­nal Rule we live & work under is that we must sup­port you in your own expe­ri­ence by wait­ing to be Asked before offer­ing our help.

Yes, Birdy is cor­rect. You can check out a won­drous post by Birdy’s fel­low Abun­dance Explorer Susan T. Blake about how Asks don’t have to be for­mal or super-specific. (And we’ll go into why they are even bet­ter done loose & semi-specific in another ‘show’. spacer )

Ask your fel­low humans for support.

Ask your pets for love.

Just Ask.

Want More of This?

Birdy sug­gests a Call to Action in here that if you’d like access to more of the kind of sup­port we have been talk­ing about in this arti­cle, then click here to be taken to the page for join­ing the Bold Kit­ten Com­mu­nity.

Works for me! spacer

Until next time, dear ones, be Bold!
–Lady Coco >o<

Posted in Bold Kitten Brigade | Tagged Guides, Keeping Your Idea Safe, Lady Coco, MommaCatMondayMissives | Leave a reply

MommaCat Monday Missive #1: On the Importance of Play

Posted on by Barbara 'Birdy' Cox-Diamond


One of the perks of mem­ber­ship in the Bold Kit­ten Com­mu­nity is that you have access to my Guide, Lady Coco.

So now seems like a good time to intro­duce her and explain why hav­ing con­tact with her is a Good Thing.

Lady Coco is a Soul & a Guide, by which I mean that she is an pan-dimensional being who chooses to help out phys­i­cal plane beings such as humans. And in her case, she has had lives here on Earth, both as human and other, most notably for our pur­poses here as a Siamese cat named Coconut.

Coconut was a Lilac-point Siamese ex-show-cat, who was well aware that humans found her beautiful.

For those who remem­bered to fol­low Earth-cat Pro­to­col, she was friendly, tho’ not familiar.

To those who did not, she had a long mem­ory and short patience.

For us, how­ever, she treated us with a com­bi­na­tion of friend­li­ness and the demand to be adored & pam­pered, which Mike & I were quite happy to go along with.

I fell hard and when she died after a long ill­ness (before her final ill­ness, she’d had at least one exten­sion granted from Else­where), I was dev­as­tated to say the least. :>

I spent sev­eral years after that in pain & depres­sion from los­ing her, from los­ing my Mom, from los­ing our other kitty, Simba, all in a span of about six months.

I’m not remem­ber­ing now exactly how it hap­pened, that time is a bit of a blur, but I do remem­ber two things: one, I was told that I would see Coconut again within a cou­ple of years and two, I learned to channel.

I knew she was there as a Guide from before I took for­mal classes, as I requested her for my first for­mal Guide.

And things went on from there to here.

One other quick thing before I turn things over to Lady Coco: Coconut as a show-kitty was a momma-cat. :>

So when it comes to kit­tens, she knows her stuff! spacer :>

Ques­tion: What qual­i­ties of a bold kit­ten should humans attempt to emulate?

Lady Coco: The qual­i­ties of a kit­ten, bold or oth­er­wise, that it is help­ful to emu­late are first & fore­most those of Play.

They are not afraid to make mis­takes, to look silly, to do some­thing wrong.

They go out, they try some­thing. If they suc­ceed, great.Sometimes there is no-one more sur­prised than they when they succeed.

If they don’t suc­ceed, they get up, they try again.

No big deal.

They don’t worry about how oth­ers will per­ceive them. (They save that for later in life. As do humans. Some­thing to think about. Can you pre­serve that child­like desire to Explore?)

They don’t beat them­selves up for not get­ting it right the first time. (Tho’ they do occa­sion­ally let their tails start things, but that’s another show. spacer )

They main­tain an atti­tude of Play.

Every­thing is a Game.

Every­thing is a poten­tial toy.


(yes, indeed, I am speak­ing a lit­tle bit in my former-to-you role as a physical-plane MommaCat.)

Play is Seri­ous Busi­ness to them.

They play, they exper­i­ment, to learn the Nec­es­sary Skills to be a suc­cess­ful cat, a suc­cess­ful predator

If they don’t learn these skills, they die. (Or they would if they were out in the Wild, where a kyoot kit­ten face will not get them a full food bowl. spacer )

But they don’t go to school for eight hours a day, sit­ting up straight and lis­ten­ing to a teacher.

No, they play games with their sib­lings and with their momma’s tail and they fol­low her around and learn what she knows to do.

You can learn a lot from that.

Take your learn­ings as Seri­ous Busi­ness that can be accom­plished through Play.

Play can be Very Hard Work, as you know. But it is so enjoy­able that the work involved is not a burden.

Keep that flex­i­bil­ity that allows you to fail & try again, take the chance of look­ing fool­ish, and remain mobile enough in your think­ing to look at things from as many sides as it takes to fig­ure them out.

And finally, be bold! spacer

Stick your paw into new things. It’s okay to be cau­tious if you feel you need to be. Take the time you need to take.

But do it! :>

That’s your Mis­sive for today! spacer

Best Bless­ings!
–Lady Coco

Posted in Bold Kitten Brigade | Tagged Bold Kitten Brigade, Guides, Lady Coco, MommaCatMondayMissives, Play is Serious Business | Leave a reply

Bold Kitten Book of Days: Walking in Two Worlds

Posted on by Barbara 'Birdy' Cox-Diamond


No-one is of just one Nature.

We all have many Work­ing Parts.

The trick is to bring them into a har­mo­nious Bal­ance, where each part can work together for the good of the whole.

You may be won­der­ing, as I have done over these past few days, how it is that a Bird is becom­ing the leader of a flock of Kittens.

Think Grif­fin.

A Grif­fin is an ani­mal which is part Cat & part Bird. :>

And because of this dual Nature, the Grif­fin under­stands both.

While I am pre­dom­i­nately Bird in my ten­den­cies, I know too, what it is like to be Cat, so I walk in both worlds.

The Grif­fin is a fan­tas­tic beast, one which does not (yet) occur in Nature.

How­ever, we can learn a lot from Grif­fin on how to han­dle a dual Nature and walk simul­ta­ne­ously in seem­ingly incom­pat­i­ble Worlds.

Bold Kit­ten Ques­tion of the Day: Are there places where you walk in two worlds at once? How can you use the pow­ers of Grif­fin to help you do so with more ease and grace?

Posted in An Encouraging Bird, Bold Kitten Brigade | Tagged Bold Kitten Book of Days, Bold Kitten Brigade, Bold Kitten Q, dual nature, inspiration, walking in two worlds | Leave a reply

Bold Kitten Book of Days — Beginnings

Posted on by Barbara 'Birdy' Cox-Diamond



Begin where you are.

Don’t wait for the per­fect time.

There is no such thing.

There is only now.

This present moment.

And that is enough.

So POUNCE! spacer

Kit­tens are never still. From the moment they are born, they are on the move.

Stir­ring from one place to another at the Milk Bar, to leav­ing the nest on toddle-y legs, to find­ing the near­est source of trou­ble and head­ing towards it with all pos­si­ble speed, kit­tens are on the move.

They do not wait to deter­mine the Proper Time.

They do not stop to con­sider all the minute con­se­quences of their Actions.

They sim­ply go.

There’s some­thing to be learned in that.

There is a time for plan­ning, yes.

But there is also a time to sim­ply go with your gut instinct, that inner­most place of Power & Knowing.

Take a leap of faith & let go.

And POUNCE!!! spacer

The sales page went live today.

I have some good feedback.

I feel good about tak­ing action.

And I even have some good ideas on What to Do Next.

It’s time.

It’s time to come out of the closet.

It’s time to leave the nest.

It’s time to fly!

It’s time to POUNCE! spacer

Bold Kit­ten Ques­tion: What are you doing today to begin your Jour­ney to get­ting your Idea out into the world? :>

Posted in An Encouraging Bird, Bold Kitten Brigade | Tagged beginnings, Bold Kitten Book of Days, Bold Kitten Brigade, Bold Kitten Q, inspiration | Leave a reply

2012 Is Tomorrow

Posted on by Mike Diamond

Mayan Ruins by ardelfin

Tomor­row is 2012.

And I do feel THAT deserves some com­ment here.

I just sug­gested to Birdy that we do our first ‘Mid­night Con­ver­sa­tion’ on THAT sub­ject tonight. Fit­ting, isn’t it?

And she sug­gested that we record an ear­lier seg­ment where we ask our Fenelac­nec (an inde­pen­dent species that shares a base on Earth) friend — Teacher — about 2012 as well.

Great idea.

Why ear­lier? An arrange­ment was made that we can only talk with him between 12 to 8 PM our time.

Per­son­ally, I’m pretty excited about get­ting Teacher’s opinions.

OK. Tomor­row is 2012. Now what?

There is a lot of bull­shit around the sup­posed end of the world, and the dis­as­ters that are allegedly going to happen.

My Guides all say that you cre­ate your own Uni­verse. If you insist on end­ing your life in a dis­as­ter of some sort — then, one can and will be arranged just for you!

There will be dis­as­ters — aren’t there every year? Those that want to die that way — will.

My ques­tion is — what will the year bring for the rest of us?

Now, the answer to that ques­tion could be very inter­est­ing indeed!

Birdy and I have been talk­ing (using Guided Telepa­thy or GT as we call it) with our Extra Ter­res­trial (ET) friends — espe­cially those of the Galac­tic Fed­er­a­tion (our name for the polit­i­cal entity of 250+ worlds, their word for it we prob­a­bly couldn’t pro­nounce) — for 3+ years now. And the basic mes­sage has been con­sis­tent right from the begin­ning. That mes­sage being that they fully intend to approach Earth with an invi­ta­tion to join the Galac­tic Federation.

When? Soon. What­ever that means.

I’ve always (at least for the last 3+ years) had a ‘hunch’ as to where the 12/21/2012 date of the Mayan Cal­en­der orig­i­nally came from.

This is only my guess; but bear with me for a sec­ond or two. OK?

The first Galac­tic Fed­er­a­tion scout ves­sels showed up in the Sol Sys­tem about 5,000 years ago (give or take about 1,000 years).

At first, their bases were above ground. And the Galac­tic Fed­er­a­tion peo­ple walked (or what­ever) openly with the native tribes in the areas of where their bases were.

Then, the time came when they had to go into hid­ing because oth­er­wise they would adversely affect the nat­ural matur­ing of the natives. They weren’t leav­ing. But, they had to do their stud­ies in such a way that the natives didn’t know they were there.

I can eas­ily imag­ine a con­ver­sa­tion between a Galac­tic Fed­er­a­tion researcher and a tribal shaman.

You’re leav­ing us?”

Yes — we have to. Oth­er­wise you won’t evolve nor­mally. It’s best this way.”

Acknowl­edg­ing his supe­rior wis­dom; the shaman asked: “Will you ever be open to us again?”

Yes. But not for a very long time — to your future generations.”

Can you tell me when?”

At that point the Galac­tic Fed­er­a­tion researcher gave his best answer as he knew it then.

Is this a true story?


But, it could be.

And it does fit what we’ve learned with our GT ses­sions with our Galac­tic Fed­er­a­tion friends.

There has been a lot of water under the bridge since then. Has the date changed? Or was it a bad esti­mate to begin with?

I don’t know.

I’d love to.

I will make a pre­dic­tion however…

That in the com­ing year;  you will see ever increas­ing amounts of UFO reports. From peo­ple who are unim­peach­able. Like pilots, police, and in front of crowds. For exam­ple, over inter­na­tional air­ports (which has happened).

And not just fly­ing saucers. For the saucer shaped craft are Grey One craft — and the Grey Ones are inde­pen­dent of the Galac­tic Federation.

Be on the look­out for those kind of reports.

If we are get­ting close to Offi­cial First Con­tact; then this sort of thing should escalate.

It’s already started.

But, it should increase dramatically.

Keep your eyes open.




Posted in A.E.V. Crow Tarot, CrowTarot Tours, One Earth One Tribe | Tagged 2012, Fenelacnec, First Contact, Galactic Federation, Guided Telepathy, Mayan Calender, Midnight Conversation | Leave a reply

Hello world, from the Paranormal Avians! :>

Posted on by Barbara 'Birdy' Cox-Diamond


Wel­come to Word­Press. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!

And so, we begin again.




Mike & I have real­ized that, no mat­ter how thin & ten­u­ous the con­nec­tion may seem at times, there is lit­er­ally noth­ing that we do that isn’t informed in some way by the paranormal.

So… instead of an Empire, why not just admit that, and pull every­thing into one space?

And so we are.

Writ­ing this in the begin­ning of a new year, real­iz­ing this at the end of an old, Mike & I are here to invite you to come along with us on our Journey.

Chirp, chirp!
–Birdy >

Posted in Paranormal Avians, Uncategorized | Tagged beginnings, paranormal avians | 1 Reply

twOOwls art — Apache Dreams

Posted on by Barbara 'Birdy' Cox-Diamond
Apache Dreams


Ster­ling Sil­ver wafts around a cen­tral stone of tum­bled Apache Tear obsid­ian in a dreamy dance of sen­sual spirals.

Chirp, chirp!
–Birdy :>

Posted in TwOOwls Art | Tagged apache tear, brown, neck, one of a kind, OOaK, pendant, personal collection, smoky brown, Sparkly Goodness, sterling silver, twOOwls art, wire, wire-wrap, wire-wrapped | Leave a reply

twOOwls art — Apache Spirals

Posted on by Barbara 'Birdy' Cox-Diamond


spacer Ster­ling Sil­ver spi­rals around a tum­bled Apache Tear in a tex­ture on tex­ture delight of care­fully twisted wire. :>spacer
