
Well hello there friend. Glad you stopped by my little blogging abode!

Care for a drink? A snack? Some sweets?

Oh no don’t get up, please get comfy and relax. This one’s on me honey.



Oh how rude of me I didn’t even introduce myself quite yet!

Well I’m Lindsey, Lindsey Morningstar if you want to be formal and Linds if you like nicknames.




I’m married to Mike, a wonderful man I’ve been with for the past 7 years. He’s kind, sweet, funny and utterly obsessed with golf and all things coming from a Frito-Lays bag. We compromise… a lot. But we laugh more so it evens out.



We’re currently living in Baltimore, MD which also happens to be our hometown. We did live in Santa Barbara California for 4 years for me to go to grad school. Yes, I suppose that makes us crazy for actually choosing to move back to a place of humidity, never-ending crime, and schizophrenic weather. So be it, some decisions never make sense to anyone.

Professionally, I’m in psychology and one day soon you can call me Dr. Morningstar (woo hoo!) I work with kids and their families, helping them overcome their personal struggles and deal with the bumps along the way. I love, love, LOVE what I do. It’s not glamorous job but it gives me glimmers of hope I’m actually helping change the world.



Yup, so I guess that’s me in a nutshell. But what about the blog you ask?

Well I don’t have a quick simple answer for that one. It started because I love to write, connect with people, and share stories and pictures. But more than that I love personal exploration. Getting people to think deeply about themselves. Making you move beyond the basics, and ask (and be able to answer) the question “Who am I?”

Morningstar Project, is just that a “project.” An exploration with my readers about how to live a life of passion, zest, and a whole lot of patience. I’m a work in progress – and aren’t we all? I believe if your not evolving and letting the world change you, both inside and out, you’re not living fully.

So while I listed out the key defining factors about me (marriage, location, work) above, I can honestly say all of that doesn’t hold a candle to the complicated, neurotic, anxious, hilarious, kind, generous, outgoing, silly, athletic, awesome person that I am.

And I sure as hell hope you know you have a lot more substance to you beyond your marriage, career, and stuff you own. It’s true, I’ll show you.


Like what you see or care to share? Email me: themorningstarproject@gmail.com

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