about Salty Sweet Girl

User Experience Designer by day, food fiend and design lover 24/7… I’ll spare you the rhetoric and get to the point: I LOVE FOOD AND DESIGN! Broad statement, yes; nonetheless – true and the reason I am now here, contributing to the somewhat narcissistic personal blogosphere.

I’ve decided to write love letters to these things that envelope my life – these sights, smells, tastes and tactile wonders that inspire me.

I can guarantee there will be recipes, step-by-step guides, Do-it-Yourself furniture restorations, restaurant reviews, images of and from my favorite design inspirations, and more. I can also say with certainty, there will be obscure music, film, and pop culture references, some with hints, some without. I’ll try to be gentle.

As I am, so is my blog. We are both works in progress, looking forward to making our way into your hearts, favorites, and RSS readers.

May you eat, design and be merry!

Salty Sweet Girl


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