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About Me


Wife. Mom. Crafter. Designer. Creator.

February 2010 my husband, (Breadwinner) and I packed up our little rental house-loaded a moving van and several truck beds and moved to the desert with our girls (Big Sister and Little Sister). Breadwinner had the privilege of working on the flight test team for a new, experimental unmanned aircraft in the Southern California desert and we wanted to keep our family together. Our temporary desert relocation came with many perks- including space, time, and resources to create so many of the projects floating around in my head for years. God blessed us with an incredible home and provided us ways to show others His love in ways we never imagined possible.
Now this temporary relocation feels a little more like God's calling to a permanent home. We are doing our best to trust in Him and listen with open ears to his plans, in the meantime staying quite busy with Big Sister in Kindergarten, Little Sister in Preschool, Breadwinner now commuting 90 miles daily and me? Well, between working at the Preschool with Marketing and Special events, I fill the cracks of time (and many sleepless nights!) painting, crafting, sewing, creating, decorating, blogging, oh...did I mention sleep? Every once in a while finding time to get dinner on the table when the Breadwinner walks in the door, locate the bottom of a laundry basket or hamper, or get out into the world and burn off some steam (and a little extra baby fat wouldn't hurt!). I'm falling back in love with photography and re-learning the details of the DSLR I've loved on for over 6 years and enjoying documenting all God's amazing blessings.
Thanks for joining me on this Fairly Fabulous journey!
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