
About Impulse

Your business can't compete without a compelling online presence. Impulse is a digital consultancy that builds future-proof websites that can raise revenue, increase leads, and broadcast your message.

  • Mobile-Ready


    Mobile is the future. Smartphones and tablets are quickly outpacing traditional computers as the primary device for internet usage. Your site needs to look great and function beautifully on all kinds of devices, from widescreen monitors to mobile phones.

  • Search Engine-Optimized


    If your website isn't in the top three Google results for a keyword, over three-quarters of users will never find it. What good is your website if nobody can find it? We'll build your site to be highly readable to people and search engines alike.

  • Data-Collecting


    Unless your website collects information about its users, you'll never know how effective it is. We can build your site to collect anonymous data about user behavior, so you can better target your online marketing.

  • Sustainable


    You shouldn't need to hire a specialist every time you make a minor change to your site. By building your site using a content management system, we'll ensure that making changes is as easy as editing a Word document.

Who is Impulse?

Impulse is the digital consultancy of designer/developer Jordan Koschei. Jordan has spent three years helping small businesses, nonprofits, and creative individuals build effective, future-proof websites.

In addition to his work with Impulse, Jordan enjoys reading and writing about media and culture. He is a one-time and wannabe game developer and filmmaker. Most importantly, he is a follower of Christ.

You can follow Jordan on Twitter here.

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