February 5, 2012

Living a Cross-Centered Life: Hebrews Chapter 11

Hebrews Chapter Eleven:  It’s All About Faith

(If you are looking for my “Choose NOT to be Offended” devotional post, please click here.)

What is faith?  We are about to spend an entire week studying the meaning of one of the most significant words in Christianty.  Without it, there is no salvation!

I love Warren Wiersbe’s definition of faith:

“True Bible faith is confident obedience to God’s Word in spite of circumstances and consequences.”

We are about to see faith come alive as we embark on a journey through Hebrews’ Hall of Fame.  God has given each of us has great stories of faith…times God has called us to take a step of faith, and, through it, He has done great things. I share one of my big faith stories today.  I would love to hear yours.  Please share your stories with us this week.  The faith stories of others always bless and encourage my own faith.

Let our journey begin…


This Week’s Memory Verse:  Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. Hebrews 11:1 (NIV)

This Week’s Prayer:

Oh, Father, how I long to be a woman of faith.  Help me to trust in You above all else in this world.  Help me to loosen my hold on what I treasure in this world.  Keep my eyes fixed on You, the Author and Perfecter of my faith.  No matter what my circumstances look like, no matter what man says to me, keep only Your Truth before me.  Give me the mind of Christ.  Thank you for this chapter which not only teaches me what faith is but also shows me.  Keep these truths ever before me.  Grow me, Father, to be a great woman of faith.  A woman who trusts in You for all things. A woman who others  look to for hope and encouragement.  Use me, Lord, to bless others and to lead others to a closer walk with You.  May my faith point them to You.  May my faith make them hunger for more of You.  I ask this in Jesus’ precious name.  Amen.

Assignment: Read Hebrews Chapter Eleven

Homework Questions:

1.  Let’s talk a moment about your faith.

  • When did your faith first begin?
  • When has your faith been its strongest?  Why?
  • When has your faith been its weakest?  Why?
  • How would you describe your faith now?  Explain.
  • As we embark on a journey through the heroes of the Christian faith, who are your heroes of the faith?


2. Read Hebrews 11:1-3.  

  • Write this verse below and then write it again, but this time in your own words.
  • Now read Romans 10:17.  Write it below and then write it in your own words.


3.  Read 1 Corinthians 2:9-10.  What insight do these verses give us about faith?


4.  The heroes of the faith each left a great legacy.  What about you?

  • Looking at your life right now, what will be your legacy?
  • Perhaps a better question is what do you want to leave behind?  What do you want your legacy to be?
  • What steps do you need to take now to ensure that you leave this legacy?


5.  Hebrews 11:4 introduces us to Abel.  If you would like to read Abel’s story, read Genesis 4:1-10. 

  • Why do you think God was pleased with Abel’s offering and not Cain’s (hint:  Genesis 4:6-7)
  • If God’s decision bothers you, read the rest of the story in Genesis 4:8-16.  What does this story reveal about Cain’s heart?

6.  Read Hebrews 11:5-6.  To learn more about Enoch, read Genesis 5:18-24.

  • What do you suppose close fellowship with God looked like at this time?
  • What lesson of faith does God want us to glean from Enoch’s life?


7.  Read Hebrews 11:7 and Genesis 6:9. 

  • List the words used to describe Noah.  Based on these words, what kind of man was Noah?
  • Read 2 peter 2:5.  How does Peter describe Noah?
  • Read Genesis 6:5.  What does it tell us about the world in which Noah lived and those to whom he preached?
  • If someone asked your friends to describe you, what words would they use? 
  • What words would you use to describe yourself? 


8.  Read Hebrews 11:8-19.  The author spends most of his time in this chapter on Abraham, the Father of the Hebrew nation.

  • Why do you think he devoted so much time to Abraham?
  • What does Joshua 24:2 tell us about Abraham?
  • Yet God chose him anyway.  What do you think God saw in his heart to call him out?
  • What actions did Noah take because he had faith?
  • What did God promise Abraham? (hint:  Genesis 12:1-5)


8.  Did God ask you to give up when you entered your new life? 

  • If you answered yes, what was it?
  • What did you receive in return?
  • Was it worth it?  Why or why not?


9.  Read Hebrews 11:11-12.  These verses tell us that, Sarah, a barren woman conceived a child.  And because she did, an entire nation of people came to be.  Every Jew that has been or ever will be is the result of Abraham’s faith.  And you and I share in that legacy because of our faith in what Jesus did on the cross. 

  • Are you struggling with something today for which you have asked and trusted God?  Be encouraged by Abraham’s story.  Read it and hide it in your heart.  Allow all that it reveals about God, His character, and His Word seep into the marrow of your bones.  
  • Read Mark 9:23, Matthew 19:26, Ephesians 3:20, and Philippians 4:13.  Share what eachverse says and hide the truths in your heart.  Pray fervently for your struggle!


10.  Read Hebrews 11:17-19.  Abraham’s greatest proof of faith came when he willingly surrendered Isaac on the altar.  In doing so, he was giving back to God the son of the promise….the one and only person who could fulfill God’s promise to him.

  • Why was Abraham able to obey so quickly?

Abraham knew the promise to which he was clinging, and he knew the One who made that promise.  He knew that One was faithful.  To have a faith like Abraham’s, we too must KNOW God’s promises and must believe that He is faithful to deliver them.

  • Is there something you love as much as Abraham loved Isaac?  Is God asking you to be willing to sacrifice it in obedience to Him?
  • Are you willing to trust God enough to give it to Him?
  • Take one step of obedience today.  Share that step with us so that we can pray for you.


11.  Read 2 Timothy 1:5.

  • What does this verse teach about faith?
  • How does this speak to Moses and his parents?


12.  Read Hebrews 11:29 and Exodus 14:12-14.  Here again we see another step of faith…this time for Moses in his own life and the life of his people.

  • What are Moses’ words to the people?
  • How did they respond?

The people  believed Moses’ promise from God and marched right through the seabed, with a mountainous wall of water on each side.  Can you imagine how terrifying, yet awe-inspiring, this event must have been?  The walls of water could have descended upon them and drown them all at any moment.  The Israelites had no guarantee except God’s Word.  They heard it through Moses and put their faith in it.  Faith is trusting in God’s promises.  But we must know the promises.

  • Read Romans 10:17 again.  What does it say? 
  • Do you know God’s promises?


13.  I love the story of Joshua!  Read Joshua 1:1-9 and Joshua 6:1-5.

  • What does God say to Moses in Joshua 1:1-9?
  • What instructions does God give to Joshua in 6:1-5?
  • How do you think what God promised Joshua in Joshua 1 impacted Joshua when he received the instructions in Joshua 6?
  • What does this story teach you?


13.  Read Daniel 6:1-23 (Daniel and the lion’s den) and Daniel 3 (the fiery furnace).  Share what you learn about faith from these stories.  Pull out specific verses that exemplify faith.


14.  Let’s go back to Hebrews 11:6.  

  • What does the author mean when he says, “without faith it is impossible to please God?”
  • What two things must you believe if you want to come to God?
  • Do you believe God rewards those who earnestly seek Him? (see Deuteronomy 4:29 and Jeremiah 29:13)
  • Do any of the heroes we have looked at this week particularly reinforce the truth of this promise for you?

What a wonderful blessing to study these heroes of the faith. My prayer is that the Lord will move each of us one step closer to becoming the great women of faith He has called us to be!!

Sweet Blessings to you!


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38 Comments | Filed Under: Bible Study, Hebrews Study, Spiritual Growth

February 2, 2012

I Choose NOT to Be Offended – Giveaway

If you are visiting here today from my P31 Devotion, I Choose NOT to Be Offended, welcome!!  I am so thankful the Lord brought you here today.  Please know I have prayed for you because I prayed for every woman the Lord would draw here today.  Be sure to read to the end for a chance to win a copy of Jesus Calling by Sarah Young.

If you are one of my on-line Bible Study girls participating in our Hebrews Study please click here to go to the Hebrews Chapter 10 lesson and video message.

It was hard to write this devotion.  I don’t know about you, but it’s hard for me to admit when I am at fault.   Especially in a situation like my devotional today.  It seemed much easier to find fault with the other person’s heart (and be offended) than to examine my own heart.  But through the words of my daughter and my husband, God really forced me to examine my heart.  And how grateful I was.

However, I don’t think I would have gotten to that place if my heart had not already been tender and open to God’s Word.  Because I spent time studying Scripture (not always daily but enough to be familiar with it), God met me with Truth to combat the lies that were filling my head….the lies that caused hurt feelings…the lies that thought the worst of others.

So, how did I take that first step of recognizing the lies I was believing and the sin hiding in my heart?  God led me to some powerful biblical principles that required me to answer some hard questions…questions I want to share with you today.

God instructs those who have a teachable heart?

Do you have a teachable heart?

God teaches those who fear Him.

Do you fear Him?

God speaks to those who listen.

Do you listen?

God responds to those who pray.

Do you pray?

God works in and through those who obey.

Do you obey?

The bottom line is that change begins with a teachable heart…a heart that willingly receives the Lord’s instruction. 

It requires a humble heart

It requires a willing heart

It requires a surrendered heart.

It requires discipline and sacrifice.

We must be willing to bare our heart and soul and ask God as David did in Psalm 139 (ESV)

Search me, O God, and know my heart!

Try me and know my thoughts.

And see if there be any grevious way in me,

and lead me in the way everlasting!

To this day, I struggle with baring my heart to God.  I don’t know why because He knows my heart.  But what I do know is that when I pray this prayer, He is faithful to reveal what in my life displeases Him.  He takes what I confess and surrender, roots it out, and through the power of His Holy Spirit enables me to walk in a fresh new way with Him.

Friend, I have so many places yet to surrender.  But I have found great freedom in choosing NOT to be offended…in choosing to really listen to someone’s words before I judge them.  I sift them through a teachable, prayerful heart.

I would love to hear from you today.  Maybe you have a verse you would like to share.  Maybe you need a teachable heart for an issue in your life.  Maybe you want to share a success story with us.  Please leave a comment or prayer request today for a chance to win a copy of Jesus Calling. 

Also, if you are interested in signing up for my on-line Bible Studies, simply click the “Subscribe” button in the sidebar.  By signing up, you will receive an invitation for any future on-line Bible studies.  If you want to get a taste of what an on-line study is like, I invite you to check out our current Hebrews Study by scrolling down past this post.  And if you have any questions, please leave a comment and I will get back with you.

Thank you again for stopping by today.  I pray the Lord will richly bless you today for taking time from your busy day to spend it learning more about Him and His Word!

Blessings to you,


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117 Comments | Filed Under: Encouragement, Spiritual Growth

January 29, 2012

Living a Cross-Centered Life: Hebrews Chapter Ten

Hebrews Chapter 10:  Through the Veil

“Through the Veil”

Through the veil there’s a new and living way

Through the curtain welcome to the Holy Place

Through we once were separated, we are now invited in

Though the veil, through the blood, come to Him

Through the veil, through the blood, enter in

The Holy Place is open, come and worship

The Lamb for Sinners’ slain is King of All

We praise and glorify the Lord before His mighty throne

Through the veil, through the blood, come to Him

Through the veil, through the blood, enter in

Lyrics:  Gwen Smith

Don’t you love the lyrics to this song?  It was written by my friend, Gwen Smith.  She wrote ”Through the Veil” while studying the book of Hebrews.  In the midst of discussing Chapter 10 with her small group, she literally excused herself from the room, went to a quiet place alone, and wrote this song.  Here is a link to hear Gwen perform this song live. 

She will be visiting our study here in Charlotte next month to lead our worship and perform “Through the Veil.”  How I wish each of you could join us!!  When you have a few minutes, sit quietly before the Lord and prayerfully listen.  I pray it will bless you as it has blessed me!

In this chapter, the author of Hebrews again points out the failure of the system of old sacrifices.  However, this time he gets very specific.  He presents three reasons …three benefits really…why Jesus’ sacrifice was superior to the Old Testament system of sacrifice.

1.  Christ’s sacrifice takes away sin forever and always.

2.  Christ’s sacrifice was once and for all.

3.  Christ’s sacrifice removed the barrier that had been set up between God and man.

Are you ready?  Let’s begin!

This Week’s Memory Verse: By his death, Jesus opened a new and life-giving way through the curtain into the Most Holy Place. Hebrews 10:20 (NLT).

This Week’s Prayer:

Heavenly Father, thank You for the gift of the cross.  Thank You for choosing to die for me…for shedding Your blood for the forgiveness of my sins.  Thank You that by the shedding of Your blood, You made a way for me to enter into the presence of God.  Thank You that by Your resurrection, You made a way for me to one day have everlasting life.  Help me, Lord, to cling to the cross and the resurrection and never forget the sacrifice You made for me.  I ask all this in Jesus’ name.  Amen.

Assignment: Read Hebrews Chapter Ten

Homework Questions:

1. How would you define sin?

Sin is mankind’s greatest problems.  It is what separates us from God.  After the fall, God’s first priority was to deal with sin.  He wanted fellowship with His people again.  To accomplish this, God took steps to make it happen.  He began with the Law.

2.  Read Hebrews 10:1-3.

  • What was the old system of sacrifice?
  • Read Colossians 2:17.  Share what it says.
  • According to Hebrews 10:2-3, what effect did the sacrifices actually have on the people?

3.  How is Jesus, the New Testament offering, like the burnt offering spoken of in Leviticus 1:3-5?

4.  Read Psalm 51:17 and Psalm 139:23-24. When you need forgiveness, do you come before the Lord with a broken spirit?  A contrite heart? If you do not, ask God to tender your heart to your sin.  Pray as David did the prayer in Psalm 139:23-24.

 5.  Read Hebrews 10:1-18.  Christ’s sacrifice was better because it was effective.  It totally removed sin, something the old system of sacrifice could never do.  

  • Compare what Hebrews 10:11-12 say about Jesus and the high priests.
  • Read the following verses.  What do they say about the effect Christ’s work had?  1 Corinthians 15:55-57, Colossians 2:15, 2 Timothy 1:10, 1 John 3:8.

6.  Reread Hebrews 10:16-17. 

  • What is the New Covenant promise according to Jeremiah?
  • Explain what this New Covenant means in your own words.

7.  Do you feel fully forgiven of all your sin and walk in the freedom of that forgiveness?

  • If you answered yes, how does this effect how you live day to day?
  • If you answered no, what keeps you from walking in that forgiveness?  I encourage you to take what you have learned these past few months and ask the Lord to enable you through the power of His Holy Spirit to believe in full faith that Jesus died on the cross for you and that His sacrifice makes you not only fully forgiven but also fully accepted in the eyes of God.


8.  Read Hebrews 10:19-22.  The author of Hebrews issues an invitation for his Jewish audience to “boldly” draw near to Jesus. 

  • How do Mark 15:37-38 and John 19:31-34 help you understand Hebrews 10:19-22?
  • In Hebrews 10:20, what are the two words the author uses to describe Jesus’ way?


9.  Read Hebrews 22-25.  The author of Hebrews tells his audience how to respond to what Jesus did on the cross.  

  • List at least three ways we are to respond.
  • What does it mean to go before the Lord with a sincere heart? With full assurance of faith?
  • Read Titus 3:5 and Ephesians 5:26.  Share the truths you glean from these verses.


10.  Read Hebrews 10:23. 

  • To what does the author of Hebrews tell his audience to hold fast?
  • What is that hope?
  • What are you doing in your life to “hold fast” to the hope you profess?

11.  How can we spur one another on?


12. The author gives his audience another warning in Hebrews 10:26-31.  (For review, the earlier warnings are found in Hebrews 2:1-4, Hebrews 3:7-14, Hebrews 5:11-14).  Summarize this warning in your own words.

  • Read 1 John 2:19, Deuteronomy 13:13, and 1 Samuel 15:11.  How do they relate to this warning?
  • According to Hebrews 10:26, what are the two characteristics of apostasy?

13.  Read Hebrews 10:32-39.  Knowing the persecution many in his audience have suffered, he calls his audience to remember.  He then exhorts them not to throw away their confident trust in the Lord and points them to something as an encouragement.

  • What is his encouragement? (v. 35)
  • What does the author tell them they need to receive all that he has promised? (v.36)

14.  In Hebrews 10:38, the author tells his audience to “live by faith.”  What does living by faith mean to you?  Is there something in your life that requires you to live by faith?  What does that practically look like in your circumstances?

If you have something with which you are struggling, I encourage you to seek God’s Word on that issue.  Find specific promises that speak to your heart.  Stand on them, pray them, memorize them, and believe them with all your heart.  God will be faithful!!

Sweet Blessings to you,


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35 Comments | Filed Under: Bible Study, Hebrews Study, Spiritual Growth
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