Online Feng Shui Consultation and Feng Shui Services Help You to Improve Your Life, by Feng Shui Master Mike Wang and his Feng Shui Consultants

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Are Your Personal Problems Driving You Nuts?
Are Your Professional Troubles Giving You Nightmares?
Is Your Life Getting Out of Hand?

Put Your Life Firmly Back On Track!

Your Trusted and Best Guide to Bring Health,
Happiness, Peace and Prosperity to Your Life!

Our online Feng Shui Consultation will help you to:

spacer Bring happiness and harmony to your life!
spacer Energize your inner realms (spiritual and intellectual) and the outer world (physical) with age-old secrets and techniques of Feng Shui
spacer Actualize your cherished dreams and hidden desires
spacer Avoid harms or misfortune, put life back on track with time-tested Feng Shui cures and remedies
spacer Boost your energy, creativity and prospeirity
spacer And much more!

You may ask: “Why Feng Shui? Isn’t it too complicated?”

This is why:

spacer It uses the ancient and time-tested wisdom of Feng Shui to correct the negative energies of your environment and bring positive ones into your life.
spacer It integrates the spiritual aspects of this ancient wisdom to slowly clear and cleanse your mind of negative thoughts.
spacer It helps you to restore balance by subtle and simple changes, which work at both the physical and the spiritual levels to bring peace and harmony to your life.

Discover its secrets, its curative potential, and its simplicity!

A whole new world, a new horizon awaits you!
You simply cant afford to let life pass you by!


Hi Mike,
I was drifting, I had low self-esteem. It seemed I could never do anything right. Even my wife left me. Until I bump into The Spiritual Feng ShuiTM I realize I was carrying shackles with me all the time. Following your Feng Shui cures, I got rid garbage in my home and in my head, quit smoking, and met a girl I love. I have grown out the old me. This time, I am determined to hold on. I wont let my happiness slip away, never!
- Daniel Clark,
Los Angeles, California

Now you may wonder:
How is Feng Shui going to solve the mind-numbing problems Im facing in my career, my personal life, and my financial situation?

Is this what you’re thinking? Read my experiences and youll find out how.

From the desk of Mike Wang, author of The Spiritual Feng ShuiTM
February 10, 2012

Dear Friend,

"Everyone has inside of him a piece of good news. The good news is that you don't know how great you can be! How much you can love! What you can accomplish! And what your potential is!"spacer

This comes from Anne Franks famous diary. And this is my purpose in life! I want people to achieve what Anne Frank couldnt - I want people to realize their true potential and accomplish what theyre capable of. Imagine yourself living in total peace, harmony and prosperity, this sounds like an unattainable dream to most people. With the help of The Spiritual Feng ShuiTM consultation service, you will move toward your beautiful dreams; you will thrive under even the most challenging situations; and you will get back the power you deserve but have long lost.

Before we start the journey, I have to tell you: it is going to be a long letter. I want to give you all the information needed for you to fully understand what a remarkable tool it is. However, I can promise you, reading this entire letter could represent a major turning point in your life, and will be well worth the few minutes it will take.

Ok, let's begin from my own life story and how The Spiritual Feng ShuiTM changed my life forever.

It all Started from a Beautiful Dream

Mine is a long story of struggle, trial, tribulation, and perseverance.

As a teenager in China, I was reckless and rebellious. I didnt know what I wanted to do apart from one thing. I wanted to change the world and eradicate injustice, poverty, ignorance, and hatred.

Then, in 1989 my life was changed forever. On June 4, the Chinese government brutally suppressed a democratic demonstration at Tiananmen Square in Beijing. I was present and witnessed a horrific scene - twelve college students were cornered and crushed to death by a military tank.

One week later, I was secretly detained and held for eighty-three days for anti-government activities. My parents and friends hunted desperately for me with no avail. I was finally released owing to my youth, but three months later, I came down with hepatitis. This left me bedridden, with a high fever. I was half-conscious and without proper food for days. I felt I was living in a hostile world. I was lonely, I was desperate, and there seemed no way out.

One night I had a dream. I dreamt I was surrounded by my friends and family in a beautiful garden where birds were singing, flowers were smiling, and even the stones danced with joy. A warm current swept over my body, encircling me. At that moment, I melted away. I felt totally at peace and became part of the eternal universe.

Then I awoke to find that my mom had fallen into an exhausted sleep in the chair next to me. But her soft and warm hand still lay on my forehead. I was healed at that moment, but I wondered what had happened. All I wanted was to return to my beautiful dream again and make it part of my life

My Search for my Dream Began

As time went by, I immigrated to Canada, got my MBA degree and settled down in Toronto, but I never forgot my dream!

I began to search for answers. My spiritual journey was a long one. I read hundreds of books and studied philosophy, psychology, religion, meditation, hypnosis, face reading, aromatherapy, mental healing anything I thought might help me in my quest. They work at certain degree but I still feel there is something missing.

spacer One hot, damp summer afternoon, the sky was covered by clouds that lay so low I felt I could touch them. I was reading Tao Te Ching - its poetic and deep words inspired traditional Chinese Feng Shui. Its author - Lao Tzu is a world renowned Chinese philosopher and the founder of Taoism. Suddenly, lightning struck through the darkened sky, followed by an enormous clap of thunder. Like magic, it illuminated my searching heart; I realized what had happened that night: the enormous pressure inside me the pressure of me being alone against the unjust, cold world - finally crushed my ego and I was free. I flowed with Chi and become part of the universe, part of Feng (wind), part of Shui (water). It was my mothers soft and warm hand that gave my ego a final blow: the world is not cold, only a cold heart will make it so. Aha! What I was searching for was right in my own backyard the three-thousand-year old system of traditional Chinese Feng Shui.

What I experienced in my sick bed was a gift of love since I hadnt consciously realized the problem or deliberately sought a solution, but I found the answer at that afternoon and I wouldnt let it slip away.

I combed through ancient texts and practices, cleaned out dust and debris, removed misinterpretations, combined Feng Shui with other holistic techniques, and integrated modern lifestyle into the system. The Spiritual Feng ShuiTM was born.

I was determined to unearth the facts, truths, and secrets of Feng Shui as a long forgotten, ancient spiritual discipline. I was relentless in my efforts to revive the spiritual components of Feng Shui, the meditation techniques, the power of Affirmative VisualizationTM, mental healing and much more. Finally, I combined them to make the most practical and the most powerful tool - The Spiritual Feng ShuiTM. It was as beautiful as my dream. It was as deep and meaningful as my dream had been.

Energize the Vital Centers of your Home and Work Environment
and Discover Ways to Live a Healthy Life
  • Free your life from the negative pulls of anxiety, stress, depression, and self-limitation

  • Remove tomorrows fears

  • Remove the negative elements from your home and work place that affect your health, wealth, and career

  • Improve your relationships and rebuild lost faith and trust

  • Find courage and wisdom to deal with any difficult situation in your life

  • Discover methods to help you to live a simple and spiritual life of peace and serenity

  • And much more!
All of this is possible
with our
online Feng Shui Consultation Services

Living my Dream

Since I integrated Feng Shui into my life; Ive experienced what people describe as living with the ultimate source. Every morning I get up full of energy, confidence and joy. Every night I go to rest knowing my day is fulfilled with fun, creativity and benevolence. Yes, there are ups and downs, but I can always steer clear of dangers, ride the tide and make the best from the worst situation.

I started a new and exciting career as a Feng Shui practitioner and spiritual teacher. During the process, I have made lots of new friends and helped countless people along the way. Life has never been better! I know in my heart that I am blessed by universal love and its my duty to spread my message to people around the world. Do you want to know my secret?

Its simply because Ive made The Spiritual Feng ShuiTM part of my very being. That is what makes me so receptive to any message from the universe.

Take for example an incident that happened one day at my home in Toronto. A beautiful bird flew into my balcony singing. I opened the balcony door and she flew in asking for food. I fed her with fresh bread and sunflower seeds. Once she was full, she decided to make her home with me, and never flew away ever again even though the balcony door is constantly open for fresh air. She looks exactly like the birds in my dream. It was later that I learned she was a LOVE bird.

This bird was a message from the universe - a message of love, which I want to reach everyone through the simple techniques of The Spiritual Feng ShuiTM.

The Secret thats The Spiritual Feng ShuiTM

spacer My experience tells me that although Feng Shui is very popular with people, both in the East and West, most of them have forgotten that Feng Shui has a strong spiritual side. The world is merely aware of its physical benefits. Physical Feng Shui does offer solutions, but they are at best temporary. On the other hand, the benefits of The Spiritual Feng ShuiTM are profound and everlasting. They wont fade away once they take root inside your heart.

Though many people have heard about this, they dont know EXACTLY how it works. Its one of the best kept secrets in the world.

I can reveal this wonderful secret in the simplest of ways. I can tell you EXACTLY how it can help to bridge the seemly insurmountable gulf between you and the universe.

Yes, you can live your most beautiful dream right HERE, right NOW and realize it isnt a dream at all. You can have peace and harmony even under the most difficult circumstances, so long as the sun shines in your heart. Even when everything seems to be collapsing around you, you can still have a prosperous and fruitful life as long as you flow with Chi. This is The Spiritual Feng ShuiTM!

The key is to remove your ego and negativity; to take off those tinted glasses blocking and twisting your view; to see things as they truly are. The sun always shines, even during the darkest night and on the cloudiest day. Once your heart is open; once you are connected with the universe; nothing can stop you from realizing your dreams and fulfilling your potentials!

Everyone Can Experience the Power of Spirituality!

Anne Franks inspirational words apply to all of us. The Spiritual Feng ShuiTM will give YOU the power of spirituality; enrich your life; discover the wellsprings of your hidden potential; find permanent and definite solutions to your problems. In short, it will change your life for the better and forever!

I have experienced it, and there are thousand of others who have benefited through our personalized consultation service. Its now your turn!

Everything originates from the One and will return to the One. This is ancient wisdom that has been lost in the hassle and bustle of modern life. The Spiritual Feng ShuiTM is a perfect marriage of art and science. It will help you reconnect with your surroundings and prosper along the way.

The Spiritual Feng ShuiTM is my word, my assurance and my message. Our consultation services provide real time solutions for problems you face in life whether personal, professional, business, or health related.

Feng Shui has the power, but the real potential is within you!
Feng Shui has the solution, but only you can make your life choice!

Hi Guys,
I know it is hard to believe making a few changes in your home can make you happier, healthier and full of energy all day. I wasnt a believer either. But now, I am; so are my six-year old daughter Stephanie and four-year old son Jimmy. They love their newly decorated play room and always have good sleep in blue-painted, clutter-free bed room. The Spiritual Feng ShuiTM can really make life simpler and easier.
- Karen Smith,

Sign up for consultation service under the guideline
and supervision of the founder of The Spiritual Feng ShuiTM and spiritual teacher
Mike Wang

Bring clarity into a life clouded by wrongness!

100% Satisfaction Guaranteed
...or Your
Money Back!


Feng Shui In Every Aspect Of Life

Feng Shui is effective in changing every aspect of life to make it more meaningful, more productive and infinitely more peaceful, happy and successful.

When Should I Use Online Feng Shui Consultation Services?

spacer When you want more prosperity, new channels of income, or new business opportunities
spacer When you want to change career or succeed in your profession
spacer When you want to attract a different, better kind of clienteles or colleagues into your working environment
spacer When you want to attract a new relationship or fix damaged one
spacer When you want to get rid bad habbits, free yourself from mental shackles and hurdens
spacer When you want to bring balance and peace back into your family life
spacer When you feel stuck, can't find a way out of your life situations
spacer When you want improve and enhance what you have and enjoy now

In all these areas and more, The Spiritual Feng ShuiTM Consultation Services serve as your trusted friend, philosopher, and guide!

Rediscover Your Life!

No miracles! These are practical, time-tested solutions that have had a huge impact on the lives of hundreds of thousands of people around the globe. Our Feng Shui experts will hold your hands, walk you through, answer your questions, and solve your problems along the way.

Amazing Benefits of Feng ShuiTM

Heres what Feng Shui can do for you:

spacer Give life a purpose, be at peace with yourself and outside world
spacer Become more successful, achieve more and enjoy more
spacer Take advantage of good influences from environment and avoid negative ones
spacer Become knowledgable and resourceful. Get help when and where you needed
spacer Maximize your potential, energy, health, and wealth
spacer Build strong family and relationship, let love grow and flourish
spacer And much more!

Open yourself to spiritual harmony and nurture the positive Chi around you

See what Feng Shui has to offer you in the following areas of your life!

The Spiritual Feng ShuiTM Home Consultation

1. Enhance Your Health and Well-Being
What is Health?

Is good health simply an ailment-free body? There is much more to good health than just the physical. Health is a general feeling of well-being. It not only relates to your body but also to your mind. A healthy, positive, peaceful mind in a healthy body, with both in perfect communion is the ideal.

If you dont feel good, your self-esteem and self-confidence take a knocking and small, persistent health problems can crop up. You might feel a general sense of disharmony.

How Important is Your Environment?

Besides physical and mental health, there are another aspects that most people ignore, or arent even aware of. They are environmental diseases, a kind of sickness present in the physical confines of your home that directly affects your health.

You, or someone you know, may be unwell for no apparent reason. The more you sit at home and rest the sicker you feel! You might consult a physician or a shrink, but treating only the physical or mental aspects of your life may not be enough. The environmental aspect is just as important.

By combining physical and spiritual aspects of Feng Shui, we will help you to remove negative energies in your surrounding and bring in positive ones. The new and healthier environment will fend off illness and revitalize your body inside and outside. How much more you can achieve with a healthy, well-balanced body? How much more you can enjoy if you are ill-free and in harmony with your surrounding?

The Spiritual Feng ShuiTM Health and Well-Being Consultations will:

spacer Help you to achieve health, well-being and harmony
spacer Help you to recover quickly from illness, anxiety, or negative thoughts
spacer Let you become more focused, centered and well-balanced throughout your life
spacer Revitalize your body and spirit by instilling positive energies and repelling negative ones

2. Strengthen Love and Relationships

What is an Ideal Relationship?

What is life without love? Love is your strength, your biggest asset. Relationships are the cushions that provide you support when your life runs through rough weather.

All relationships are based on mutual love, trust, and respect. As for being in love, well it is that many splendored emotion that makes you look at life and this world in a whole new way. An ideal relationship is one in which each partner feels complete with the other; where caring, sharing and compatibility at both the physical and mental levels become the basis for a lasting and deep bond.

Sadly, for many of us, relationships (even long and steady ones) turn sour, stagnate, and start to break down. Plagued by quarrels, rejection, and despair, these relationships eventually reach a dead end.

Is this happening to you?

On the other hand, there are many amongst us who are still single and searching for an ideal partner.

Is this you?

I hope you have found your ideal partner and are secure in a beautiful, lasting relationship! But if youre facing relationship problems, or are yet to find your ideal partner, The Spiritual Feng ShuiTM can provide definite solutions. We have helped many people repair damaged relationships or build new ones.

Remove the Trouble Spots

Feng Shui works like magic when it comes to improving your love life. The areas in your home that affspacer ect your love life are well-defined. Feng Shui consultations offer simple techniques to enhance the areas in your bedroom to affect your love life positively and remove trouble spots so that you have love pouring back into your life.

The Spiritual Feng ShuiTM consultation is a holistic solution. Not only does it offer physical solutions to correct imbalances in your home outwardly, it also offers personalized solutions to help you bring change at an inner level. By working with you closely, our online consultants help you find the reasons for your soured relationship.

Love and Relationship Consultations will:

spacer Enhance and strengthen existing relationship
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