About this Blog

I went “public” with Mommyhood Next Right in May of 2010, shortly after my first daughter was born, as a way for me to connect with other parents online and to combine my renewed interest in personal writing and burgeoning interest in photography.

Since its inception, I have changed, and so has this blog. This blog began as my outlet for venting my frustrations and confusions with knowing so little about motherhood, the challenges of figuring out whether or not to return to work, then struggles with trying to balance work and life. Along with serving as my spot to “vent” about parenting and motherhood, this blog was my outlet to laugh heartily and rejoice in the joys in the, often, unexpectedly beautiful parts of mothering, parenting, and life.

Somewhere along the way, and in between asking questions, sharing parenting wisdom and my love for my growing family, this blog became a place for mothers (and some fathers) to hear themselves, their joys, their inconsistencies, and their passions. In hearing ourselves, I hope that we can begin to be more true towards one another, more supportive of one another, and more honest with ourselves and one another. With our new “hearing,” I hope that we can begin to change public conversations on issues related to mothers, parenting, family life, and motherhood.  

I live in the Washington, DC metropolitan area with my husband and and our two beautiful girls, who I refer to on this blog as “Nya” and “Annah.”

After years of writing professionally and pursuing my academic interests, I am now a stay-at-home mom. This wasn’t the “plan” for my life, but I’m enjoying this new direction, nonetheless. While technically unemployed, being at home with my daughter has taught me so much about myself and has allowed me to explore what makes me most happy in life, things which like writing, sewing, photography, trying on eye make-up, cooking, spending Sunday afternoons with family, dancing with my daughters at 3 pm in the afternoon, and drinking chai tea with my husband before he leaves for work each morning.

My life is rich, beautiful, and colorful. I’ve learned through this experience and become through the experiences which fill my archives a better woman, wife, friend, writer, and mother. I’m not perfect, not even close. Each day, however, I am always striving, striving to be better.

{ 3 comments… read them below or add one }

spacer Chelo @ Home & Bahay July 27, 2011 at 3:35 PM

Hello Jessica!
It’s pretty interesting how many mom’s start blogging around the time baby comes in their lives. I am one of them moms spacer Anyway, I’m so glad I discovered your blog. Looking forward to reading more so I subscribed to your RSS.


spacer Jessica July 27, 2011 at 6:00 PM

Thanks, Chelo! It is amazing how many moms get the “blogging” itch after having their first baby. I’m off to check out your blog now! Thanks for stopping by!


spacer Kim August 4, 2011 at 1:54 PM

I’m so thrilled to find a blog like yours; I love it! Congratulations on your soon-to-arrive second baby spacer I too went to grad school and now am a SAHM/writer and love it. With my 4-year-old in preschool I am getting more time to write (when my 2-year-old naps). I really like your blog posts a lot, the writing style, content and diversity! Thank you SO much for stopping by so I could find your blog!


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