Symptoms Of Tinnitus

Posted on January 26, 2011 by Mujtaba

Tinnitus is an annoying and common disorder caused when the tiny nerve hairs close to the inner ear are damaged in some way. Most people experience at least mild cases of tinnitus at some point during their lives. These cases are typically mild and require no extra treatment. Other cases are worse and require the attention of a doctor that can help find the right treatment of the symptoms.

The basic symptom of tinnitus is hearing a sound that no one else hears and that has no external impetus. The phantom noises you may hear are ringing, roaring, buzzing, whistling, clicking and hissing. These noises vary in pitch beginning at a low roar and moves all the way up to a high squeal.

They can be heard in one ear or both ears. In the more severe cases, this sound can be loud enough to get in the way of a person’s ability to hear an actual sound. Tinnitus may be there constantly or it may be intermittent. They can also be pulsing and noises in the ear that seem to keep time with the heartbeat.

When someone starts experiencing hearing any of the above sounds, especially under conditions where there is no external cause for the sounds, that person most likely has tinnitus. The reason for the tinnitus is what you’re going to want to discover because, while tinnitus is a condition of hearing sounds that aren’t there, it’s also a symptom of an underlying cause.

There are slight cases where the sounds are low keyed and intermittent with a lot of time in between each sound. These are most likely nothing to be overly concerned about. In fact, you’ll probably not really notice when these sounds hit.

There are, however, much more serious cases of tinnitus. If the sounds being heard are loud enough to keep the sufferer from hearing real sounds, it’s time to call in your doctor. This is the only way that you can get to the bottom of this very annoying situation. Your doctor will conduct a full examination of your ears to see which type of tinnitus you have.

Subjective tinnitus is the noise that only you’re hearing. It can be caused from issues in the inner, middle and outer ear. It can also be coming from issues with auditory nerves or the portion of the brain that is responsible for receiving the signals and turning them into a sound.

The other type is called objective tinnitus. This type produces sounds that can also be heard by a doctor when examining the ears. The reason for this is that the sounds of objective tinnitus are made because of an issue with the inner ear bone, blood vessel, or muscular tissue.

You can take measures to prevent tinnitus. If you work in jobs that require you to be exposed to extremely loud noises for hours at a time, the best thing you can do for yourself is to wear protective gear over your ears. This should keep your inner ear from being damaged, thus bringing on the annoying symptoms of tinnitus.

Click Here To Learn How To Eliminate Tinnitus In 2 Months And How To Gain Relief From Tinnitus In As Little As 7 Days!

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One Response to Symptoms Of Tinnitus

  1. spacer dlysen says:
    February 15, 2011 at 10:26 pm

    I remember when I had this experience. The know the place is very silence but hear some noise that I know know where it came from. I felt like crazy and ask my self if others hear it too. It often happen on midnight when the night is on silence. Maybe it because I used to expose on a fireworks.

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