The Simple Living Challenge

The Simple Living Challenge is a FREE 3-week intensive course in simple modern living aimed at learning to identify and make space for what is important in our lives.

With the belief that together we can start living a simple sustainable life and walk the path of conscious living we are embracing our weaknesses and turning them into strengths.

For 3 weeks we are challenging ourselves to:
  • Find happiness in simple everyday routines;
  • Increase self-sufficiency;
  • Embrace our imperfections;
  • Live with less;
  • Reconsider technology;
  • Simplify our virtual life;
  • Organize our real life;
  • And much more.
The Simple Living Challenge is going on from 1st to 22nd February, 2012 and is the joined effort of a lot of brains. Reading the Simple Living Challenge posts you will get to know:
  • my personal tips and experiences of simple living;
  • guest posts by established green bloggers;
  • and all your wisdom in the comments afterwards.

To take part in the Simple Living Challenge you could:
  • Take the Simple Living pledge.
  • Spread the word, tell your friends.
  • Post the Simple Living Pledge button on your blog.
  • Participate in the discussions under each post in the challenge.
  • Write a guest post about your experiences in simplifying.
  • Dedicate your efforts to simplifying!
You can implement as many or as little of the simple ideas you read - simplicity is not exigent as it is at the core of true happiness. Even if you joined the challenge for a day, or just consider doing it, show support and sign the pledge!
Here is the full list of simplification steps we have taken so far:
Step 1: Embrace Your Imperfections
Step 2: Simple Living as Men's Trait
Step 3: The Rules of Simple Home Organization
Step 4: Simple Crafting for Happy People 
Step 5: Simple Scheduling and Planning Routines
Step 6: Spend More Time With the People You Love 
Step 7: Spend More Time Alone 
Step 8: Connect to Your Inner Self 
Step 9: How to De-Stress
Read the steps but don't miss the comments because their conversational structure allowed for a lot of enlightening, controversial and constructive opinions to be shared and taken into account.


  1. spacer
    DaphFeb 7, 2012 06:19 AM
    I share healthful information. The internet is a wonderful tool for finding and sharing.
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I reply to your comments so make sure you click on Email follow-up comments to receive any replies straight to your Inbox. I just so believe that the truth can be found somewhere in a conversation.


