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Full Story of My Arrest on Sunday

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  • Full Story of My Arrest on Sunday
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04/06/11 01:49:00 PM (44 weeks 2 days ago)
Christina Thede
Joined: 04/04/2011


The first part of the incident is the part that no one witnessed (that I know of) and everyone has been filling in why that cop was chasing me.  What happened was I was riding up Amsterdam on the right hand side.  The black car that we now know was the police car was double parked in the right lane.  I started to pass the car on the driver's side, when the driver opened the door into my path.  As a community of cyclists, I know you all must know this is a big danger and concern for those of us who bike in traffic. Anyway, I braked suddenly to avoid a collision.  A delivery bike behind me ran into me from behind because I had to stop so suddenly.  The driver of the vehicle and I had a brief verbal exchange, but I continued on in the right lane.  It was then that he got back in the car and pursued me.  I realized he was following and got scared, worried that this might be a severe case of road rage and who knows what he might do.  I crossed over to the left side of the street in order to shake him off.  This is where the witnesses' stories pick up.  He skidded his car perpendicular to traffic, blocking my path.  Ok, now I'm REALLY scared.  I got off my bike and started to walk it up to the side walk between the parked cars. That's when he got out of the vehicle and grabbed me from behind.   I started screaming for help and struggling thinking I was being assaulted or that he was trying to take my bike.  Suddenly, more cops showed up, and at that point I was turned over to the uniformed officers.  I was frisked, cuffed, and put in a police van, driven to the Central Park precinct (where the original plain clothes officer was from), and held for about an hour. I am not accused of running a red light.  The charges against me are disorderly conduct and reckless operation of a bicycle.  Witnesses also seem to think I was charged with resisting arrest, but that's not true either.  I wanted to share this story with you (after consulting my lawyer) so you would have the accurate story and not what witnesses sort of assumed.  I am thankful that many of you have been on my side from the beginning, even without the full story.  For legal reasons, I probably won't be able to answer futher questions or participate much in discussion about this.  I just ask that if you or someone you know have photos or video of any part of this incident, please contact me at nycgreenbike@gmail.com.

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04/06/11 01:58:00 PM (44 weeks 2 days ago)
Joined: 11/04/2010
so sorry

This is a terrible story and our thoughts are with you. Good luck and fight hard.

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04/06/11 02:11:00 PM (44 weeks 2 days ago)
Joined: 11/04/2010

Now what bugs me is why an officer from the Central Park precinct is doing on Amsterdam Avenue in the first place. Very clearly from www.nyc.gov/html/nypd/html/precinct_maps/precinct_finder.shtml the precinct boundaries are those of the park. I could understand an officer on Central Park West dealing with the park side of the road (e.g. parking violations). Amsterdam Ave. is entirely another matter, that's in the 20th precinct until 86th St.

It would seem Wishnia has excess resources if he is deploying them outisde his precinct. I urge you to pursue all avenues of action of any kind against NYPD for this incident. Even if filing a complaint about the officer being out of his precinct doesn't help you directly, it is equivalent to the prosecution tactic of piling on unrelated charges which may or may not survive at trial.

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04/06/11 03:23:00 PM (44 weeks 2 days ago)
Joined: 11/04/2010
Deployment to Chirping Chicken

I think they are allowed to take food breaks outside of the park, cops gotta eat. The outrage for me is the gross abuse of power. First the senseless tickets, then the early morning speed traps with made up speed limits. Now, manhandling and arresting a female cyclist because of a common NYC cyclist / motorist exchange.

Yeah, those apologies seem really geniune now. What are they smoking in Central Park?

hot off the press

parallel or perpendicular?

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04/06/11 04:56:00 PM (44 weeks 2 days ago)
Christina Thede
Joined: 04/04/2011
Perpendicular.  There are a

Perpendicular.  There are a few small details he got a little off (although that one is kinds important to understand the scene), but the spirit of the article is good, I think.

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04/06/11 07:38:00 PM (44 weeks 2 days ago)
Joined: 11/04/2010
So sorry

Christina, I'm so sorry this happened to you, I can't imagine how scary this must have been.  Good luck with everything and keep us posted when you can.  

Also, I have pointed out mistakes in Gothamist articles in the past and they are pretty good at making changes.  It may be worth telling them to make that parrallel to perpendicular change, as it could illustrate to the readers just how irrational this asshole cop was acting.

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04/07/11 08:52:00 AM (44 weeks 1 day ago)
Joined: 11/04/2010
Cameras everywhere


The cops are not going to help you with their surveillance video on this. Perhaps your attorney can request the help of the JCC security. It was still light out at 6 PM, so they might have the whole thing on HD.

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04/06/11 03:02:00 PM (44 weeks 2 days ago)
Joined: 03/15/2011
Outrageous and disgusting

Show those morons the Buck.Stops.Here.

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04/06/11 03:17:00 PM (44 weeks 2 days ago)
Joined: 11/04/2010
Surely the honorable officr wrote himself up for violating §1214

New York State Vehicle & Traffic Code:

§1214: No person shall open the door of a motor vehicle on the side available to moving traffic unless and until it is reasonably safe to do so, and can be done without interfering with the movement of other traffic
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04/06/11 05:36:00 PM (44 weeks 2 days ago)
BVan Nieuwenhoven
Joined: 11/04/2010
Oh boy

That comment thread on the Gothamist post is full of some very special people. 

Honestly, I think there's a lot of people out there who want to kill us, thanks to 30 years of crazy delivery cyclists and media nonsense like "Bike Bedlam". Well, forget that, it's more like "Everyone-Else Bedlam" lately. I think we're the only ones who DON'T want to see others harassed, hurt, dragged off the road, jailed, etc.

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04/06/11 09:19:00 PM (44 weeks 2 days ago)
Joined: 12/23/2010
"there's a lot of people out


"there's a lot of people out there who want to kill us, thanks to 30 years of crazy delivery cyclists"

Nice way to single out delivery guys as the bad cyclists, as opposed to "us" (or presumably cyclists that look like "us", whoever that is).

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04/08/11 03:11:00 PM (44 weeks 6 hours ago)
Joined: 11/04/2010
There are a lot of scofflaw

There are a lot of scofflaw cyclists.

But the ones you see consistently on sidewalks and/or riding against traffic and/or blowing through redlights with abandon are delivery riders. And while I know there are some jerks in spandex out there, too, they are a drop in the bucket compared to an entire industry that seems to refuse to give any respect at all to the rules of the road. And this industry has done more to poison public opinion against cylists than any other goup (or bike lanes, or hipsters, or the DOT Commisioner, in my opinion) in Manhattan, at least.

While I personally have seen hundreds, if not thousands of violations, I have yet to see a delivery rider getting a ticket.  Unlike my spandex clad brethren who racked up 230 tickets in one month in Central Park, largely during scarcely occupied hours.


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04/08/11 04:52:00 PM (44 weeks 5 hours ago)
BVan Nieuwenhoven
Joined: 11/04/2010
They ARE different from us.

They ARE different from us. Here's why:

The densest areas of the city for road traffic and pedestrian traffic are also the densest areas for messenger services and food deliveries. 

The vast majority of people riding bikes in central business districts are making deliveries. Even though bike commuters and recreational riders are increasing in numbers, they've still got us on road miles traveled in the places where more people will come into contact with them. They work entire shifts going back and forth among their dispatching office, pickups, and deliveries - all in the same neighborhoods. Meanwhile, we don't do our training laps around Rockefeller Center or Union Square.

I see far more delivery riders in Manhattan (than bicycle commuters), they're out more frequently, and I'm squeezed closer to them. The places we ride don't have the pedestrian density of Midtown Manhattan. Almost the complete opposite. Thus, most pedestrians only see one side of the story.

Also: we're focused on safety. They are working against the clock, and some of them take risks to cut time - not all of them, but enough of them to make it a problem.

Most people, including me, get much stronger impressions from the "risky" guys than the ones who ride by legally without incident. Such as it is whenever I use First or Second Avenues in Manhattan, where I absolutely percieve (true or not) that wrong-way food delivery guys outnumber all other cyclists 3:1.

This is why so many people are unreasonably afraid of getting mowed down by a cyclist and think we're ALL maniac road-users. Our success in riding safely, plus our travelling habits, mean that we have very little impact on the minds of most people. That's good! But on the other end of the spectrum, some messengers and food servers pick up tons of negative attention when they take risks that put other people in danger. 

Are some of the cyclists-at-work part of the "good cyclist" group? Of course. And do "we" occasionally take law-flouting shortcuts? Well... don't tell anyone, but some people in a certain New York cycling club I know might go half a block wrong-way down a side street to get to a building that would be six blocks away otherwise. And... keep this a secret... some of those riders have been spotted slowing down at a red light, looking all ways for a clear path, and then "going through" without waiting for green. It's horrible, really.

But there's a lot more of their road-miles in the "bad cyclist" group than our road-miles. And their road-miles are set among a much bigger group of observers than our road-miles. (Did I mention their accident rate is certainly much higher than the accident rate of all the other cyclists? We're still the safest large city in America when it comes to this stuff, but still...)

So, yes, the collective of messengers and delivery riders cause issues that are, in scope, unique to their group. Those issues increase safety risks and cause accidents for other road users - more than the overall frequent cyclist population. And those accidents gather more attention than anyone's good riding habits.

I'm gonna single them out until I no longer see them doing something dangerous at least once every 5 blocks on my daily commute. (15 blocks long)

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04/08/11 04:00:00 PM (44 weeks 6 hours ago)
Joined: 12/23/2010
You're blending a lot of

You're blending a lot of different things, which make me wonder about the answers to these questions:

Is the reason that people out there want to "kill" cyclists primarily the delivery guys?  Is the Central Park crackdown due to delivery guys?  Does NYPD - which is pretty clearly the driving force behind the crackdown inside and outside the park - particularly concerned with delivery guys, or another groups of cyclists (or perhaps all cyclists)?And lastly, do you participate in any sort of online or physical community that would inform you of any uptick in tickets to delivery guys?

I'd urge you to think about these things.

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04/08/11 04:25:00 PM (44 weeks 5 hours ago)
Joined: 11/04/2010
to them it's all cyclists

the dog walkers and smokers and the rest of the rabid anti-cycling crowd point out all sorts of incidents which overwhelmingly, when examined, involve commercial cyclists. I have yet to see any police presence whatsoever ticketing cyclists at West End Ave. and W72nd St. yet I see, daily, commercial cyclists making a left on red against traffic and then onto the sidewalk for a few blocks at a fair speed etc. all while not wearing a helmet or identifying vest (but obviously delivering food for someone). I did see one incident of a Dominos pizza delivery guy doing similar things but most of them obey the rules and all have a helmet (whether fastened or not) and uniform.  The residents of Manhattan, esp. UWS and UES, recount incidents of cyclists injuring pedestrians without recalling that the pedestrian was jaywalking at the time. In rare cases, we have had one incident years ago I vaguely recall of a delivery cyclists riding on the sidewalk coliding with an elderly man and fatally knocking him down. The residents then clamor for something to be done about cyclists. The police find the cyclists in Central Park make excellent prey: we were plentiful and easy to hunt, no need to spread patrols all over Manhattan North to find some when you can just park on the Park Drive and in 5 minutes along will come a group ostensibly breaking the law whether speeding at over 15 mph or running red lights because the Drive is closed to automobile traffic. By comparison, an officer spending an hour at W72nd and WEA might get one or two scofflaws.


BTW, NYPD periodically parks a marked car on W72nd to watch for automobile violations. They ignore delivery cyclists breaking the law in front of their eyes. I have seen it many times.

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04/08/11 05:44:00 PM (44 weeks 4 hours ago)
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