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Sleep Apnea Devices

Feb 7th, 2012 by admin

Sleep apnea is a common sleep disorder with potentially dangerous consequences. People with sleep apnea experience stopped breathing repeatedly during sleep. Loud snoring is one sign of sleep apnea. Continual stop-and-start breathing causes many people to feel tired, even after a full night’s sleep.

Sleep apnea occurs as three main types: obstructive, central, and mixed. Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) results when throat muscles relax during sleep. When the soft tissue at the back of the mouth collapses, the airway becomes blocked. OSA is the most common form of sleep apnea.

Central sleep apnea occurs when the brain sends improper signals to the muscles that control breathing. This form of sleep apnea is less common. Mixed sleep apnea, also known as complex sleep apnea, is a combination of the first two types.

People who suspect sleep apnea should seek medical attention or talk to their dentist. In addition to improving sleep, treatment is often necessary to avoid heart problems and other health issues. Various treatment therapies and sleep apnea devices can open blocked airways and enable better breathing.

Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) is the typical treatment for moderate to severe sleep apnea. A CPAP machine delivers air pressure through a mask placed over the nose during sleep. Proper tension and fit is important when using the CPAP device, and most people learn to make the necessary adjustments.

Bilevel positive airway pressure (BPAP) units automatically adjust air pressure. Many people prefer BPAP to CPAP, which can be uncomfortable and cumbersome.

Oral appliances are common treatment devices for mild to moderate sleep apnea. Also known as snore guards, these removable devices are designed to open the throat by moving the jaw forward. Oral appliances may also keep the tongue from blocking the throat. Dental professionals help patients alleviate sleep apnea symptoms with comfortable, effective sleep apnea devices.

To learn more about sleep apnea and its various treatment therapies, contact Dr. Stephen Krist, D.D.S., for an evaluation. His office is located at 33 Davis Boulevard, Tampa, Florida 33606. Dr. Krist can be reached by phone at 813-253-5397 and by email at info@stephenkristdds.com. For additional information, visit his website at stephenkristdds.com.


Tags: Florida Dentist, Restorative Dentistry, Sleep Apnea Devices, Sleep Apnea Treatment

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Restorative Dentistry Can Transform Your Mouth To the Beautiful Smile of Your Dreams

Jan 22nd, 2012 by admin

When your teeth are misaligned, misshapen, broken or missing, you may experience frequent pain and discomfort in your mouth and jaw, not to mention the embarrassment you may feel about the appearance of your mouth and teeth when you talk and smile. Restorative dental services take action at the root of the problem and corrects the issue to prevent further damage to your teeth and mouth. Dr. Krist specializes in solving complex functional and esthetic dental issues and restoring functionality and beauty to your mouth, transforming your mouth to the beautiful smile of your dreams.

With each patient who comes to Dr. Krist, the initial consultation begins with a complete evaluation of the head, mouth, jaw, teeth and muscles of the neck. Dr. Krist also utilizes dental technology and imaging such as x-rays to put together a model for the restoration of your mouth. Along with the expert staff, Dr. Krist will work together with you to formulate a plan for the transformation of your mouth to help you achieve the beautiful smile and reduction of pain that you deserve. Dr. Krist performs restorative dentistry services which include composite bonding, implant restoration, crowns and bridges and full mouth reconstruction. Dental implants and bridges correct gaps in your mouth and replace missing teeth, while crowns restore the outer surface of a tooth damaged by decay, wear or after a root canal. Bonding of your teeth restores the aesthetic features of the enamel, correcting gaps and misshapen surfaces.

As a faculty member of several local graduate and post graduate dental schools and regular participant in advanced restorative dentistry training, Dr. Krist keeps up with the latest advancements in dental technology, materials and procedures. Because restorative dentistry is a complex process, Dr. Krist takes the time to go over your treatment plan and procedural time line with you in detail so that you feel comfortable during each step of the transformation process. Our goal is to help you feel as relaxed and confident as possible as we restore beauty and function to your teeth and mouth.


Tags: Dental Veneers, Florida Dentist, Missing Teeth, Porcelain Veneers, Restorative Dentistry, Tampa

Posted in Cosmetic Dentistry, Dental Crowns, Dental Implant, Implant Restoration, Missing Teeth, Porcelain Veneers, Restorative Dentistry | No Comments »

Fix that Gap in Your Teeth

Jan 9th, 2012 by admin

Are you embarrassed with the gap in your teeth? One of the first things that people recognize about you is your smile so it’s important to look your best. If you’ve finally made a decision to get it fixed, then you probably want to know about what kind of treatments are available and how they work.

There are two solutions to fixing gaps. The first is composite bonding. This process involves using a resin material that is the same color as your teeth to bond the two teeth and close the gap. It can also be sculpted and shaped on cover the gap if the gap is too wide. The whole process is painless and usually requires a one time visit to the dentist’s office.

The second solution is porcelain veneers. These are basically shells that look like real teeth. They are bonded over your existing teeth to cover up imperfections such as gaps, crooked teeth, and discoloration. The veneers are made after examining your face and mouth. This way, the dental lab can create the most realistic and best looking veneers for your teeth. After your veneers are made, it is bonded to your teeth with dental cement.
Both of these methods have been proven to be an effective way to fix gaps in teeth. It’s simply not realistic for many people to go ahead and get braces in order to align their teeth. It may take 1-2 years with a lot of discomfort and pain in order to achieve perfect teeth with braces.

For smaller gaps, composite bonding can do the trick. However, when there are larger gaps and other teeth need to be considered in ordered to help you achieve the most natural look, you will have to go with porcelain veneers. Veneers can be used to correct length of teeth as well as fix discolorations so if you need more than your gap fixed it will be a wise decision to go with them.

So if you’re finally decided to achieve the perfect smile, don’t hesitate in going forward with the treatments. They can really improve your self esteem and help you look your best. The procedures can be very affordable and the cost will vary depending on the amount of work done so it’s best to get a consultation to get an idea of what to expect.

Tags: Cosmetic Dentistry, Dentist, Florida Dentist, Gap in Teeth, Restorative Dentistry, Tampa

Posted in Cosmetic Dentistry, Dental Crowns, Gap in Teeth, Porcelain Veneers, Restorative Dentistry | No Comments »

Stephen Krist Wants to Improve Your Smile!

Dec 20th, 2011 by admin

Stephen Krist understands that you want to look and feel your best. Smiles are the best feature on every face and they need quality care to continue looking their best. Dentistry, like other medical fields, improves their techniques and procedures. Stephen Krist provides the very best service to make sure that you have the very best smile. Visit his website today to found out he can help you smile bigger and brighter: stephenkristdds.com.

One thing Dr Krist is concerned about are patients who have older amalgam, or silver, fillings instead of the newer composite resin, or white, fillings. It used to be considered standard to fill in all cavities with silver fillings. These fillings can be uncomfortable, unattractive, and can even become loose. Composite resin filling have been a recent discovery. The biggest benefit of composite resin fillings are the color. They are white and being white, they blend in better with your tooth, making your smile even more attractive. Resin fillings are also more durable than silver fillings. They are becoming the more popular and standard way to fix cavities. Stephen Krist understands that you want the very best service for your teeth and the very best smile available. Find out today how soon you can replace your old silver fillings with composite resin fillings.

Besides composite fillings, porcelain dental inlays can also be used on larger cavities. Porcelain dental onlays can be used to cover the biting surface of a tooth. Dental crowns are used to cover the entire tooth. All three, crowns, inlays and onlays blend in with the tooth better than metal fillings and help make your smile the prettiest it can be. They restore strength and beauty to your tooth.

Stephen Krist is concerned that your teeth isn’t everything that it can be. Check out his website today to see how he can improve your smile: stephenkristdds.com.

Tags: Composite Resin Fillings, Cosmetic Dentist Tampa, Florida Dentist, Replacement Fillings, Tampa, White fillings

Posted in Composite Resin Fillings, Cosmetic Dentistry, Cosmetic Dentistry Tampa, Dental Crowns | No Comments »

Sore, Bleeding Gums While Brushing

Dec 6th, 2011 by admin

There are two forms of gum disease, the more common, less severe form is known as gingivitis. The more severe form affecting between five and fifteen percent of the population, is known as periodontitis. According to the AAP 75 percent of American adults, over the age of 35 are affected by gum disease.

Proper dental hygiene needs to be practiced at all times. If it is not, plaque will form on the teeth from the bacteria. This bacteria can make gums become red, swollen and bleed. If the inflammation is caught early it can be reversed, but for many people it is not painful. If it is not treated, gingivitis can lead to tooth loss.

There are several symptoms that, if experienced, should be examined by a medical professional. They include, red, swollen or tender gums. Receding gums, loose or shifting teeth. Persistent bad breath or bad taste in the mouth. Changes in the way teeth fit together on biting and any formation of deep pockets between the teeth and gums.

When left untreated, gingivitis progresses into periodontitis. This condition can compromise the gums and bone that hold the teeth in place. Toxic substances are released that can harm the gums and cause them to become infected. When the body attacks the bacteria that causes infection and the resulting inflammation, the bacteria can degrade the gums and the bone in the jaw. This can cause very swollen, painful gums that might bleed. Periodontitis can lead to tooth loss, unless properly treated.

The best way to prevent gum disease is through proper oral health and hygiene. Brush twice a day, making sure to follow proper brushing techniques. Flossing daily only takes a few minutes and will help prevent gum disease now and in the future. Drinking water after eating will help wash food off the teeth and will make it less likely bacteria will form on them. Regular dental check ups will make sure teeth are properly taken care and correct any problems as early as possible.

Tags: Florida Dentist, General Dentistry, Gingivitis, Gum Disease, Sore Gums

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Teeth Have Jagged, Chipped or Rough Edges

Nov 29th, 2011 by admin

As people age, they often face new problems with their teeth. Teeth often wear down over time or become discolored and dull. Additional problems include jagged or rough edges, or chipped teeth. Thanks to dentistry, however, these problems can be fixed. Consult a dentist to your options and settle on one that works for you. If you’ve broken a tooth, visit a dentist immediately. Not having the tooth fixed as soon as possible can mean possibly losing the tooth for good, especially if the root is exposed.

One popular option is to have porcelain veneers applied. Porcelain veneers can make your jagged, rugged teeth a thing of the past, and not only make over your pearly whites, but also your smile and overall appearance. Veneers also protect your teeth in the future, and you can breathe easy knowing that wear and discoloration are problems from your past, not your future.

Porcelain veneers are thin, translucent “shells” made out of tooth-like material. Veneers are applied to the front of the teeth to create a new smile. Veneers can close in unattractive gaps in your smile, align all of your teeth so that they’re even and even fill in cracks in your teeth. Often, people have to have a small layer of their actual teeth removed to make room for the thin veneer. Veneers are bonded to your teeth using both specialty cement and a curing light that causes the cement to adhere. The dentist at StephenKristDDS.com ensure that you’ll have customized veneers to match both your current teeth and facial features. Doctor Krist will evaluate you, using photographs, models and impressions to create your perfect veneers. Veneers are then handmade by professional ceramists at a top-notch dental lab. You can rest assured that you’ll have the most natural looking veneers possible.

For teeth that don’t have serious problems, chips, breakage or decay, you may be just fine with simple teeth filing or bonding. Both processes are relatively painless, leaving patients with a smooth, gorgeous smile. For more information or to book an appointment, visit stephenkristdds.com/Procedures/porcelain-veneers.aspx.

Tags: Broken Teeth, Cosmetic Dentistry, Dental Implants, Florida Dentist, Missing Teeth, Porcelain Veneers, Restorative Dentistry

Posted in chipped Teeth, Cosmetic Dentistry, Dental Implant, Missing Teeth, Porcelain Veneers | No Comments »

Broken Teeth? There is a Solution!

Nov 9th, 2011 by admin

Surely you have heard that your smile is the best thing you can wear. It shows your happiness and completes your entire outfit. But what if your teeth are not perfect? Some could be discolored from losing enamel, chipped, or gone altogether. You shouldn’t fret, though, because today there are implant procedures to replace your less than perfect, broken teeth.

One procedure that you can have performed dental implant restoration. Whether you need just a partial tooth replaced or an entire row of teeth, dental implant restoration is the perfect solution. You can start by making an appointment with a dentist who specializes in implants. Your dentist will determine if the dental implants are appropriate for you and once he or she concludes that it is, you will be able to start treatment.

You will have to come in for multiple visits spanning out several months. You can expect many moldings and X-rays to be taken. Your dentist will then be able to show you what your new teeth will look like. The implants are fused to your real bone and then topped with a natural-looking crown to complete the process. It takes patience for the procedure to be complete, but it is very well worth it because it saves you time and relief in the future.

Dental implants will feel like your natural teeth. Many people cannot tell the difference between implants and real teeth. Unlike dentures that have to be taken out daily and cleaned, you will brush and care for your new set of teeth like your real ones. And unlike dentures or bridges, you will never have to worry about the embarrassment of your implants falling out!

Many people feel self-conscious about their smile. With age, teeth will start to fall out by itself one by one. Or they lose them through an accident of some sort. Whatever the case may be, you should not be without a great smile!

Tags: Broken Teeth, Chipped Teeth, Dental Crowns, Implant Restoration, Missing Teeth, Restorative Dentistry

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Sleep Apnea and CPAP

Oct 24th, 2011 by admin

Apnea is the Greek term for “without breath,” lending to the term sleep apnea which describes the cessation of breathing during sleep. Sleep apnea is most common when an individual reaches the REM stage of sleep. Sufferers may find that energy levels have declined and generally feel fatigued. This is because there is limited oxygen flow to the lungs during sleep cycles. The CPAP machine is used to help increase oxygen intake and promote proper breathing by supplying increased oxygen levels through a mask. These levels force your airways to remain open as you sleep; however, CPAP machines are quite costly and noisy. Replacing noisy CPAP equipment with dental devices such as snore guards can also help by preventing airway closure.

According to the offices of Dr. Stephen Krist in Tampa, Florida, snore guards are commonly prescribed for people with mild to moderate obstructive sleep apnea. The snore guard helps pushes the lower jaw forward, causing the tongue to settle at the bottom of the mouth, decreasing the risk of oxygen intake deprivation. A thorough evaluation is performed taking into account the patient’s sleep apnea severity, and it is determined upon evaluation if the patient is the ideal candidate for a snore guard to treat these symptoms. Snore guards are fitted to patients according to shape and formation of the jaw, upper teeth and normal sleeping position.

Treating obstructive sleep apnea with use of snore guards can help reduce symptoms such as fatigue, increased blood pressure, snoring, irritability and even sleepwalking. Another added benefit to using snore guards is the peace spouses and other family members find once snoring has subsided. The increased flow of oxygen promotes a deeper sleep and reduces frequent waking times in the middle of the night. The result; more energy and a sense of well-being from a good night’s rest for patients and their families.

Tags: Cosmetic Dentist Tampa, Cosmetic Dentistry, Dentist, Florida Dentist, Restorative Dentistry, Sleep Apnea Treatment

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Some Cosmetic Dentistry Procedures

Oct 7th, 2011 by admin

Cosmetic dentistry is not only used to beautify teeth. Some dental issues such as cracked, broken, or missing teeth cause discomfort and ultimately can lead to health issues. Cosmetic dentistry offers patients options to regain proper dental functioning and help maintain overall health simultaneously.

Cosmetic dentistry procedures have made great strides since their inception, causing more people to visit dentists of this specialty. There are several types of cosmetic dentistry commonly used today to enhance smiles and make patients feel more confident.

The most common utilization of this field today is tooth-whitening procedures. Quick, painless, and affordable teeth whitening options are available in two primary forms: in office or take home. In office whitening is quickly performed using bleaching material and UV lighting, providing instant results. For a slower procedure, trays are custom fitted for the patient’s mouth and they are provided whitening gel to use with the trays at their convenience.

For those whose teeth have become too stained for whitening to be effective, porcelain veneers may be recommended. Veneers are more commonly used to close teeth gaps or to repair chips and imperfections, making patient’s teeth appear perfect. A ceramic specialist makes the veneers by using dental impressions taken by the dentist. Once they are prepared, a dental professional adheres them to the patient’s existing teeth. Veneers appear completely natural and can last up to ten years without replacement. Another added benefit of veneers is that they are extremely resistant to staining.

Another form of cosmetic dentistry involves replacing missing teeth with dental implants. This procedure is more involved than most others are, and require several months to achieve completion. Implants require the placement of a titanium post to be surgically placed into the gum line where the gap exists. This post serves as a replacement ‘root’ for the patient’s prosthetic tooth and this is how the implant is attached to the jawbone. The post must fuse with the jawbone to become fully secured, causing this long period. Once fusing has occurred, a newly designed tooth is placed atop the post, and it is completely undetectable by others.

Cosmetic dentistry procedures have made great strides since their inception, causing more people to visit dentists of this specialty. There are several types of cosmetic dentistry commonly used today to enhance smiles and make patients feel more confident.

Cosmetic dentistry is not only used to beautify teeth. Some dental issues such as cracked, broken, or missing teeth cause discomfort and ultimately can lead to health issues. Cosmetic dentistry offers patients options to regain proper dental functioning and help maintain overall health simultaneously.

Tags: Cosmetic Dentist Tampa, Cosmetic Dentistry, Dental Crowns, Dental Implants, Dentist, Florida, Porcelain Veneers, Tampa

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Scaling and Root Planing

Sep 20th, 2011 by admin

Dentists use root planing and scaling to stop the damage caused by gum disease before it requires surgery or grafts or causes severe illness. This procedure deep cleans between your gums and the roots of your teeth, removing bacteria and plaque, so that your gums can begin to heal. After completing the treatment, you’ll find that your gums are firm, pink, and healthy, and they no longer bleed when you brush your teeth.

Most practitioners inject a local anesthetic to numb your entire mouth before beginning the scaling and planing process, so very little pain is involved. Root planing and scaling is performed when the roots of your teeth have hard tartar buildup on them, or when gum disease has caused your gums to begin to pull away from your teeth. With regular brushing and proper oral care, you can return your gums to a healthy state after a visit for scaling and root planing.

Some dentists use a modern ultrasonic tool to perform the deep cleaning procedure. The tool allows the dentist or hygienist to work more quickly and accurately, and may not be as uncomfortable for the patient as standard scraping with old-fashioned tools. Many dentists are also choosing to work on patients’ mouths in quadrants, as well, dividing the mouth into quarters and working on one section per visit to minimize pain and discomfort for the patient.

After the procedure, your dentist may send you home with pain medication to help keep you comfortable. He or she may also recommend that you take over-the-counter medication instead, depending on how much scaling was performed in your visit. Your dentist may also have inserted antibiotic fibers between your gums and teeth to help prevent infection. If this is the case, you will have to return to your dentist in a week to have the fibers removed and have a follow-up visit to see how well your gums are healing.

Tags: Bridges, Cosmetic Dentist Tampa, Dentist, Florida Dentist, Restorative Dentistry, Scaling and Root Planing, Tampa

Posted in Cosmetic Dentistry, Dental Bridges, Dental Crowns, Dental Implant, Full Mouth Reconstruction, General Dentistry, Scaling and Root Planing | No Comments »

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