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Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Flourless Pecan Chocolate Cake, MOM'S CRAZY COOKING CHALLENGE

When I first found out about this month's challenge, chocolate cake, I was so disappointed. I was debating with myself, if I wanted to participate or not. Was it worth suffering though the chocolate cake for participation in a great challenge or not? I decided to endure the torture of making and then eating a chocolate cake!.....Any one buying this??  NO??? Oh well....



It really didn't take me too long to find the cake I wanted to make. This recipe intrigues me right away and I made it that same night! I was very excited to try this unusual combination of flavors. Chocolate and cinnamon turned out to go perfectly together! I found this recipe at Fahrenheit 350. He blog makes me drool every time I visit it. She must know that I have a weakness for sweets because she just keeps posting the most wonderful desserts! Thank you for sharing this wonderful recipe!!

10 tablespoons butter
6 oz. semi-sweet chocolate
3 oz unsweet chocolate
4 eggs
1/2 cup sugar
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
1 cup ground pecans
1 1/2 teaspoons cinnamon

Preheat the oven to 350 and lightly grease  an 8" springform pan
1. Melt chocolate and butter together until smooth


2. In an large mixing bow, whisk eggs and sugar until frothy. Stir in the vanilla extract.
3. Stir in melted chocolate and butter, slowly, stirring constantly.
4. Add the ground pecans and cinnamon, stir until well combined.

5. Pour the pan, cover outside of pan with foil and bake for 20-25 minutes.



* I am linking this recipe to the   Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday PARTIES. Why don't you visit the wonderful hosts and link some of your own projects!?



Sunday, February 5, 2012

Red Velvet-Cherry Cake Roll

There is a little celebration in my head, every time the new Food magazine arrives. Last issue had lots of Valentine's day idea. This cake roll jumped at me right away, I could not wait to make it. I didn't think that I would be making anything else for V-day but all these ideas started swirling around in my head. Before I knew it, I had 3 Valentine's ideas posted! (see one, two and three)

I really thought I would only be making this cake roll, so I got a large bottle of cherry coke and instructed hubby not to drink it until I used what I need for the recipe. Before I got around to making this cake roll, 3 weeks passed. I thought that my hubby would explode from waiting! He has a weakness for cherry coke. Come to think of it, it may have been a little too mean to make him wait so long, but I just had too many ideas at once and I had to get them out. 

Well, after I made this cake roll, I was forgiven. This cake roll was heavenly! Actually, it was even better after sitting in the fridge overnight!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Salmon Risotto

As promised, here is the Salmons Risotto!

It's a funny story how I got this idea. One of my favorite TV shows is "How I Met Your Mother". My hubby and I were watching it a few months back and in one of the episodes they mention a great restaurant that makes "Salmon Risotto that is to die for". My hubby turns to me and seeing the excited look on my face says "You are gonna make it now, aren't you?"...

Well, silly man, of course I had to make it. I love, love salmon and risotto. How did I not think if this before? I don't know how I didn't think of it before, but I do now and this dish truly is "to die for"!

I did have one decision to make. I was thinking if I wanted to use smoked salmon or fresh salmon. Fresh salmon is that I decided to go with this time. I still want to try this risotto with smoked salmon and I will be sure to let you know which is better.
Please do share your experience if you tried making Salmon Risotto with smoked salmon!

Monday, January 30, 2012

Pomegranate Cream Crepes


I had such a craving for some "blinchiki" (crepes) the other day. So I decided it was time to  make some. I make crepes once every 4-5 months so I will never be tired of them. I love how versatile crepes can be. Usually, I make a large batch and then stuff them with different things for breakfast, lunch or dinner. 

My favorite type of crape would have to be the dessert  ones. Crepes stuffed with fruit, cream or jam. Its always fun trying different fillings. Since its winter, and my all-time favorite fruit is in season right now, I stocked up on pomegranates. Now I'm going crazy with making up recipes with pomegranates it them. 


Sunday, January 29, 2012

"Happy Valentine's Day" Breakfast, Mini Stuffed French Toast

Valentine's day is only two weeks away and I am having all these ideas brewing in my head. Hubby has been very spoiled with all my V-day recipe try-outs. So far, I can't choose a new V-day favorite but I remade an old favorite with lovely twist. 

I made this Stuffed French Toast a few months ago and it was a huge hit, hot only at home but also with my followers. I thought that reinventing it would be a good idea. 

This breakfast is perfect for sharing on a romantic morning! A breakfast in bed, for two! 

Friday, January 27, 2012

Pasta E Fagioli Soup

I have a confession to make...I get William Sonoma catalog on the regular basis. I love to look though it, dream and drool! Well is neither affiliated with the authors of this page nor responsible for its contents. This is a safe-cache copy of the original web site.