fun with cropping

don't mind me... just sitting in my bed, watching grey's anatomy, playing around with lightroom.
you know, the usual. 


Oh! and I'm so excited because tomorrow I get to go meet our friends Dan and Lindsy's brand new baby! SO excited.


wilco. was. awesome.







wordless wednesday but with words

Charlie and I got a bunch of shit done today. We started off with getting my emissions on my car checked, then a quick trip to the Costco near there. Then we went to another Costco (because the first didn't have one thing I needed)! Next we went to the Oreck store to buy bags for my amazing new vacuum cleaner, THEN we went to the car wash. Then, we drove through Starbucks to get a decaf tall vanilla non-fat latte (for me, not CP) and then to the park to "play" a little bit. My ulterior motive for the park was for me to get Charlie's TWO YEAR OLD (!!) pictures taken, but have you tried getting a two year old to look at you? I took about 47 pictures and none of them are going to work. Finally, we headed home for lunch (or maybe oreos, I'll never tell) and Umizoomi, then nap for Charlie and taxes for me.

And if THAT's not enough...Chris and I are going to see Wilco tonight. Woohoo! I can hardly wait! Do you love Wilco? I do.


I don't really "get" wordless wednesday. So around here words are totally ok, and actually encouraged! So if you like words too and want to link up your wordless wednesday, but with words, please do. And if it's Thursday by the time you get around to it, well heck, that's ok too.

Grab my button and link up below and with some of my favorite wordless wednesday hostesses: project alicia, live and love outloud, the paper mama, the daily wyatt and naptime momtog.
