February 14, 2010

Who, me?

In a nutshell…

“Be forewarned, Tara can kill a deer with her bare hands. She probably has. And then Adam, her adorable husband makes it in a gourmet meal with the vegetables they grew together in their garden. After they finished a marathon together. Like I said, Tara is intimidating.”

– Elaine Ellis, The Art of Awkward


I still make this face when I try to wink.

The short geographic story…

Born in Wyoming. Started school in Saudi Arabia. Graduated high school in California. Fell in love with mountains back in Wyoming. Started running in Texas. Discovered the love of my life in Colorado.


Halloween 2008

Points of interest…

  • I met my husband when I was performing standup in a Denver dive bar.
  • I had a son in late March 2011. He’s awesome and has changed me in so many ways. (Birth story available in two parts.)
  • I work for Lijit and was employee number seven when hired Quick Left, a kick-ass engineering firm in Boulder where I’m lucky enough to be employee number six. I’m currently undergoing a bit of a career transformation. Will let you know when I’ve figured things out.
  • I taught seventh grade language arts and still consider it the hardest job of my career. It takes a very special sort to teach middle school. And lots of alcohol. But not at the same time.
  • I’m a certified massage therapist and believe that positive touch can make the world a better place. And yes, I’ve heard every happy ending joke in the book
  • I’m the daughter of an out-spoken social justice advocate and Purple-Heart receiving Vietnam vet. Contradictions abound in my family.
  • I feel most at home with a pack on my back and a trail laid out in front of me.

Backpacking in Utah

Other random things that make me happy…

fresh ski tracks in powder, almond butter, my husband’s cooking, live music, a steaming cup of mate, loud laughing, soaking in hot springs, my friends’ smiles, setting up camp, beautiful synchronicity, Bernese Mountain dogs, my parents’ marriage, chubby leg rolls on babies, Scotch on the rocks, and, of course, dark chocolate

Burning questions? Words of encouragement? Potential comedy show bookings?

Hit me with your best shot

    • Comments
  • lindseymckissick
    Hi Tara,

    Dewey Gallegos sent me your way. I am a journalist who is graduating from U of Wyoming in May and then moving to Denver with my husband. I am interested in blogging, new media, and anything outdoors. I would love to talk to you about your great blog, how you got started, and how I get into it. Hope to here from you soon. My e-mail is lindsey.mckissick@gmail.com, which may be the best way to reach me.
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