
How to Be a Dad

Spicemance Tips for Valentine’s Day (VIDEO)

Posted by charlie on February 10th, 2012, under VIDEOTAPE

spacer spacer Valentine’s Day can be tough to pull off for any couple. But when you have kids? Yikesberries. So, let us help you put the spice back in your romance with 3 easy tips. We call it SPICEMANCE.

Ladies, this one’s for you, because frankly, you are in the driver’s seat. Guys, share with it your gals or just laugh until you hurt something.

Could I look any more like a weird sex guru person? Nope.

We originally titled this video “Foreplay for Moms” but then hastily realized we get might get a very different crowd to our site. HA! Who are we kidding?! We’re not above that. Bring ‘em on.

This is our first official video, and there are plans for almost 100 more over the next year.

But we need your help. Please post this to your Facebooks and Tweetsausages. Subscribe to our channel. Like the video. We’ll only be able to keep this going if we get the impression you guys want it around.

So, welcome to, Version 2.0.

Have a romantic weekend of semi-epic proportions.

Much love,


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Comments: 35
Tags: Funny, Parenting Advice, Valentine's Day, Video

The @pocalypse Has Arrived

Posted by Andy on February 9th, 2012, under SNAPSHOTS

The apocalypse is here. Right now! While you’re reading this, this very second. It’s happening… #happeningrightnow


Probably everyone reading this grew up with TV. And probably had a “whaaaaaaatever” response to the phrase “it’ll rot your brain.” I did. And my brain is not rotten. At least let’s pretend it isn’t for argument’s sake. Anyways… I’ve stood in parks with 9 out 10 people glued to the glow of their smartphones, and everyday I order my coffee in cafes filled with people who aren’t talking to each other, but are, ironically, each probably communicating through the Internet to a tremendous number of people all over the country and planet. I’ve seen the top ten videos on YouTube and thought, “Wow! Now THAT will rot your brain.” I’m even writing this on a laptop with an iPod plugged in for file transport, a trackball (cuz that’s how I roll, har har), a set of earbuds connecting me to my iPhone, its music and all of its blooped notifications. Pure brain rottage, I admit.

The future is now! But this now-future is kind of scary, even as “plugged in” as I am. To see a kid throw a tantrum over not being allow to play with a computing tablet while an ice cream cone melts next to them unattended, unlicked… I think, “WTF? Seriously!?! Gimme that ice cream before it’s ruined you, tiny soulless android!” I try to keep my kids from becoming small-to-moderately-large soulless androids everyday. It’s hard! It’s an uphill battle, but I try.

So, just so you know, the @pocalypse has arrived. Do what you can. The world is coming to an end. #apocalypse


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Comments: 17
Tags: Apocalypse, Funny, Viral

Skid Marks: When to Wash ‘Em, When to Toss ‘Em

Posted by Andy on February 8th, 2012, under INSTRUCTIONAL DIAGRAMS


…it happens. It’s a fact of life. I wish we could say this chart was only for parents doing mountains of their kid’s or teen’s laundry, but we have to admit it… this chart is for everyone. Younger and older, male and female. It’s true. …it happens. And not just to little kids’ tighty-whities after an atomic wedgy. It’s not just about g-strings, either. Because even parachute-pant-style boxers are not safe.

spacer Watch: Spicemance Tips for Valentine’s Day VIDEO

Anyone who does laundry has been confronted with one level or another on this Skid Marks chart, and may have had to ask themselves: wash it or toss it?

With this handy-dandy Instructional Diagram, we hope people doing a skid mark evaluation can spend less time turning a pair of soiled underwear around in their hands, and come to a swifter more certain decision. We also hope to prevent them from coming to the wrong overly-optimistic choice, and contaminating an entire wash-load of clothes. You’re welcome.

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Comments: 49
Tags: Chart, Funny, Poop, Underwear

My Kid Just Said… #3

Posted by Andy on February 6th, 2012, under "MY KID JUST SAID..."

“Daddy… Wet’s pway One-Two-Fwee, okay? OKAY! One! Two! NINE!”
(2011, 2 years old)


Games with young kids = their rules. It’s okay though, I fully expect to lose every game. Always. I lost, so what! At least he’s learning his numbers and I’m laughing my ass off.

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Tags: Funny, Game, Lucas is neither affiliated with the authors of this page nor responsible for its contents. This is a safe-cache copy of the original web site.