Tropical Permaculture

Growing Delicious Fruit And Vegetables The Smart Way, In A Healthy And Organic Garden That Mostly Looks After Itself.

Permaculture is about "...saving the planet and living to be a hundred, while throwing very impressive dinner parties and organising other creatures to do most of the work."

That is a quote from gardening book author Linda Woodrow, and it is my favourite "definition" of permaculture.

Linda is right, and she summed it up perfectly. That's exactly what this site is all about!


Growing Chillies


Growing Basil


Growing Pineapples


Growing Papaya


Growing Cashews


Growing Mangoes


Salad Vegetables


Asian Vegetables


Ornamental Vegetables

If you ever contemplated growing fruit, herbs or vegetables, but thought it's too hard, too difficult or too much work, then let this site convince you that it's not.

If you never heard about permaculture start by reading, What Is Permaculture?

Next have a quick scan of the examples in the Permaculture Design Guidelines, and you will soon get the drift: this is fun, this is easy, and this will reward you with the most beautiful, healthy and productive garden that you could possibly imagine.

Many fruits, vegetables, herbs and spices are stunningly ornamental. And if you follow permaculture principles they are very easy to grow. Learn how to grow them by reading the sections with specific growing advice:

Once I've got you hooked on permaculture I hope you keep coming back to find out more:

...and how to turn the whole world into one big Garden Eden. (Ok, I admit I haven't quite finalised that plan yet, but I'm open to ideas... Spreading the word would be a good start...)

Please help to spread the word by bookmarking this site at your favourite social bookmarking engine.


Help others to find out about this site. If you have a blog or website, please consider adding a link in a post, the blogroll or favourites. Every link helps!

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And let me know how you go! Share your own ideas and your successes with me and other readers. I'd love to hear your permaculture gardening stories and can publish them here if you like.

Learn, Be Inspired, And Above All Enjoy!
Happy Permaculture Growing!

What's New?
The latest updates to the Tropical Permaculture Growing Guide.

What Is Permaculture?
What is permaculture and how does it work? In my experience the official definitions often leave people confused. On this page I explain it a bit more.

Permaculture Principles
These permaculture principles form the core of the permaculture philosophy, and they are the basis of your garden design.

Permaculture Design
You don't need to be a landscape designer or certified permaculturist to apply these permaculture design principles in your garden.

Permaculture Plants
Permaculture plants are really useful and beneficial perennial plants with multiple functions. They help you create a garden that needs little outside resources.

Permaculture Books
Reviews of the best permaculture books for home gardeners, for serious permaculturists, and for those just curious what it's all about.

What Is Fertilizer?
Fertilizer is plant food, and to really understand what is in fertilizer and how it works, let's compare it to people food...

Growing Amaranth
The tropical amaranth plant, a delicious and nutritious food, is related to pigweed and to Love Lies Bleeding. Learn how to grow and eat all of them!

Growing Bananas
How to grow banana plants and keep them happy. It does not take much effort, but it does require that you get a few things right when you first get started.

Growing Basil
Thankfully growing basil is super easy in warm climates. Basil grows without fail, all year round, like a weed...

Growing Cashews
Growing cashews is the easy part. Cashew trees grow like weeds. Roasting cashew nuts to make them edible, now there's a challenge! Maybe do what I do, grow cashew trees for the cashew apples...

Growing Chillies
Chillies or chilis? Nevermind the different spellings, there are even more different shapes, sizes and colours! Learn about growing chillis at home...

Growing Cilantro
Growing cilantro - or coriander as it is also called - is not rocket science. In my permaculture garden cilantro grows itself....

Growing Ginger
How to grow ginger? Growing ginger requires little space, little resources and little knowledge. All you need is a piece of ginger...

Growing Lettuce
Growing lettuce is relatively easy. When it's cool enough! Learn how to grow lettuce in hot weather...

Growing Mangoes
Learn how to grow mangoes, whether they come from a nursery or your own seed. Yes, growing mango trees from seed is easier than you may think...

Growing Papaya
Growing papaya from seed - the easiest way to ensure a year round supply of papaya from your garden.

Growing Passionfruit
Growing passion fruit is quite easy. You can grow passionfruit from seed. However, in cooler climates you should...

Growing Pineapples
You will be surprised: growing pineapple plants is a lot easier than you think. To grow pineapples all you need is...

Growing Sweet Potatoes
Sweet Potatoes are an essential crop in a tropical permaculture garden. So much nutrition, so many uses, and not just in the kitchen...

Growing Watermelons
Watermelons require lots of space, lots of sun, lots of water and lots of nutrients. They are greedy things...

Learn About Neem Oil And Neem Trees
Neem spray is a great way to deal with insect pests, and growing neem trees has many other benefits. They are great permaculture plants with many uses.

Sometimes people write in to ask where I live, curious about my specific climate etc. If you want to know more about that, check out my website about the region I live in:
The Kimberley, Australia (the Gibb River Road) is neither affiliated with the authors of this page nor responsible for its contents. This is a safe-cache copy of the original web site.