Super Simple WordPress Websites UGH!!

Sunday, September 18th, 2011 at 7:09 AM  
Comments (10)

Hi Everyone!!

Ahhhh!! Internet marketing and product creation is so much FUN!


Haha!! Not really, I love it and maybe you do too! But, it sure takes a lot of time in 15-20 minute intervals! But I guess when you are a mom of 5, time is limited and it only seems like it takes forever.

Anyway, I have been busy, real busy and look what I have for y’all! It’s my new and improved Super Simple WordPress WebSites, (not just blogs) set up guide and it’s really cool!!

So make sure you get one and have a read. Just Click the cover right here and go!! Ya might learn something you didn’t know!! Lol spacer

OK, so setting up a free product is a pretty easy thing to do when you know what it takes…..

First of all, this book was my older set up guide and with WordPress moving to a 3 point something, I knew it needed an update. So I started writing, removing the outdated stuff and adding the new, good stuff.

Once it was finished (about 15 drafts) I knew I needed a new domain. Bought a domain and started setting up the site. So I called on my trusty graphics and techy guy and we got started.

Here are just some of the things you need to do when setting up a site. And believe me, there are things you never think about!! (or maybe I just didn’t think about them!!) lol

Squeeze page, gotta get started building a list! So what goes on that squeeze page? A graphic of what you are giving away, some text, an opt in form and a headline to grab their attention. And that opt in form needs an auto responder attached to it!! (My fav is Aweber if you are wondering.)

And after it’s all set up and looking good….you need to make sure it looks great in all browsers!! And if it doesn’t, that’s where the techy man comes in, cause I am so NOT there yet!! But it looked great, so on to the next step.

The Download Page…spacer where the people who have opted into your list and confirmed their email address get sent to download your freebie. And what does the download page have on it? Another graphic of the product, so folks will remember what they signed up for, a link to download the product and I happened to add a few more free offers that will help folks on their way! Those offers also have graphics and links, so the download page is pretty cool. Lots of things to do on there!!

BUT…..while folks are waiting on the ‘confirm your email address email’ they get to see a product that my friend Steve has made and get a chance to purchase it (it’s all relevant to my guide, in fact, if you want to see it, it’s right here!! Really Easy WordPress Videos

Sooooo…..hmmmmm…..little techy redirect script on there that I NEVER even thought of! Thank God I have friends who know what they are doing!! (and actually do this stuff day after day!!)

So now we have the index page(first page folks see on your site), the download page, the autoresponder set up and the little redirect page with a ton of cool videos on how to learn WordPress. Sooooo am I finished??

OH Heck no!! (Now realize, I am doing this in about 20 minutes a day for a few weeks, because I actually have a full time job and I am making another product in Partnership To Success with John Thornhill and I am supposed to be focused on SOMETHING ELSE!!! Shhh…don’t tell….Sorry John, I’ll make it up to you!!)

So there needs to be a link to all my legal policies and disclaimers…..Terms of Service, Privacy and Earnings Disclaimer….blah blah blah on all these pages. So I go back to the ole drawing board….NVU to be exact and guess what???? NVU doesn’t like me and it doesn’t like scripts (well my scripts anyway!!)

You remember that Aweber stuff we talked about….the opt in form? Well, that’s a script, or it was. It’s not anymore! lol. So…anywhere I had a script, NVU just took out all the graphics and formatting and left me with a very ugly white page with no formatting or graphics!


Hello Techy!?!? Yes, and …..Hello real HTML editor! (and it likes me AND my scripts!!)

Thank Goodness I learned how to back up my regular sites before all this happened, and I had the backup on my hard drive so the only thing that got screwed up was my frustration levels! And backing up is very easy. (Maybe we’ll talk about that on my next blog post.)

But you know the cool thing about all of this?

I got it done. Editing, setting things up, Uploading the minisite and videos, setting up all the legal stuff, editing those stinkin HTML pages, frustration, waiting on answers for days…oh…and I have a really cool picture and signature!!

I freekin got it done. So if you ever think something is too complicated, frustrating, not worth it or anything else that hot little red guy on your shoulder is telling you…just keep on it….it will get done and you will be amazed at what you learn and how you feel to have finished a real project!

(Unless, you want someone else to set it up for you……we’ll talk about that later as well!)

So do you have any frustrations with blogs, websites pages, etc? Have you finished a project and felt like you were on TOP of the world??  Do you have any setbacks or want to let me know how YOU get your product online, let me know in the comment section below and let’s get r done!!

Now….back to John Thornhill (shhhhh……sorry John!)

P.S. I didn’t even go into the part about having to change all this from one domain to another….that’s another story in itself!!!

John Thornhill For The Day?

Saturday, June 18th, 2011 at 9:54 AM  
Comments (12)

I used to think I knew a thing or two….now after almost 2 years, I am barely learning how to use Aweber!! (and just barely finding that out!! lol)

Anyway…I have been promoting Push Button Giveaways 2.0 (and wait till you see the bonuses I scored!!) and I just realized I am not sending the emails to all my list.  I have been sending emails to like 20 people and not my whole list!! Back to the drawing board!! hahahaha! Dang!!! DUH!!

Something else I learned is no, never, never, never use copy/paste emails from the JV blogs! They are BORING! And you don’t get to use your own writing style and voice… know the one your subscribers read and adore??

This is the email I sent out today to my WHOLE LIST of Subscribers….(learned how)



And as you can see…the beginning is BORING!! NOT a good lead in to…..



Seriously, “blah blah, blah, blah….buy my stuff” is not gonna win any awards! Yawn!! ZZZZZZZZ…..hmmmm


just might win an award or 2 AND… you with your WHOLE online career, not just list building!!

First of all when you buy Push Button Giveaways 2.0 through my link… are getting the most up to date technologically cool program that lets you join giveaways at the push of a few buttons. There are also done for you gifts in there if you are a total n00b and have no clue as to what you are doing (like I was), among other things like email generators, link generators, special offers, etc.

Then…you get some Skype and email time with me because although I am kinda sorta a newbie…. I can still help you get your gifts set up and ready to go!

Then, you get PLR books that you can change up and add your name and your links. These are not crappy books I snagged off of the hard drive. These are NEW and really HOT right now. And I can help you with that as well! spacer

Next, is ebook templates that you can use with Open Office to set up your ebooks and format them so they are professional and cool.

And some squeeze pages that they tell me are really high converting and folks could and should be begging to give you their email! (little hypey there, but supposedly it works!!)



He is going to hold some workshops at his office in Sunderland and YOU will be a part of it!! John Thornhill for the day?


spacer Now, the only way you are gonna get all these bonuses is if you buy Push Button Giveaways 2.0 through my link.

Here is the sales page so you can see what you are getting. It’s a complete JV Giveaway List Building Machine!!

What do you have to lose? Push Button Giveaways 2.0 is covered by a money back guarantee!!

So go on over and get signed up

and then come back here and get your bonuses!!

Oh, and please, please, please let me know if you have any questions. I am here to help!! spacer


Comment much?? spacer

Push Button Giveaways 2.0 Bonuses Woo-Hoo!

Tuesday, June 14th, 2011 at 11:05 AM  
Comments (5)

spacer Push Button Giveaways 2.0 is LIVE and I have found the the coolest bonuses for you!! (but ya gotta buy through my Push Button Giveaways 2.0 link!!)

Why are they so cool? Because they will help you get started entering Giveaways the right way! (To help you get the best bang for your Push Button Giveaways 2.0 bucks!!) AND…..because these bonuses have never been offered anywhere before!

Now let me back up a bit and tell you what I know about Push Button Giveaways 2.0, Keith Purkiss (the mastermind behind the software) and John Thornhill (the mastermind behind everything else!!).

Well, I could tell you they are a couple of gurus….but I won’t. I could tell you they both know exactly what it takes to build a list of happy customers….won’t tell you that either! I could tell you they both live in the UK! Haha!! Not gonna tell you that either!!

I could tell you lots of reasons why PBG2 is so cool and I am promoting their product!

What I will tell you that I have known John Thornhill for a little over 2 years and Keith Purkiss for a little over a year and BOTH of them are honest, good-hearted, trustworthy marketers!!(Keith is also a geek!! Haha!!) AND THAT is what’s important! (the trust, not the geek!) Being honest and trustworthy to your customers!! (with a little geek on the side!! haha!)

So now that you know the creators who brought you Push Button Giveaways 2.0 are honest and cool… Let me tell ya that I know Push Button Giveaways 2.0 is the answer to your list building woes (and with all the spam and crap floating around, we need all the help we can get!!)

First of all… Push Button Giveaways 2.0 is the first software program that I have seen that is truly Push Button. I wrote about it here and I feel it’s very worthy of my time and my extra special never been seen before bonuses!!

I have never offered any of my time to anyone through a Bonus Offer so I will give you some Skype time and we can chat about how to get all your gifts set up and going!!


Secondly….I scoured and scoured the internet, emailing people, Skyping folks, asking questions and calling in favors to bring you the best in Private Label Rights material so you could download and put your name on some of the hottest content on the planet!! Nothing rehashed or over used!! You know that awesomely cool PLR books make your gift giving EASIER!! Yay!

These are so NOT ebooks from years past, they are new and fresh content!!

How’s that for cool?!? And these ebooks have all the graphics and source docs you need to be able to make it your own!!

Now I really hope you see the value in this.

You buy Push Button Giveaways 2.0 through my link, you get my sooper dooper bonuses and some really cool hot off the press Private Label Rights ebooks. You can change them up and put your name on them. You upload them to your blog or site, get the link, add it to Push Button Giveaways 2.0, find a few giveaways you want to enter, push a button or 2 and you’re entered.


List building heaven!!

I just entered a giveaway yesterday and this morning I already have new subscribers!!

So here ya go….check out these bonuses!!

I’ll see ya over there!


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