Funny How These Things Happen

Posted on February 10, 2012 by Melissa

So, remember how earlier this week I was given bad news that I probably wasn’t going to move to Redding?  Well, it became definite and as sad as I was that I wasn’t going to be moving up there, part of me was a tad relieved.  I was definitely sad that I was going to have to move away from Whit and everyone else I know, but I really like what I do for work.


With this information it meant that my line of work would probably end soon after the Spring season finished out.  I obviously want to keep working, so I started to look over at the job boards I visit and applied for a few.  Low and behold, Monday afternoon I get a call, an impromptu interview and an offer for a position in Southern California.  Say what?!  Can we say excited?!

With some careful consideration and making sure I don’t leave anything hanging with my current position, Wednesday afternoon I accepted the position and am moving down to Southern California!  Now this job is a bit different than the one I have, as I’m going to have to live out of a hotel for…a very long period of time.  Moving between several of them for about, 6 months.  It’s going to be hard, but I’m sure I will learn a lot and have an interesting adventure.


What about Whit and Honey?  Whit and I already had things planned out for when I moved to Redding and we’re just switching them over for this new position, except as time goes on, I’ll move closer to him with the job.  And Honey?  Oh…living out of hotels means no pets allowed.  I checked with the first one I’m staying in and can’t bring her, but I’m hoping some of the future ones will.  In the mean time, she will be staying with my awesome brother Craig, whom she already likes and is comfortable with.  It’s only temporary so I’ll have her back with me every second soon enough! You can bet I’m going to make my brother skype with me and the cat.  No joke.  And don’t laugh.  Haha…ok, laugh.

Anyhow, just as one adventure was coming to a close, another one came and swept me off my feet!  SoCal is my stomping grounds, though I’ll be starting a little further East then I’ve ever been, but still, it’s home!  And after this position…who knows what will come my way!!!

But first, it’s time for vacation!!!  Kauai here I come!!!

Posted in Field Work | 4 Comments

Birding Thursday: Calliope Hummingbird

Posted on February 9, 2012 by Melissa

Birding Thursday: Calliope Hummingbird

The Calliope Hummingbird in latin means “the little star” and well so, with the gorgeous red streaks of color along their throats.

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As the smallest bird in the hummingbird family at just 3.25″ long, it is also the one most traveled, migrating from South-Central Mexico to Southwest Canada, and does it all alone!  In addition, because they are the smallest they also make a slightly different sound than all the other hummingbirds, like the Rufous Hummingbird, and sound more like a bumble bee!

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These little guys are in a bit of trouble though, with their wintering grounds shrinking  from habitat loss and loss of native plants with invasive ones.  Much is unknown about this little bird because very little studies have been done on it, so working to conserve it could be a problem in the near future.  Lets hope it never gets to that point!

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Each year they have one set of two babies, in a very small nest!

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I personally have only seen one of these little birds in my lifetime, and I can’t wait until I find my next one!  There are about a million of them left, but with their size, I’m sure you can imagine how hard they could be to find!  One day!

Happy Birding Thursday!

Posted in Birding Thursday, Home | Tagged Birding Thursday | 3 Comments

Lucky Eleven

Posted on February 6, 2012 by Melissa


Yep, I’m going to do that survey!  Miss Amy Lauren tagged me, so I had to oblige!

Here’s the rules:

#1 You must post these rules.
#2 Each person must post 11 things about themselves on their blog.
#3 Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post and create 11 new questions for the people you tag to answer in your blog spacer .

My 11 Things:

1. Growing up from the time I was born, I made a trip to the ER every 2.5 years for something…like an underdeveloped esophagus, broken fingers, broken toes, fractured hands…you name it, I did it.  And probably with a not so exciting story…which leads me to number two…

spacer (Me and Grandma…the Emiko I refer to later on)

2. I’ve be underground at Disneyland.  Yes, UNDERGROUND.  I broke two fingers while visiting the park when I was in elementary school at Mickey’s House in Toontown.  I was taken to their on site medical clinic and then to any hospital that I chose…where they would pay for everything.  And while I was there I saw a convict coming in for medical help…in a full on orange jump suit and chains.  Yes, chains and shackles.  Hah!

3. The only time I cut my hair, is to donate it to Locks of Love or Pantene Beautiful Lengths to make wigs for people who have lost their hair.  I never care how short my hair has to be after I cut it, because I know mine will grown back.  So as soon as I get the 8-10 inches I need to donate, off it goes!

spacer (disregard what the heck I’m doing…)

4. My middle name is Nicole, but it was supposed to be Emiko, my grandmother’s Japanese name.  But my Dad thought it didn’t flow, so I got Nicole.  Instead, I’ve vowed my daughter, whenever that time comes, will be named Emiko.  No questions asked.  Haha.

5.  My goal in life is to live in the tropics.  I don’t care which ones, just any one of them!  I miss the moisture and the feel of the green…ya know?

6.  Snow is the bane of my existence.  Everything about it scares the crack out of me, especially when it turns to ice and I slide.  I am not a fan.  And I’ve slid my truck and been stuck in it, so don’t tell me it’s that bad!  Eek!

7.  I have one of the best relationships with my brothers.  I know a lot of people who don’t get along with their siblings at all, but luckily that’s not the case with them.  A call or drive away and we’re hanging out, laughing at each other at family dinners and making sure we’re always alright.  And to think…there were supposed to be three of them! I could have had three brothers, or a sister!


8.  I’ve been running since I was in 4th or 5th grade, when I competed in a jog-a-thon.  From that day on, I was always the one who was volunteering to run on teams, run errands, and make teams.  I wouldn’t give it up for anything.

spacer (4th of July race last year…I was not feelin’ that race)

9. I love to read. I read on average a book a month, and sometimes they’re cheesy like Nora Robert’s romance novels.  But sometimes they’re crazy hard to read like scientific articles from journals like Biotropical, Ecology, Biological Conservation and Forest Ecology.  I makes me feel like my brain isn’t rotting quite as fast…haha!

10.  When I was a kid, I wanted to be just like my parents with my life timeline: married by 23, house soon after, first kid by 28…and I’m 26 now and far behind that plan.  Haha.  I was seriously adamant about this when I was a kid!  So were my brothers!

11.  My life is constantly unknown.  My jobs can end in an instant, but it can always open another door to a great opportunity in another fun place with new people!  This is the current situation right now, and we’ll see where it takes me!


Amy’s Questions:

1.) What’s your favorite pizza topping?  Onions.  And basil.  Lots of both!
2.) How old were you when you moved out of your parents’ house (if you’ve moved out)?  I was 22!  I have lived there for a month here or there between jobs, but I don’t count those times.
3.) Are you watching the Super Bowl?  Nope.  I did watch the half time show though, just because it was on TV.

4.) If you could take a vacation anywhere in the world, where would you take it?  Oh geez…ultimately there are several places I would love to go, but the one that probably runs number one just by a hair, is the Amazon Rainforest.  There are so many things undiscovered there and the wildlife…oh the wildlife…

spacer (Source) (How awesome is that bird?!??! Scale-crested pygmy tyrant)

5.) How old were you when you got your first cell phone?  I was 17…wow, almost 10 years ago!  I remember not wanting one though!  I was fine with calling 1 800 Call ATT and instead of saying my name say, “Pick me up now!”  Hahahaha!!  Remember the TV commercials???  “HadABabyItsABoy!”

6.) What’s the goofiest museum/theme park/roadside attraction you’ve ever visited?  I don’t know about goofy, but the most unique one was the rock museum at Balboa Park in San Diego.  Yes, I’m that girl…who likes rocks.

7.) What’s your favorite ice cream topping?  Graham Crackers!!! I will put it on every type of ice cream…except for mint.  Then I put oreos on it.

8.) Which color M&M tastes the best?  Any one that has a peanut or pretzel in the middle…and has dark chocolate.  I don’t discriminate, all colors taste great! LOL

9.) Do you get a tax refund or do you have to pay?  I don’t know about this year yet, but last I I got a tax refund. I think this year I’m going to have to pay…bummer.

10.) If you had a $10,000 gift card, how and where would you spend it?  $9,000 to save the planet with various donations to organizations, and $1,000 for me…to take a vacation to the Big Island and see birds.  And the volcano. spacer

11.) If you could re-live one day of your life, which day would it be?  The day I adopted Honey.  Best decision of my life.


Now my 11 questions for my friends:

1. If you could be one bird, what would it be?
2. Pb or chocolate on a desert island?  You can’t have both
3. Mountain or ocean?  You still can’t have both.  haha!
4. If you could live in a different era, which one would it be?
5. What president, dead or not, would you like to have lunch with?
6. What is your favorite book of all time?
7. You win the lotto, who do you call first?
8. What is your favorite sport to watch on TV?  To watch live?
9. What was your favorite cartoon to watch growing up?
10. How long have you been best friends with your best friend?
11. What is your favorite comic from the Sunday paper?  Come on…I know you still read it!

You’re next!

Biz from My Bizzy Kitchen
Mara from What’s for Dinner?
Mel from Mel Runs
Haley from Green Plate Dinners
Krista from Krista’s Kravings
Amanda from Table for Glasses
Kaitlin from Kaitlin with Honey
Maria from Chasing the Now
Kara from A Dog Lick Baby World
Danielle from Danielle Abroad
Jenn from Eating Bender

Enjoy ladies! I can’t wait to see your answers!

Posted in About Me | 8 Comments

Working To…

Posted on February 6, 2012 by Melissa

This weekend I took a random trip home to my parents after receiving some frustrating news on Friday: I probably won’t be moving to Redding in March.  I was told that the project I was planning on working on is considering ending the surveys when I was supposed to start.  Sad times.

Normally I would have been devastated.  I really wanted to try out a new place and make some new friends but I guess this time, it’s just not going to happen.  As much as I’m sad I won’t be going, it means I get to stay near Whit and my family, so that’s a plus, right?  Yep!

Anyways, my random trip home was nice and relaxing. Before I left I posted a picture of my breakfast smoothie with all the cutouts for my inspiration board…which has been sitting there for over a month.  Opps.  At least the smoothie was good!


I hung out with my Mom and brother at a craft fair to find a gift for Whit’s Mom for her birthday, since it was last week and we’ll be there this week!  We ended up convincing my brother to buy Valentine’s gifts for his girlfriend…so Yuri, I know you’re going to love it!  My parents went out with some friends for the evening and since none of my friends were free to hang out, my brother and I watched The Patriot, ate egg sandwiches and grapes and waited for Whit to arrive before going to bed.  Such an exciting Saturday night, right?

Sunday was much more exciting though!  I headed out with my Mom and Whit to the Long Beach Farmers Market where I discovered the best tasting vegan cupcakes I’ve ever had!

spacer (How smart is the container btw?!)

Cheyenne’s Cupcakes I guess just stared setting up shop at the farmers market and I had to try one of their cupcakes!  They had the one I picked, the Spiced Chai Cupcake, along with a fresh strawberry one, and boy was it delicious.  The frosting was just right, not too sweet and fluffy enough with being too dense for my tastes, and the cupcake base was spot on with the amount of spices and texture!  I now wish I had gotten the strawberry one too to try…but that just means I have to go back, right?  Until them, I’m hoping to make some Taro Cupcakes when I get to Kauai on Friday with Whit’s brother in law!  More to come on that!

We also treated ourselves to some fresh kettle corn and watermelon shaved ice while Whit had a tamale of some sort. I love getting food at the farmer’s market because the freshness is something you simply can’t find anywhere else!

The rest of Sunday was pretty chill, but I did get to finally go for my two mile run!  It was so nice to be in weather over 66* and wind that doesn’t chill you to the bone!  I ran the square city block near my parents and after returning did a bootcamp based mostly off a Twenty Minute Tuesday from Bobbi’s website.  Here’s what I did, 4x:

  • 50 punches to the side
  • 25 plyo jacks
  • 25 squats
  • 25 pushups
  • 25 jump squats
  • 26 alternating lunges
  • 40 mountain climbers
  • 50 bicycle crunches

I also did an ab circuit afterwards that included:

  • 20 left elbow to right knee crunch
  • 20 right elbow to left knee crunch
  • 30 toe toes
  • 30 squirmies
  • 25 leg lifts with a lower ab crunch
  • 1 min plank

I’m certainly feeling it today, especially those crunches!  Whew!  All in all, the workout took me about 30 minutes and I was sweating buckets afterwards!

Whit and I finally returned to my place after getting just the right timing down of when to drive through downtown LA to avoid the traffic: Superbowl time!  It was so glorious driving down I-5 and never having to hit the brakes!  A miracle actually!

Today I’m working on searching for a new job, getting a workout/hike for work and then going to physical therapy.  This week looks pretty brutal weather wise for my area which means it’s going to make work more difficult to do…so I’m prepared to use that down time productively for job stuff!  And cleaning…my apt needs a serious revamp!

Happy Monday! I hope you had a good weekend, and the team you were rooting for won the Super Bowl!  To tell you the truth, I don’t eve know how played…heh.


Posted in Anxiety, Bootcamp, family,