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2012 February 9
tags: life, random
by katie

Maybe you’ve seen this survey going around. 11 Questions, then you tag others and ask your own questions for them to answer on their blogs. And I know I just did 7 random facts about me last week, so I apologize if my blog is coming off a bit narcissistic lately.


Anyways, the lovely Jenny and Amanda have tagged me, and to be honest my wednesday was so busy I didn’t have a minute to plan a post, so I’m taking the easy way out here and answering some fun questions from both of theirs. Thanks girls!

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1. What was your favorite cereal as a child?  Honey Comb!!! And on the rare occasion that my Dad would allow us to mix two cereals I would love it mixed with Life. I even sent in my picture when I was like 7 to try to be on the front of a Life Cereal box. #fail


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2. Do you sleep with your socks on or off? I usually start with them on and tear them off in a slumbered frenzy in the middle of the night when I’m overheated and it feels SO GOOD.

3. If you had 100 to spend on one item, what would you buy? I’ve spent the longest thinking about this one but I honestly can’t come up with a single thing I want or need other than food and heat. So there, I’m going to be boring and say I’d spend it on food and heat. And flowers for my Mom.


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4. Do you prefer to wear your hair up or down? Curly or straight? Down and curly if it’s a good day. Up in a tight ballerina bun if I’m trying to avert attention away from it. I straighten my hair maybe twice a year.

5. What is your favorite part of the day? 6pm -bedtime (when I’m not working) = hanging out with my roommates, dancing and cooking around the kitchen, sort of doing homework, talking about our days etc. I never want to live aloneeeee.

6. How old were you when you had your first crush? Did anything ever “come out of it”? Hmmm I can vividly remember a 4th grade crush that lasted well into 6th grade. During truth or dare, which obviously ended up being all kissing dares, come on it was 6th grade, on a bus ride home from after school ski program, he was dared to kiss me. And that folks was my 5th grade first kiss that left me spinning with joy.


7. What are you most looking forward to this week? Although the week is coming to an end… Crossfit classes (which already happened). Waiting on 44 college hockey players tomorrow tonight at work. Going out on friday. Doing nothing all day saturday. And Saturday night. Are all highlights.

8. Describe your day in one word. Shepherd’s Pie. 2 Words but there’s no way around that one, my day literally centered around shepherd’s pie. Made a big pie in the morning. Went to crossfit and dreamed of it while I died through a WOD. Shoveled a few pieces in my mouth before taking my shoes off or sitting down. Did things. Ate more as a snack. Packed some to go and went to work. Ate it at work. Came home and had a little more. Went to skating. Anddddd, just ate another piece as the clock struck midnight right before climbing into bed where I will dream of shepherd’s pie. And that’s how you consume 5/6ths of a pie meant for a family in a single day, thank you crossfit.

9. If you could go back to high school, what’s one thing that you would do differently? I loved my friends, I tried hard in school, I did many sports and juggled skating, and I went out with friends a good amount… I don’t have many regrets, I loved high school. I really wish I could go back and tell my younger self to care a little less what others thought- I remember those awkward adolescent years of constantly being concerned if so and so liked me, or what everyone thought of the outfit I picked out that day. It’s amazing how much those feelings have faded since then, and I can imagine they will only continue to fade more as I grow up and into myself more.

10. What’s the best and/or worst job you’ve ever had. The absolute worst job was working at this tiny seafood beach shack in my hometown with my best friend. We both lasted two stressful weeks and I actually had a friend call and quit for me. I’m so pathetic. My favorite job is the waitressing job I have now. I genuinely enjoy going, love being on my feet and interacting with people, and love who I work with.

11. What are you planning on eating for your next meal? Take one guess (see answer 8). Yes that 1/6th of the pie that’s left will be breakfast.












  • 1. What’s something about yourself that you’re working on?
  • 2. What is the worst injury you’ve ever had- how did you get it?
  • 3. If you don’t already have a family of your own- what do you imagine your family to be like? If you do, did you ever dream your family would be like it is now?
  • 4. What is the number one biggest stressor in your life right now?
  • 5. What’s one food item you can confidently say you will never attempt to make?
  • 6. What is your go-to, never fails to impress, dinner dish you make when you’re cooking for others?
  • 7. What’s one blog you get genuinely excited to see that they have posted or updated? What do you like about that blog?
  • 8. What one age would you like to live over again- either because you loved it or to re-d0 it and why?
  • 9. If you couldn’t fail trying out a career or job, what would you do?
  • 10. Are you an over-buyer or an under-buyer? You either stock up on random things and have no issue spending money on necessities and extras, or you put off buying things as long as possible.
  • 11. What is one talent or skill you wish you possessed ?


And everyone who wants to: pick a question, or 2, or 11 and answer it in the comments, I’d love to hear some responses!

Happy Thursday!


from → life

Grocery List Then and Now

2012 February 8
tags: groceries, nutrition
by katie

I was flipping through old facebook photos yesterday and I came across an album from three summers ago when I lived on Block Island with friends. We worked together, lived together, and of course cooked together most days.


This photo was a list that my friend Mimi and I took off island for a big grocery haul. It gives you a good idea of the kind of diet we ate, which we thought was pretty healthy for four teenage girls who were living and cooking on their own for basically the first time. Lots of veggies, hummus, nuts, and veggie burgers. The meat items on the list were for my one friend who still ate meat at the time, but three of us were vegetarians.


I used to eat lots of cereal and fruit in the morning. Hummus and cheese wraps and granola bars in the afternoons. And some pasta or veggie burgers in the evenings since that was the extent of what we knew how to make. And the vitamin waters and crystal light packets were to mix with our cheap vodka.


Needless to say I was often hungry, lacked plenty of nutrients in my diet, and drank some pretty awful mixed drinks.


These days my lists looks more like this….





I’ve traded…

Soy milk for Canned Coconut Milk.

Cereal for Eggs.

Smart Dogs (ew.) and Veggie Burgers for Real Meat thank you.

Loaves of Bread for Rice and Sweet Potatoes.

Tofu for Chicken.

And thankfully my taste for drinks has changed as well. 


How has your “list” changed over the years? Have you ever found on old grocery list and been amazed at how much has changed or have you generally kept the same diet for a long time?



from → nutrition


2012 February 7
tags: groceries
by katie

On Sunday the grocery store was a madhouse. Bags of chips were flying off the shelves like hot cakes and they were actually sold out of avocados by the time we arrived, which was only mid morning. I guess everyone had similar ideas when it came to easy party food.


However I was not focused on the avocados or tostitos… I was more concerned with a sale that nearly made me choking on my free cheese sample.


BOGO Grass Fed Beef.


Since we were out with a bunch of friends I refrained from piling my cart high with pounds and pounds of meat, and instead grabbed two and shed a tear.


Well you better believe I didn’t let that sale go to waste. The next day I was back, by myself this time, and was pleasantly surprised to see the sale still going on and casually picked up enough to last me until April.


I typically go through a pound a week in stir fries and burgers but I’d love to hear your favorite way to cook with beef. Any great recipes I should give a try? Would you have stocked up on this sale too?


from → cooking

Shrimp Fried “Rice”

2012 February 6
tags: cooking, friends, paleo, recipes
by katie

If your superbowl party was anything like ours…..


You and your friends polished off …. Buffalo chicken dip, bacon cream cheese stuffed jalapenos, 2 pizzas, chili cheese dip, french fries x 2, bacon and sour cream baked potato skins, and beer. Typical.


Then proceeded to talk about what time you’d hit the gym together tomorrow and that awesome salad recipe you’ve been meaning to try out.


And then you all fell asleep in a cheese coma and left every dish and empty bottle to be picked up and cleaned the next day.


No? That’s just how college students do it?



Well in case that is in fact how your night went last night, here’s a recipe all about vegetables; not an ounce of cheese, crust, or bacon in sight..



Shrimp Fried “Rice”

I got the idea for “rice” made from cauliflower from Well Fed- my favorite new cookbook as of late. I was skeptical, as I’m sure most of you are, but after a short whirl in the food processor and a little stir fry in the cast iron, the cauliflower really did resemble a grain dish. It was more like cous cous in my opinion, but Shrimp Fried Cous Cous doesn’t roll off the tongue quite like Fried Rice does. Serves 1-2. 

  • 1/2 head cauliflower
  • 1/4 lb. shrimp
  • Olive oil
  • Juice from half a lime
  • 2 Tbsp Gluten free soy sauce
  • Cajun Spices (paprika, cayenne, garlic all to taste) 
  • 2 large carrots
  • 1/2 white onion
  • Green onions for garnish

Peel shrimp and place in a bowl along with 1 Tbsp olive oil, juice from 1/4th of a lime, 1 Tbsp soy sauce, cajun spices, salt and pepper. Mix well and allow to marinate. 

Break up cauliflower head into florets and place into food processor. Pulse food processor 10-15 times for 1-2 seconds each until cauliflower is all broken up into tiny “rice” granules. Place “rice” into microwave safe bowl and microwave for 1 minute. This preps it to be stir fried without turning mushy. 

Heat pan with 1 Tbsp olive oil and add diced onion and diced carrots. Allow to cook and soften for 5-7 minutes. Add in shrimp, cooking on each side 2 minutes (if shrimp are not pre cooked they may take longer). 

Finally add in cauliflower, 1 Tbsp soy sauce, and  cajun spices and stir continuously until everything is well mixed and heated through.  Add salt and pepper to taste. 

Squeeze fresh lime and garnish with green onions or cilantro. 


Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m gonna go saute up some kale, squeeze in a workout with a friend, and if we’re being honest, probably polish off that leftover chili dip.


How did you celebrate the superbowl? Did you enjoy all the typical indulgences or keep things a little lighter?


from → friends, gluten free, life, paleo

A Week of Workouts

2012 February 5
tags: crossfit, work outs
by katie

I felt really active and good about my workouts this past week. I waitressed a ton which keeps me moving and walking for 2-5 hours depending on my shift. I also got out for a few short jogs, crossfitted, worked out from home and had some good rest mixed in. Here’s a look at my week:


Saturday- Zuzana’s WOD #1. About a 16 minute intense workout with 3 rounds of dive bombers, squat leg lifts, side plank lifts, pistol squats (1 legged squat all the way down and back up, a goal of mine is to do at least 1 with full range of motion), with burpees in between all these. All body weight exercises done from my bedroom- can’t beat it! Great workout.


Sunday- 30 minute jog. I wouldn’t say I’m back into running but when I feel cooped up inside and the weather is right, I find my body craves a short intense run outside. I did some pick up intervals and downloaded new music to keep it interesting.



Monday- Back squat strength work and WOD at Crossfit. I started going to the crossfit in town when I came back from break and I really love the gym here. Everyone is super friendly just like the crossfit at home and I’ve found the workouts to be even a bit more intense. This WOD was a mix of Kettlebell swings and medicine ball slams for 16 rounds.


Tuesday- Active rest. My rest days lately are just walks to class and walks with my roommate and her dog. Usually around an hour total for the day.

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Wednesday- Deadlift strength work and WOD at Crossfit. The workout was power cleans alternating with hand stand push ups. Really tough workout on the upper body and core. Also waitressed.


Thursday- Active rest: walks, waitressing, and skating practice.


Friday- 25 minute jog + waitressing. Easy jog to get fresh air, I felt good and strong despite not having run very consistently lately. Crossfit is metabolic conditioning as well as strength work so it’s been keeping me in shape in both senses.


Saturday- Active rest: waitressing and 1/2 hour walk with roommate.


And on that note, I’m off to the store for ingredients to make….


Buffalo Chicken Dip for our super bowl gathering tonight. Crowd. Pleaser.


Did you workout a lot this past week or take more of a rest week? Any fun workouts or accomplishments- feel free to share! 


from → working out

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