1. 10:27 18th Mar 2011

    The experiment

    A business has three component purposes:

    1. Create value for customers or clients
    2. Make profit for the company
    3. Repeat 1 and 2 ad infinitum (or ad failurum)

    There have been millions of pages written about the “best way” to do each of these things, but even The Market™ can’t prescribe exactly how these three things should be accomplished. The sad thing is that many of these books prescribe the same formulas that have been proven again and again to fail or at the very least, be less than optimal.

    This blog is about exploring patterns, processes, models, and practices that break or bend those prescribed by normal business practitioners. I’ll be posting about the experiments we’re doing at Arcturo, but I’ll also be interviewing others about what they’re doing.

    So, stay tuned. Subscribe to the RSS. Follow us on Twitter @bizhypothesis. It’s going to be a fun, wild ride.

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