spacer The Essential Feminine Company - Empowering Women to Create Successful Businesses and Lives


Congratulations to "Your Greatest Hopes And Dreams" winners Susan Spitzel and Nikki Di Virgilio!


Thank you to everyone who entered the TEF "Hopes And Dreams" contest. You can see the winning entries on our blog Women Influencing Now.

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Stay tuned! You don't want to miss our upcoming March contest.


We can support you to make this happen…are you ready?

We work with you individually and in groups with women from around the world to help you design and live this life everyday – from the inside out and from the feminine perspective…

What's different about us?

We have years of experience in creatively supporting women to design lives – that reflect how they want to live. We understand that we women want to collaborate – network and be a part of something bigger than ourselves. Our diverse powerful work gets you to look at what’s next for you in life and to create it! Our work is designed to prepare you to live successfully in this world and to find your own definition of success. Our work is informed and guided by the ancient principles of Celtic Wisdom, deep spirituality, the Ayurvedic Sciences and our newly developed philosophy which teaches women their natural gifts – Awakening Your Essential Feminine®. After working with us – many women have said that we are highly unique in that we tangibly support women to be successful in business and life in this fast paced world yet our work bridges ancient wisdom with women’s needs today.





Claim Your Gifts – Own Your Power – Come Alive

Join us for this 3-week virtual workshop-our signature program specifically designed to cultivate radiant self-confidence, magnetic power, and true emotional and spiritual prosperity

For women who feel stretched day to day, need to clarify what is next and most important, and want to create something new…This life-renewing 3-week group experience is an opportunity to work directly with author, speaker, and teacher Maureen Simon-a renowned catalyst for women who are ready for change and transformation.


Based on the core principles of the groundbreaking new book Awakening the Essential Feminine: Claiming Your Influential Power, Maureen's signature "Stand Tall, Create It All" journey is for tapping into your innate power-the feminine power that calls forth the absolute best in you; the force that easily and naturally magnetizes the opportunities, resources, and relationships that line up with life you most deeply desire.

If you are a woman who cannot wait another day to live the life you know you were made for, this 3-week group is the answer to a prayer. Join us to fully refresh and re-create your life as you want it to be…quickly and elegantly. Imagine: within a month, you can be more relaxed, open, and energized than you have been in years; standing in a place of total empowerment and profound optimism for the future. It's time.

Session 1: Refresh and Recharge – reconnect to your deeper self; relax into yourself and consciously reconnect to the rhythms of nature and the nourishment of the sacred; tend to your inner world in preparation for extraordinary outer success.

Session 2: Reclaim – strengthen your self-confidence; understand and invoke your influential power; more fully own the forces within you that have the power to move mountains.

Session 3: Recreate – design the look, feel, and quality of your newly enlivened life; make clear and powerful commitments to sustain your new ways of being-incorporating your clarified values, standards, and specific health and well-being commitments; put to full use your new commitments to your work, your life, and your higher purpose.

To what end? To claim yourself as a woman who is standing beautifully and radiantly in her power.

The Format

90-minute tele-gatherings: In this interactive group via telephone bridgeline, Maureen Simon creates a unique environment-one where you will feel like you're "in the room together" with extraordinary women from around the world.

Each session will include focused guidance and advice, inner reflection, Q & A time, and immeasurable inspiration. As a highly intuitive business and life design expert, Maureen incorporates principles of mysticism, alchemy, and social entrepreneurship as she guides women to achieve their desired outcomes.

Cost: Early Registration, June 7 – September 1: $189 / After September 1: $229

  • Get the most out of your summer (don't let another one slip by wondering "where did it go?")
  • Develop a simple, on-the-go meditation practice
  • Get healthier by eating in tune with the season
  • Gain clarity about your life and where you're headed (learn how to use weekends wisely)
  • Learning new ways to make rest, renewal, and refreshment a priority in your life
  • Rediscovering the soul of Beauty-a deep, abiding beauty that lifts and sustains you
  • Clearing away distractions in order to create space for the changes you most wish to make-letting yourself "shapeshift" in ways that delight you
  • Returning to your essential feminine and listening from that place for what's next in your life…what is most deeply calling you
  • Turning up your inner flame of hope, excitement, and inspiration for your future…
  • Reconnect to your higher purpose and meaning
  • Make a commitment to transform one area of your life (health, money, business, relationship, spiritual life, etc.)
  • Get extraordinarily clear about your plan of action
  • Move swiftly past procrastination and other obstacles
  • Reinvigorate hope, optimism, and inspiration-an unstoppable force for creating what you want

1st group: November 29 and 30 at 11 a.m. – 12 p.m. PST




The Essential Feminine Facilitator Training

- via telephone bridgeline – participate from anywhere in the world -

Lead your own Essential Feminine Circles™! This 4-week fast-track training program is for women who know that their feminine gifts are needed now and who want to support other women to claim their magnificent feminine attributes and strengths.

We believe that women are predisposed to powerful feminine gifts by the very nature of our birth, biology, and socialization. We are now poised in a perfect position to bring the pendulum back to center, where the masculine and feminine can live side by side in new ways. It is now time for women to take the lead, but to do so, we must fully understand, claim, and embody these powerful attributes. In this one-month training, you will learn how to recognize and activate these attributes in yourself and others-empowering each of us to make the difference the world is waiting for us to make.

The information in this training will transform not only your own life but will allow you to lead Essential Feminine Circles™ that will transform the lives of countless other women as well. The course will prepare you to facilitate a 9-week process based on the book Awakening the Essential Feminine: Claiming Your Influential Power.

Upon registration: You will receive Maureen's book, Awakening the Essential Feminine. And when the program starts in September, you will receive the enhanced e-book and Essential Feminine Facilitator Kit to use with groups and clients.

The Format: Weekly 90-minute interactive tele-classes led by Maureen Simon-along with fabulous women from around the globe…

Week 1: Enlivening the World through Feminine Expression

Week 2: Igniting the Creative, Verbal and Imaginative Side of the Feminine

Week 3: Aligning Power, Intuition and Beauty from the Feminine Perspective

Week 4: Putting it all together-just before going live

Special Note: This training is ideal for all women, including consultants, therapists, teachers, workshop leaders, entrepreneurs, and other women who want to incorporate The Essential Feminine principles into their work in the world. A certificate will be provided upon completion of the four-week training.


When: March 8, 15, 22, and 29, 2012 at 12 – 1:30 p.m. PST.

Price: $499

Note: register by February 8 and GET 40% OFF! Pay only $299 if you register by February 8!



Seasonal Events



The Essential Feminine Women’s Autumn Renewal

A course to get you on track, engaged and fully alive this Autumn.

Autumn Renewal is an opportunity to clarify, refresh, renew and reprioritize your life. Now available as a download so you can enjoy in your own time and in your place.

Autumn for many marks a new beginning. Activities reignite while the day darkens and shortens. This is a wonderful time of year to regroup. We have just completed packaging this course as a download that you can enjoy in the comfort of your home – car or where ever you wish. Enjoy your own private renewal.

The course includes two one-hour recordings designed to help you to consciously look at how you are living your life this autumn. It will provide you with specific guidance and support in designing an autumn of greater choice and awareness.

In addition to receiving the two one-hour recordings, you will also receive the Autumn Renewal Replenishment Form – a tool to guide you to see what is working in your life and what needs to change. 

Cost: $39.00




Bubble Bath


A virtual workshop!

Bathe yourself in ease, rest, and renewal. Bring a vacation mindset to your daily life.

It’s time to bring back the girl within an innovative private renewal course unlike anything you have ever done. You have an opportunity to immerse yourself in a pool of peace and tranquility right in the midst of your life as it is right now. Rediscover the joys of summer and create a conscious sensual and enjoyable season.

In this course:

  • You will have a chance to evaluate what is joyful about summer.
  • And you will have an opportunity to consciously design a summer of joy, sensual aliveness and peace.

The course includes:

  • 2 hour-long sessions (in mp3 format)
  • 2 PDF's that allow you to follow along with the course
  • 2 PowerPoints to guide you through Summer Bubble Bath process


Cost: $39

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