
Backupify for Google Apps Domains

Backupify protects the data you store online

Regardless of whether it's stored on-premise or online, data is critical to any business. Backupify not only protects your data from mistaken deletion, it also allows you to offload data from online services when employees leave. No-hassle automated backups ensure that your data is always protected.

This in-depth demonstration video takes you through many of the features and functionality of Backupify including:

    - Restoring lost emails and documents
    - Selecting user accounts to be backed up
    - Checking on the status of your backups
    - Exporting user accounts (local downloads)

Visit Backupify's Vimeo page for other short videos on product functionality. If you're not already a customer, we encourage you to experience Backupify for yourself by starting a free 15-day trial!

Try Backupify for FREE!

Don't take our word for it


"Yes, I clicked the delete button. Yes, I regret it now. Yes, I belatedly realized why the Backupify service makes sense."

-- David F. Carr, Forbes

Learn more


Data loss doesn't go away in Google Apps. Download our whitepaper to learn how your risk profile changes in the cloud, and how you can protect your data investment.

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