Thursday, January 5, 2012

let’s talk about…online dating!

so i don’t have much to report on this morning.

i overslept, skipped my workout, ate my breakfast while simultaneously blow drying my hair, drank aluminum flavored coffee, and spent way too much money on products from italy


my commute to work involved a sing-a-long that went something like this

spacer spacer spacer

so i thought now would be a perfect time to update you all on my love life

because i’ve got a new year, a new perfume, and 4 different dates under my experience belt.


let’s be honest, i don’t have much dating experience. actually i would like to put myself in the ‘almost no dating experience’ category.

i’ve had one boyfriend my entire life, in college, about 4 years ago and he was my brother’s best friend who i knew for like 10 million years. so that doesn’t really count.

but i have been working on putting myself out there as not really a resolution but more of a let’s do this, let’s have some fun kind of gig.

i’ve been on for about 4 months now, i know this because i signed up for it the day after one of my best friend’s weddings as a ‘joke’ because 1. i need a dance partner if i’m planning on attending weddings and 2. jenna and i thought it would be a fun real life bachelorette moment.

and oh but it is.

reasons why it’s fun:

1. every day you get sent 7 matches and you get to say ‘no’ um ‘no’ i am not giving you a rose this week. you literally look at your ‘daily matches’ and say ‘nope’ ‘yes’ or ‘maybe!’ i mean hello talk about an awesome judgement experience


<—check me out today! (it’s a good day, this usually doesn’t happen to me)

2. it’s like shopping for men. literally i love shopping. i have a good idea of the kind of guy i want (ex: minimum 6’2 and must love football, seafood, fitness, and um hello deej” then you have your filters on so when you get your daily men you’re getting sent guys who would probably be of interest to you

my profile:


my tagline:


<--- um hello ‘favorite’ me! actually this tagline has been great, because i’ve received some pretty hilarious answers.

3. it helps you become rock solid at getting rejected. there will be many a times that i will just go ahead and wink at someone (ie: send out the initial, hey i think you’re a hottie signal) and i won’t hear back from them. ever. um hello are you not interested in a 5’10, witty girl from new york. guess not! fine by me, i was just kidding when i winked at you anyways.


…’wink for free’ at the simple cost of getting rejected.

reasons why it sucks:

  1. dating. is. exhausting. it’s exhausting! you put yourself out there, you have to go out of your way to meet these guys usually (i mean the pool of eligible, decent bachelors on long island & on is small) so it’s usually meeting them in the city, driving in, finding parking, it’s usually a weeknight because you don’t want to waste eachother’s friday or saturday nights if you suck, then you have to think about what you’re going to wear, be on your a-game for at least an hour and then if it doesn’t work out, welp you’re back to square one

and i won’t even go into the if you think it worked out and they didn’t talk. because that’s exhausting in it’s own.

so far i’ve met 4 different guys. it’s a number i’m content with because i’m selective.

#1 guy: well you know what happened with mr. marathon. lesson learned there, it was my first official match experience and a good one at that.

#2 guy: well let’s just say that if there are any guys out there reading this, that if you ask a girl where she’d love to travel to and she says ‘i’ve always wanted to go to paris’ well an incorrect snarky response back would be ‘i feel like all girls want to go to paris, because it’s the city of love’

<--- i was outta there like a cat on a hot tin roof so fast i didn’t even finish my ‘tall’ cup of starbucks.

#3 guy: well this song is my theme song every time i think about this one


i met him for drinks in the city, he was educated with a great job, a tad older then i would normally be interested in but i figured hey let’s give it a shot. he was a nice guy but i just wasn’t feelin’ it. i lied though and told him i was interested in seeing him again, and then i did what any normal girl would do. ignore his texts, gchats & anything else. oof. i know i’m a contributor to why girls get a bad rap. but i just couldn’t think of how to explain myself so i took the easy way out. oopsies!

#4 guy: this guy was an interesting experience. i met him for coffee one afternoon, and the chemistry was spot on. he was great company and we really got along, the conversation was consistent and he was super funny, and i think we both were feeling it. we went out again on date #2 and he took me to this delicious restaurant where i experienced the best biscuits and brussel sprouts of my life. the date was going great, but it was intense, the conversation was intense. and i like the typical me, tried to keep it light and airy. i thought the date was going great but then somewhere along the lines it kind of went sour. it potentially could have been when he said i was naive about relationships and i told him he was jaded. whoops!

at the end of the date i think we both knew it wasn’t going to work out, so i pulled a ‘chandler’ and told him i had a great time and we’ll talk soon. and that we did not.

i know i know, it all sounds like a waste of time, nothing has come of it yet, so you might be wondering why i’m still on it.

well because it’s fun!

i’m meeting new people, putting myself out there, coming out of it with great stories and having some fun.

so if you’re on the ‘online dating’ border i say totally cross over. i used to be on of those girls who would say ‘i would never do online dating’ but um hello here i am! so just do it, what’s the worst that could happen right?

right now i’m on and zoosk. i don’t really use zoosk but i do get the occasional creepy emails of some fist pumpers who checked out my profile.


there are so many other sites out there, so don’t feel like you have to pay and use two of my coworkers met their husbands using the free services (zoosk & plenty of fish)

the beauty of this is that i’m definitely not in any rush to be fully committed to anyone. if it comes along, then heck it comes along but for now i’m having a good time just having a good time.

so wasn’t that fun! now you know all of the in depth details of my single lady life.

articles of interest to all my single ladies out there. #singleladysecrets

  • conversation starters in 2012 <--- my favorite is the ‘let’s talk about queen elizabeth the 2nd’s reign over tea and scones’ uh what.
  • wondering why some men are running for the hills? <--- looks like we’re going to have to play the ‘i’m pretending i’m unavailable game’
  • 7 steps to revolutionizing your love life <--- let’s get. it. done. my fav is #1 um hello accept yourself for who you are. it’s not you, and it’s not even him!
  • and finally, why can’t us women just tell the damn truth! if we had a not good time, please don’t lie (guilty as charged!)

better get to it!

love to love you <3


cawfee tawk! single or not-so-single what tips do you have for the single ladies out there in this dog-eat world of dating?

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