
March 5, 2008

spacer Stacey Hoffer Weckstein is the CEO of Inspiring Social Media, a social media firm that offers social media coaching, strategic planning, content creation, engagement & brand ambassador programs, and influential social media events. Stacey helps her clients build online relationships, generate leads, and build brand awareness.

Since 2008, Stacey has actively been engaged in social media and has grown Inspiring Social Media into an affordable and valuable social media resource for small businesses and solopreneurs.

spacer EvolvingStacey.com captures Stacey’s adventures as she explores living her best life body, mind, and spirit. This blog captures Stacey’s favorite things, ah-ha moments, and passions for self-love, abundance, inner wisdom, and living a full and mindful life.

Stacey loves to combine her social media and personal growth passions by helping inspiring transformational teachers, authors, life coaches, and other self-care professionals leverage the power of social media to meet their spiritual, personal, and business goals.

“Stacey is a social media genius. She is intuitive, creative and thinks outside the box. I was blown away by the brand notoriety her efforts brought us…it seriously felt like anytime I mentioned who I was in the personal growth world people responded enthusiastically because they knew about the brand through social media.” ~ Amy Ahlers, Author and CEO, The Wake-Up Call Coach

“Stacey’s innovative approach provided us with new and useful ways to engage our Facebook community. The result was better than we expected with more engagement, more “Likes”, and a stronger sense of community.” – Merci Miglino, Career and Business Strategist, International Coach Academy



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What Do I Know About Fabric? | The Jungle of Life
February 9, 2009 at 8:32 am
Carnival of Personal Development - March 23, 2009 | Create a Balance
March 23, 2009 at 7:16 am

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