What Star Trek Race Are You?

Posted on 02/02/12 47 Comments

When two nerds fight, especially two married nerds, it can take a very strange turn. She tells him that the problem is she’s a Vulcan and he’s a Klingon, and he counters that she’s not a Vulcan, she’s a Borg. And he’s not like a Klingon, he’s more like a Hirogen.

And pretty soon they forget what they were fighting about in the first place because she says, “Hey, wouldn’t that be a fun blog post?” And off they go discussing the traits that are unique to each race in Star Trek.

So now it’s your turn – what Star Trek race are you? Read the descriptions below and write down the letter of the one that’s most like you. (Don’t look for it to be exact, since you might be half-human, half-alien.) At the end, I’ll tell you what race you picked spacer

(A) You hide your emotions and often devalue them, refusing to let them control you. You prefer things you can quantify and measure, so you’re drawn to math and the hard sciences. You’re rational and like your home to be neat and tidy.

(B) You like traditions and value honor above all else. You tend to see the world in black and white and don’t like indecision. Sometimes you can be hot-headed and easily offended, but you’re also strong and willing to fight for what you think is right.

(C) You’re a good judge of character. You’re also the kind of person complete strangers tend to open up to (whether you like it or not). You have a big heart and hurt when others hurt. You believe that honesty is always the best policy, sometimes to the point of embarrassing your loved ones.

(D) You strive for perfection, and love order and efficiency. You don’t know how to accept defeat and are creative in solving problems. You can be stubborn. Others’ opinions matter to you more than you’d like.

(E) You’re quirky and have a strong sense of humor. You enjoy the company of people and the simple pleasures in life like food, a hot bath, or working with your hands. Unfortunately, sometimes you’re also gullible because you think the best of everyone.

(F) You’re a very spiritual person and love culture and the arts. You defend your beliefs against attack and tend to prefer to associate with people who think the same way you do because you’ve been hurt in the past.


spacer (A) You’re a Vulcan like Spock in the original Star Trek, Tuvok in Voyager, and T’Pol in Enterprise. Due to nearly allowing their strong emotions to destroy them, Vulcans learned how to control and repress their emotions through meditation so that they no longer feel them. Vulcans prize logic and are a generally peaceful, honest people unless logic dictates they must fight or lie.


(B) You’re a Klingon like Worf in The Next Generation or B’Elanna Torres (half-human) in Voyager. Klingons are a warrior species, passionate in all they do (including love). They’d prefer an honorable death in battle to going home in defeat. Ritual, tradition, and family honor are core values in their society.

spacer (C) You’re a Betazoid like Deanna Troi in The Next Generation. Even though Betazoids look human, they have empathic and telepathic abilities, meaning they’re able to sense other people’s emotions and thoughts. While this means they can help others (for example, by counseling them), they need to be careful not to use their abilities to manipulate others for their own benefit.

spacer (D) You’re Borg like Seven of Nine in Voyager. The Borg don’t reproduce like other species, but rather assimilate people from other species (usually against their will) into the Borg Collective. Their goal is to attain perfection by adding each species’ “biological and technological distinctiveness” to their own. Borg don’t consider themselves individuals because they’re all connected through a hive mind and function as a unit. They’re able to quickly adapt to almost any situation.

spacer (E) You’re a Talaxian like Neelix in Voyager. Talaxians are a friendly, gregarious, well-meaning race who is always willing to lend a hand when needed, leaving them open to being taken advantage of. They enjoy food and entertainment, which made Neelix a perfect choice for cook and morale officer on Voyager (even though his cooking was often too creative for some).

spacer (F) You’re a Bajoran like Kira Nerys in Deep Space Nine and Ro Loren in The Next Generation. Bajorans have a long history and rich culture, but their fertile planet was oppressed and pillaged by the Cardassians for years, making them fiercely independent (understandably) now that they have their freedom back. The major unifying force for Bajorans is their religion.

I still think that my husband is more like a Klingon than a Hirogen, but in the end, I had to admit he was right about me. I’m basically a Borg. Resistance is futile spacer

What race (or combination of races) are you?

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  1. spacer

    Jennette Marie Powell says:
    Thursday, February 2, 2012 at 8:42am

    I’m a Vulcan. No surprise there. But my husband’s another race: as much as he loves making money, he could be no other than a Ferengi. He loves competition too, especially when winning results in money. He’s not always above cheating either, though usually in cases where it’s not about money, LOL. Fun post!


    • spacer

      Marcy Kennedy says:
      Thursday, February 2, 2012 at 9:11am

      Haha. My husband asked me why I didn’t include the Ferengi. I left them out for space reasons, but it looks like I should have listened to him spacer A Vulcan and a Ferengi is as interesting a match as a Borg and a Klingon!


  2. spacer

    Sarah Quick says:
    Thursday, February 2, 2012 at 9:53am

    I am…well I’m none of them! So ha take that woman! I cannot and never will be any of the species in Star Trek! Oh I’m sorry my inner Star Wars geek took over there for a moment.
    Great post though.


    • spacer

      Marcy Kennedy says:
      Thursday, February 2, 2012 at 1:10pm

      Hehe. You should come over to the Star Trek dark side. We have cookies spacer


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        Sarah Quick says:
        Thursday, February 2, 2012 at 4:45pm

        Um yeah about that, I will NEVER come over to the Star Trek side…even if they do have cookies!


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    Steve Frosch says:
    Thursday, February 2, 2012 at 10:06am

    “Bajorans have a long history and rich culture, but their fertile planet was oppressed and pillaged by the Cardassians for years”

    At least it weren’t the Kardashians.


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      Marcy Kennedy says:
      Thursday, February 2, 2012 at 10:27am

      I’m surprised you can’t hear how loud I’m laughing straight through the computer. That would be so much worse!


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    Coleen Patrick says:
    Thursday, February 2, 2012 at 10:23am

    I am probably a betazoid and my husband is vulcan-esque spacer


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      Marcy Kennedy says:
      Thursday, February 2, 2012 at 1:36pm

      I can see that pairing providing a nice balance on both sides spacer


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    August McLaughlin says:
    Thursday, February 2, 2012 at 11:10am

    Love this, Marcy! I’m a betazoid, too, maybe with a touch of Voyager. I think my hubby’s the opposite: Voyager with Betazoid tendencies. spacer


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      Marcy Kennedy says:
      Thursday, February 2, 2012 at 1:31pm

      Sounds like Vulcans and Betazoids are drawn to each other. Who would have thought spacer


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    Kara says:
    Thursday, February 2, 2012 at 11:31am

    This post is awesome!! I’m a cross between a Klingon and a Betazoid I think, with a touch of Talaxion. Hmm,is that possible:)


    • spacer

      Marcy Kennedy says:
      Thursday, February 2, 2012 at 1:39pm

      Haha. You’d be surprised! There was an episode of Voyager where Neelix (a Talaxian) had a very vigorous romantic encounter with a Klingon female. They didn’t say whether she ended up with a Klingon-Talaxian baby, but you never know spacer


  7. spacer

    Prudence MacLeod says:
    Thursday, February 2, 2012 at 11:43am

    We are Borg. We will adapt. Resistance is futile.


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      Marcy Kennedy says:
      Thursday, February 2, 2012 at 1:32pm

      Yeh! I’m not the only Borg anymore. I was starting to think I’d need to assimilate people.


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    Tiffany A White says:
    Thursday, February 2, 2012 at 11:46am

    LOL. I am a Betazoid like Deanna Troi in The Next Generation.


    • spacer

      Marcy Kennedy says:
      Thursday, February 2, 2012 at 2:23pm

      Betazoids are winning the day right now. That must be because they’re such nice people spacer


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    Amber says:
    Thursday, February 2, 2012 at 11:56am

    It would appear that a Bajoran had a little too much Springwine and found themselves getting frisky with a Talaxian.

    Many years later, their offspring fell for a Betazoid.

    Which resulted in me. spacer


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      Marcy Kennedy says:
      Thursday, February 2, 2012 at 2:38pm

      This is awesome! I’m still chuckling spacer


  10. spacer

    Pat O'Dea Rosen says:
    Thursday, February 2, 2012 at 2:08pm

    Best outcome of an argument: this blogpost.


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      Marcy Kennedy says:
      Thursday, February 2, 2012 at 2:24pm

      The best part is I don’t even remember what we were arguing about anymore spacer Must not have been that important.


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    Alicia Street says:
    Thursday, February 2, 2012 at 2:38pm

    I’m a Betazoid married to a Talaxian. Totally awesome post, Marcy!
