Meet the cast

For easy reference, a list of the main players in this here blog o’ mine:

The Model of a Modern Major General (we had a “thing” once, when we were, what? 16? Trustworthy, sensible, flirtatious and with a slight wicked streak. Now married, he gives me very useful advice on plugs and amuses me with admissions that he’s scared of my father)

Fursty Ferret (uni drinking buddy, made introductions to Old UK Club and most of my friends at uni. Loyal, one of those vivacious guys who you think is life and soul but actually, sometimes, just wants to sit down and chat. Now sings beautiful renditions of Les Mis down the phone at me. Also scared of my father)

Bad Influence (another uni friend. Big cow eyes, sparkling, sarcastic, kind. She’s only met my parents twice. Both times she was so hungover she couldn’t speak)

Gwyneth Paltrow look-a-like (ex-work colleague. Intelligent, thoughtful, considerate. Has exceptionally good taste when it comes to interiors and generally looking fabulous. She’s just had a baby and, although I hate babies generally, I have to say, annoyingly, this is one of the best looking babies I’ve ever seen. Damn her!)

Grace Kelly (another uni friend. Stylish. Gorgeous. Intelligent. Horribly nice. Possibly slightly embarrassed by me. Shares a passion for the Slipper and the Rose and other films of that ilk.)

The Crush (guy I used to go to college with and consequently lost and gained contact with. I haven’t seen him for over 10 years, and any attempts at meeting up seem to be doomed to failure. Army boy. Regularly in Scary War Place)

All-American Girl and Rabbie (She: rugby playing, American, blonde, friendly, grounded, closest friend in new land. He: AAG’s boyfriend. Scottish, dry, kind)

Dixie Chick and the Squire (She: work colleague and friend, great cook, sounding board, wicked grin. He: fantastically argumentative, far too cool to be associated with me)

Sir Charmsalot (charming, kind, possibly secretly dirty)

My Swiss family (helped me out when I first moved here. Parents, two kids and one fiancee. Good company, good food, good wine)

Jua kali (friend of my parents who lives on the other side of the lake to me. A welcome retreat when things get too much)

3 Responses to Meet the cast

  1. Pingback: Not that kind of girl » Parlez-vous moo? - A nutty cow starts a new life abroad

  2. Pingback: Bye bye, Miss American Pie » Parlez-vous moo? - A nutty cow starts a new life abroad

  3. Pingback: The Harry theory | Parlez-vous moo?

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