Monday, January 23, 2012

weather sick.

I don't miss home much. (People at home don't fret, I mean arbitrary things about home, like ice). I've never been the homesick type. I try to live in the moment wherever I am. Plus, I only have a year in Germany for Pete's sake and I'm going to cherish every moment, but when I see the weather comparisons every day, I wouldn't mind a trip home to the heat and sunshine - 100% humidity included.

Note: I took this screenshot about a week ago, so this does not reflect the current weather conditions. However, these are purdy typical.

Rain, rain go away. Come again another day. Or don't. Whatever.


  1. spacer
    AlyxJan 23, 2012 08:40 AM
    What weather app is that!? It's awesome!!
  2. spacer
    MariaJan 23, 2012 09:01 AM
    So. Much. Cold.
    Also, isn't Schwacket (sp?) amazing? I love when they do different cartoons every now and then.
  3. Alex ButtsJan 24, 2012 03:27 AM
    It's Swackett! They have it in the Mac App store and I love it! My favorite part is at the top where it tells you the warmest and coolest places in the world.
  4. spacer
    beccaJan 24, 2012 08:57 AM
    wow cute weather app
  5. spacer
    Sara LouiseJan 24, 2012 09:18 PM
    mix of snow and rain is the worst! it's so slushy :-(
  6. spacer
    MeganJan 25, 2012 04:20 AM
    1. rain sucks
    2. shabby apple sucks for only making their giveaway in the US
    3. you suck for liking anything to do with a manning
    4. you don't really suck because at least you like football
    5. i actually love you so dont listen to anything i just said (except #4 and #1) :)
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