About Me

So, in the interest of really understanding who I am, I thought these random facts may give a little insight into my brain:

In no particular order….50 THINGS ABOUT ME

1. I always crave chocolate.
2. I never want to have children.
3. I am a grandma.
4. I never wear socks.
5. I love the Berkshires.
6. I always need to be “connected” – my iPhone has only driven this obsession further.
7. I love having a clean apartment and organizing.
8. I LOVE fashion – my favorite place to shop for clothes is Goodwill and my style has been called “brave.”
9. I am an incredibly trusting person.
10. I have 3 dogs and I couldn’t survive without them.
11. I don’t believe that being fat means you are unhealthy.
12. I love vintage stuff – especially clothes and house stuff.
13. My favorite place to shop: eBay. I buy EVERYTHING on eBay.
14. I have had my nose pierced since I was 16.
15. I don’t know what I want to do with my life.
16. I am the youngest of 4, with age gaps of 9, 11, and 15 years.
17. I have had panic disorder since I was 15.
18. As much as I love Goodwill…I will only buy handbags from COACH.
19. I don’t have any video gaming consoles.
20. I don’t know how to drive a car.
21. I love Damien Rice.
22. I have a hamster named Penelope Widmore (Yes, it’s a LOST character)
23. I’m a computer geek. I love my Macbook Pro and iPhone so much it hurts.
24. I really LOVE coffee – but it has to be GOOD coffee.
25. I have been dying my hair since I was 15 – I’m not quite sure what my natural color is.
26. I have a tattoo with a quote from Pablo Neruda – “Love is so short, forgetting is so long.”
27. I am a complete contradiction.
28. I love decorating and redecorating. My mom says I “nest.”
29. I probably tell my mom almost everything and always have.
30. I just learned to knit.
31. When I was a Junior in college I lost over 40 lbs by restricting myself to only 1200 calories a day…I gained it ALL back and much more.
32. I have a crush on Kenneth from 30 Rock.
33. Actually, I have a bigger crush on Alec Baldwin.
34. I take pictures of my dogs constantly.
35. I have been to: Prague, Bratislava, London, Amsterdam, Paris, Stockholm, Venice, and Budapest.
36. I have a WWII-era vintage typewriter that’s in amazing condition.
37. I wear black almost everyday, for its simplicity and the fact it matches everything.
38. I wear skirts/dresses almost everyday – I’m reclaiming the right to bear legs!
39. I love high heels.
40. I love the ocean.
41. 2011 is my year.
42. Margaret Atwood is my favorite author.
43. I’m pretty liberal.
44. I am really confident.
45. I love talking politics.
46. I get stressed when my space is messy.
47. I’m addicted to Bravo.
48. I’m always overdressed for every occasion. I figure it’s better than underdressed.
49. I am incredibly sensitive – to a fault.
50. I have a list of goals from when I was 15 and I still try to complete them.

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