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About Us

Most every business today has a web site, or understands the value of having their business showcased on the internet. For those that have already built a web site either themselves or contracted to have a site built, they are realizing that there is a HUGE missing piece. With all of the web sites today, and millions  more coming online every year, how do you ever stand a chance for someone to actually see it? Sure you can have the web site address on your business cards, phone book ads etc. but there is so much more that you can do. When you think about it, your web site is like your sales department. If it is designed well, it will tell the visitor everything about your company and what you have to offer. That’s great…. BUT, they still need to go to your web site.

What most people don’t know, is  their current web site is not “Optimized” with the right coding or structure to ever get seen on the internet.

That’s where we come in. “Spinning A Web” is like your own marketing department in a box. We can rebuild your existing site (If you have one) or start from scratch and design a “Search Engine Friendly”  web site that will capture more traffic.  More traffic means more potential business.

We also can develop a campaign based on your goals and budget; once put into action will have your company’s web site ranked high on the search engines. This will give your web site a good chance to be viewed when someone does a search query  for your particular product or service.

It’s our job to bring you the clients, it’s your job to tell them why YOU are their best choice.

Call us today to get a free consultation.

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