A Total Eclipse Of The Heart (Apolgies To Bonnie Tyler)

On New Year’s Eve 2011, I suffered what my Cardiologist gently refers to as a “near heart attack” many miles from any kind of decent emergency medical support.  That’s now about three weeks in my rear view mirror.  For those of you who just like the bullet points:

  • I’m home, resting comfortably after double bypass heart surgery


    Day 1 Post Surgery

  • I didn’t suffer any lasting heart damage
  • Yes, it hurt like fucking hell at many points along the journey
  • I’m a very, very lucky little guy

The rest of this lengthy post is for those of you who like details. I’m still working on building my endurance up from “kitten level”, and wanted somewhere to point all the well wishers (and those who are disappointed) who’d like to know what happened.

One of my favorite old songs is Bonnie Tyler’s “Total Eclipse Of The Heart”, and the line in it “Every Now And Then I Fall Apart.” (Those of you under 28 go watch the video and laugh at what grandpa’s rock and rollers used to look like.  Your kids will be doing this, only too soon.)

I’d been having a little pain in my right arm now and then, but since we’d recently moved I’d just put it down to a lot of lifting of boxes and furniture.  I’d even promised my wife to call the doctor after the holidays.  But no typical heart problem indications.

Not a clue.  I’ve had regular stress tests, and in fact a complete physical in October with EKG.  Since Diane had a heart bypass 15 years ago we’re pretty aware of issues like this.  (Now, I AM a big tub of goo – I don’t exercise, I carry a lot of extra weight, etc.)  But there were no indicators at all.

spacer Just before New Years, we were camping in NE South Carolina on the Georgia border in our new (used) motor home.  We’d been out a few days, and it was 10AM New Year’s eve morning.  We hiked down a steep hill to the beach with the puggies, and my arm really started to hurt.  Soon, it was up around my neck and down the left arm.  I felt nausea and chest pain.  I had a pretty good guess what it was.

We were 15 miles from any city, so we decided to climb back up and drive ourselves in.  Diane tore down the rig – hoses, cords, etc – and I drove it out the narrow parts to the street.  (She’d never piloted it before.) Just getting from driver to seat to the passenger seat had me cursing a blue streak.

She drove to the tiny local hospital, they did an EKG (normal) chest x-ray (normal) and gave me nitro for the pain, which helped.  That exhausted their cardiac treatment options.


My Cardiologist, Dr. Richard Umbach

Luckily, my Cardiologist was doing New Year’s Eve rounds back in Columbia, they sent him the EKG and info.  He said he didn’t like it at all, and ordered me in an ambulance for an 80 mile ride.  Wouldn’t let me go in a private car.  (Love that guy.)

Later that evening, he said I’d had a “near heart attack” but there was no damage, yet.  But he was so worried he wouldn’t let me leave the hospital.  I sat there for three days in no pain at all, waiting for the cath lab to open (closed for the holiday).  When they did the angiogram on January3rd, they found I had 4 blockages.  (For those of you playing at home, this is NOT a good thing.) The next day they did surgery.  Fixed all four with two bypasses, and I’m good to go.

Apparently this is genetic, not a result of too many Doritos.  But he says being a big tub of goo isn’t helping, any.

And, yes, his instincts were right.  Had I gone home it’s entirely possible one of those four blockages could have come loose and caused a stroke, or a big heart attack before I could have gotten back to the hospital.

I smile a lot when he comes in the room.


My Heart Surgeon, Dr. Robert Zurcher

The other guy that makes me smile is my surgeon — he snuck me in to a very full schedule.  (Somehow, even though the surgery and catheterization labs close for four days over a holiday, people still seem to have heart problems. Crazy.)  But he thought it was important enough to get me in at 7AM the day after they found the problem — I think that’s kind of like “…if we want to be able to bill this one we’d better get him on the table pronto.”

(Trivia:  He got out of medical school two years before Bonnie Tyler won her Grammy for “Total Eclipse Of The Heart”.  I’m not sure if he’s a fan or not.)

He did such a good job that I was up and running around (well, ok, pushing a walker very slowly) two days after surgery.  And out of the hospital in four days.  Which is very, very good results.  Fantastic results.  I’m thinking about entering some marathons if they have a category for “people driving motorhomes”.

spacer My wife?  She drove the 31′ motorhome all the way back to our house (80+ miles)  on two-lane country roads and pronounced it “easy”.  She’s a plucky farm girl who grew up driving tractors and draft horses.  This thing is nothing. She’s getting a little tired of waiting on me hand and foot, so I don’t think I can stretch that out much longer.  I’m pretty sure the surgeon is going to let me start driving again next week, and picking up things that weigh more than 15 pounds.  (All three pugs, unfortunately, fall into that category.)

What did I learn from this experience?

  • If you’re going to have a heart attack, you should do it near Providence Hospital in Columbia, SC.  These people are the best of the best.
  • You can’t be shy about showing off your junk to cute nurses if you’re having heart surgery, and they don’t care about looking at it, anyway
  • There’s not enough morphine in the WORLD for when they take out the chest tubes





Get Your Head Out Of The Cl-ASS-room — eLearning Is Different

I spend lots of time developing learning that lives online.  e-learning, web content, videos, podcasts, support information, application forms for tractor assembly jobs — so I fancy myself as a bit of an expert in how this type of content is consumed.

(Many other people in my discipline would use less flattering terms to describe me — including references to rodents, orifices and familial relationships.  But even if true — I design a bunch of online learning.)

As part of that, I joust regularly with people who teach and train in something called “The Real World”.  I have a hazy memory of this place — it involves chalk boards, rows of desks, and children in freshly-pressed jumpers smiling up at me as I whack their knuckles with a wooden ruler.  I rarely teach there anymore — nobody wants to pay my embarrassingly high prices, and I keep trying to click on individual students and block them.

spacer As they move into the world of online teaching, most “real world” practitioners attempt to bring all their baggage with them.  And as the airlines have found, the more baggage you allow the more difficult it is to get the damn thing off the ground.  So I’m here today to show you a few of the cherished icons of classroom instruction you’re going to have to leave at the gate if you want to succeed in the online world.

Everyone Does Not Stay Together
In your classroom, you can exert a good deal of control that all students advance at a controlled pace — by assigning readings, presentations, and in-class activities.  You’ll find that online students will lag behind and race ahead.  Some will have questions about section 14 on the third day of class.  Oopsie.

So you’d best be prepared on Day 1 to teach the whole thing, or you’ll take the wind out of the sails of the students who are really engaged.  And you’ll have to be willing to support someone who’s going back to the beginning for a refresher during the last week.

Everyone Expects Personalized Support
Blame it on Tony Hsieh of Zappos — a large number of your students will now expect to interact with you via email, chat, FaceBook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, Snoozle, Schmaltz, Fizzle, Abdalo, Whackadoodle — ok, I was just making up those last few.  But you get the picture.  If you’re not careful about designing how you set up your assignments, your workload will go up exponentially.

Be sure that you set your assignments up so that students interact with each other, rather than always depending on you.  Be sure that you become an Online Facilitator, and let go of the idea that all learning comes from you.  Be sure that you spend some time learning new skills for this new role that you’ve taken on.

Everyone Will Not View Every Screen
Do you have a DVR?  If so, I bet you don’t watch commercials.  Or the boring parts.  And your e-learning students are going to do that, as well.  In your classroom, they sat their in their seats and pretended to listen during the boring parts.  Online, they’re just going to skip past the things they don’t want to pay attention to.  (I always find it amusing when teachers complain about learners ignoring boring online content.  I ask them what they, personally, do during the sermon in church.)

So you’d better make sure the e-learning you’re using is interesting, engaging, and makes your learners want to pay attention.  Or find a way to introduce it so they will.

Quit Measuring Stuff You Don’t Track
There’s no reason to add in all those little “Check Your Understanding” and “Quick Quiz” screens throughout the e-learning, unless you’re going to collect the data and use if for something.  Only three possible outcomes:

  1. Student actually knows the answer. Wow.
  2. Student doesn’t know the answer.  Unless you force them back through the content, you just make them feel dumb.  Wow.
  3. Student skips past the test — which the majority will do.  Wow.

If you feel you must do this, just have a question and the correct answer on the next screen, like a flashcard.  That way you’re reinforcing a positive.  There’s good data to support that.  And you can re-use that content for test prep at the end of the course.

Let The Inmates Build The Prison
As I’ve mentioned above, you need to start thinking more like a “facilitator” than a “teacher”.  You’re guiding this group of learners through the curriculum, and no longer the main source of knowledge.  Let them learn from each other, from resources you provide (and that they find and vet through you), bring in live humans via Skype or Webcasts, have them do original research and share — be creative in how each new class discovers information.

Each course will look different, and that’s ok.  Each group of learners will approach the problems in a different manner, and the shared knowledge that they create will be unique.  That’s one of the amazing parts of online learning — those “Poindexters” that sit in the front row will fade into the background, and you’ll meet a whole new group of people you never heard from before.


You May Be Certifiable

(Addendum added Nov 6, 2011)

I keep getting myself in trouble. Let me be the first to admit it. And this time, it’s because I’m proud of the work I did, and I hate to see other people cheapen the meaning of it. In this case, we’re talking about the word “Certified”.

spacer When you drive your car into a garage, you see signs for an ASE Mechanic.  If you want to climb into the cockpit of a jet airplane, you’ve got to talk to a guy (or gal) who’s holding a CFI Rating. And, if you want to get into the server room at work, you’re gonna need a little something called an MCSE (Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer) Certificate(Full disclosure, I spent a good part of my career writing big complicated courses to teach people to get that last one — which hundreds of thousands, if not millions of people — now hold around the world.)

My point is, when you bill someone as being “Certified” in something, you’re saying to the public at large that you’re in some way reassuring them that this person can actually perform the tasks expected of them in a competent manner.

The ASE Mechanic can diagnose the problem with your car, order the parts, install them and then test your car and return it to you without giving you a dangerous vehicle.

The CFI Flight Instructor can teach your pilot how to fly an airplane in such a manner that you will be safe riding with them, and that if a problem arises they will professionally and quickly resolve it and land the airplane without you ending up a small grease spot on the pavement.

The Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer will be able to install, configure and diagnose your computer servers and systems so that your data is safe, your users are happy, and that that guy from Nigeria doesn’t get into your bank account.

Now, of course, there ARE organizations that provide “certification” of crystal ball gazers, balloon animal makers, and those who make sculptures out of dryer lint.  Anyone can “certify” someone in a skill — coaching, finger-snapping, apple carving — and that’s their right.  While I think it’s amusing, I don’t really have a big problem with them.

But a year or two ago, a Large Learning Organization (Let’s call it the “Amazing Society for Trivial Development” decided that the world needed them to “provide a way for workplace learning and performance professionals to prove their value to employers and to be confident about their knowledge of the field.”

Great!  Sounds just like my definition above — reassuring, performance, competent…

Well, hold on there, Hoss.  The bar’s not all that high.  Here’s what you need:

1.  Three years in a “related” field.

2. “Pass” a multiple choice test (which apparently has not been validated)

3.  Submit a “sample” of your work (PPT deck?  Drawing of you in a classroom?)

Oh — one other little thing.  A check for $1,000 dollars. For a machine-scored test and to have a “blue-ribbon panel” look at your course plan?

Just for comparison, a Microsoft Certification test (for a single cert) right now costs around $200.  And having it will immediately boost your income about 25% or more in most markets.  Because the people who pass this test have to pretty much take a week of classes and then study really, really hard before they can pass.

If you got all five certs, you’d double your income.  Those tests would be about $1000 out of your pocket.  Probably a good deal.

So let’s get back to the Large Learning Organization.  Do they have any documentation that their certification maps directly to more income? Well, they do claim that the Fortune 500 “prefer their candidates” but they don’t give any hard data. If there were actual stats, I bet they’d quote them.

But come on — who in their right mind would say these people are competent at what we do? E-learning?  Instructor led?  Webcasts?  Curriculum Design?  Needs analysis?  Assessment?  Social Media?  Coaching?  Psychometrics? Data Analysis?

But (from their own data) the LLO has now administered their test to 3,605 people and charged users about $1000 each.  I’m not a math whiz, but that comes out to Three Million, Six Hundred and Five Thousand Dollars! Now they did have mimeograph costs for the multiple-choice tests, and they had to print up some nice blue ribbons for the panel, but other than that — pure profit. And people say Bernie Madoff was smart!

(Full Disclosure:  They will give you a $200 discount on the test if you join the org or are a member.  But that money just goes in another pocket, so I’m not discounting it.)

This causes an itch under my saddle because they’re supposed to be a Professional Learning Organization, and they should know better.  If it was a bunch of Balloon Animal Professionals, I’d cut them some slack and say “Well, what do they know about training and certification?”  But these people CLAIM to be the best and brightest.  In fact, I bet some of them even HAVE this certification. (Interesting side note would be to see if EVERYONE paid full price, or if the insiders got it discounted or for free.  I know what I’d be betting — how about you?)

So there you have it.  Call me cranky, call me snarky, or call me somebody that’s proud of my profession.  Proud of my skills.  Proud of the people that I work with every day who really provide Training and Development at a high level of quality.

And embarrassed to be associated with a money-machine that grinds out pretty certificates.











Addendum:  Several people have written me personally, asking why I hate people who have certifications from the Large Learning Organization, or think that those people don’t have skills in learning.  PERISH THE THOUGHT!  I’d bet that a large number of people who coughed up the $10000 fee for this overpriced and poorly-designed piece of irrelevant documentation are likely highly skilled learning professionals.  I know several of them personally, and would recommend them highly, depending on what it is you wanted them to do.

The point is that this Four Letter Acronym really has nothing to do with whether they are skilled or not — it merely proves they can write a check and answer some multiple-guess questions.  It’s not a certification for a potential client that they can actually provide the services that the client needs, or that they have the skills that map to the project at hand.

Were I at the beginning of my career, with no other evidence of my skill (like advanced degrees or client referrals) I’d probably hold my nose and write the check.  But I’d have to take a shower every time I put the acronym after my name.


My Friend Wasn’t Killed By Social Media

spacer I lost a friend yesterday.  Trey Pennington of Greenville — father, husband, grandfather, speaker, teller of stories and launcher of Social Media Clubs — could no longer fight the darkness and took his own life.  Twitter and Facebook echoed with the stunned and shocked responses from his friends, acquaintances and those who had been helped by this kind and gentle man.

Less than 24 hours later, I’m already seeing the first jabs coming online, talking about how this loss may have been caused by The Interwebs.  “Online Relationships just aren’t real.”  “We need to connect with actual people.”  “This Social Media stuff is all junk.”

What complete bunk.

If you know Trey, you know his demons were in the real world.  People who deserted him, institutions that turned their back on him after years.  I’m not giving details because he wouldn’t want me to.

But the online community — we loved him unconditionally.  He had hundreds of thousands of people who knew him as a kind, helpful, thoughtful soul.  He spoke around the world — most recently, here in Columbia a couple of weeks ago at my request.  He did it at no charge.  (A man who could command thousands of dollars for a single keynote appearance.)

We chatted, and put off dinner for another day because he was rushing home to work on a presentation the next day.  We knew we had time, because he was feeling great.  He’d lost weight, gotten tanned, and had all his dark demons at bay.

Then he returned to the real world. And it killed him.

I don’t doubt there are problems in the online world.  But I’m not going to let people sully the legacy of my friend with this kind of shit. He made social media a better place for so many people, and we’re all worse off now that he’s no longer with us.

I hope there’s really good wireless up there on that cloud, buddy.


“Instruction Does Not Cause Learning…”

I work with lots of folks who create and deliver some kind of spacer instruction — training, documentation, presentations and such. I’m planning to have this quote from Etienne Wenger tattooed on my forehead in large letters, just so they can think about it.

“Instruction does not cause learning; it creates a context in which learning takes place, as do other contexts. Learning and teaching are not inherently linked. Much learning takes place without teaching, and indeed much teaching takes place without learning.”


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