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Previous Dirt Files
The stories i missed -- part one

The long, slow goodbye

Bum hunting ... nope!

Signs of life?

Please stand by

Pluto - a planet for how long?!

War is over - hooray!

Sore loserman redux

Noam chomsky imaginary interview!

More stories that don't sound like i wrote them!



Interesting how, when a world-class mistake occurs, everyone involved runs for the exits.

Giant tragedies like the 1914 Great War assign guilt all around, because there was an historic class of contrary forces that left no choice but destruction, and many hundreds of leaders willingly take the blame -- Russian, Serbian, Austrian, French, British and German, among others.

But the tragedies of Viet Nam and Iraq, a sort of "gratuitous massacre" of a small, prickly country, seem to have no beneficiary (except perhaps those who supply the arms, or the gods of Folly), no admitted cause or even planners, and no goal, no upside, no potential for "victory", or even any definition of what "victory" might be.

Surely, the nincompoops that Bush put into power -- the aggressively incompetent and sputtering Rummy, the drunken Cheney, and dozens of others -- continue in ignomy and failure. But beyond mere mistakes, something else is going on, an assault on the very concepts of logical thought themselves.

To understand the tragedy in Iraq, look to the analogies with Viet Nam. A hint is given by Perle, the chief architect of the war, when he complains, in pissant fashion, that the "neocons" were not able to direct the war after they started it.

In the time of Viet Nam, we had futile, funny conceptual "wars": "...on Drugs", "...on Poverty", and "...on Communism". The terrors of the "Domino Theory" were touted as well as the goal of making Viet Nam into a "democracy" and rescuing it from "Communism". As many voices which never reached the toady mainstream press cautioned at the time, the Vietnamese were our greatest fans, and only wanted to do business with us.

Our politicians, misled by the language, clung to the false concepts of the "War on Communism" and the "Domino Theory."

The forces termed "Communist" won, Saigon was renamed "Ho Chi Minh City", and the Americans were kicked out. But contrary to the mythology promulgated by the architects of that disastrous war, Viet Nam did not join our enemies; in fact, Viet Nam skirmished with China, and helped save the Cambodians from Pol Pot, whom we funded until 1978. This war was really started in 1946, when we ferried French client troops to Viet Nam, betraying our wartime ally Ho Chi Minh, and lasted until 1974. Two generations of Vietnamese grew up with the need to fight, using stone-age tools, against modern military establishments with world-class resources and no moral proscription against blowing up civilian targets. Pretty tough, after their long war to kick Japan out of Viet Nam, following their centuries-long historic issues with China.

The falsity of the jingoistic concepts held dear by American politicians was revealed later, as Viet Nam showed its essential desire to do business with the world, and expressed its own character in its own way -- and even extended forgiveness to the USA and to Senator McCain for carpet-bombing women, children and men and even for once terming them "gooks" during a return visit.

So Viet Nam, what ever else it was, and whatever other false reason for the massacre, involved a conceptual failure, a failure to understand the Vietnamese, a failure to grasp the essential problem, and a divergence between the "terms of discourse" of the American ruling class and our media from the reality it was supposed to represent.

One old academician stated that, conceptually, it was as difficult to understand what is going on in a political grouping, once it gets larger than about 5,000, as it is to extend our normal concepts of the everyday world to the microcosm of sub-atomic particles or the macrocosm of "warped space".

When you look for historic, gigantic tragedies like The Great War of 1914, look for the class of societal and cultural forces and the inevitable destruction, which seems unavoidable.

But when looking at arbitrary tragedies, voluntary, gratuitous insults to reason as "destroying Viet Nam to save it" and "killing the Iraqis to save them from the insurgents", look to conceptual failure. Look to small minds and the arrogance of power. The refusal of those intellectually conceited, mean-spirited folks to admit their mistakes, and their refusal to give up their erroneous ideas and incompetent, precious theories.

In the case of Iraq, there is not only the same divergence between goals and reality, there is not even a vague assessment of what the existing society was like or what the end result Bush is supposedly seeking.

What is, then, "victory in Iraq"? What would be the "exit conditions" which would justify all the effort?

But even prior to that, how accurate is our assessment of what Iraq's reality consists of? What are its culture, goals and people like? We cannot know, we don't even speak the language, and, even if we did, we might disclaim an interest in finding all these things out. But by becoming the occupying power, we really assume, historically, the obligation of knowing all these things.

"What are Bush, and the American Armies, doing in Iraq?? What the HELL are they thinking??"

The point is, they are thinking, but their terms of discourse don't match the reality of the world, and they are too proud to admit it. Hubris...

- Doug

*** **** ***

Yer Old Pal Jerky's Words of Wisdom #319:
Even though the system is rigged, vote anyway. Make the fuckers work hard to steal it.

*** **** ***


Just One More Day Until We have the chance to change this peacefully. Lets go back over the reality of the past six years:

  • A President Hand-picked by Katherine Harris and the Supreme Court and who know else

  • Misleading a Nation into War

  • Outing an undercover CIA operative

  • Smearing a Vietnam Veteran Senator who lost his limbs in combat

  • No bid contracts

  • Swiftboating

  • Another Presidential Election Decided by Unanswered Irregularities

  • Terri Schiavo

  • New Orleans

  • Jack Abramoff

  • Cronyism

  • Releasing nuclear secrets on the web

  • Abuse of Power

  • Supporting torture
  • My fellow Americans, This is not a struggle of Democrats against Republicans. This is the true struggle of all Americans to return respect for law to our government. None of the Republicans that I have spoken to those I know that voted for Bush, had any idea he would trample the Constitution and the Bill of Rights in this manner. None of them think any form of torture is appropriate for Americans. Although many of them are uncomfortable about voting for the Democratic Candidate in their district, none of them are going to vote for anyone who supports this President.

    This is not about a blue dress and lust. This is about the desecration of the American way of life by a smug puppet of nation-less billionaires. What will they have the Bush Administration do next? The only way to restore checks and balances is by electing a new Democratic Congress. That is, if our votes are counted. If not, well this is still our nation. Here is what you can do to help:

    First, Vote.

    Second, make sure everyone in your family and your friends vote. Call them now.

    Third, if you can, help us on our final drive to Get Out the Vote. To volunteer to help out today or on election day, go to the DCCC volunteer site. You can also contact your local Democratic Campaign to see how you can help on election day. Karl Rove just dismissed Democratic GOTV efforts as "sporadic and episodic" lets prove him wrong on election day.

    Fourth, if you experience or see any irregularities, immediately call 1-888-DEM-VOTE (1-888-336-8683). You can also call this number to obtain information on poll locations. Do not sit by and let anyone steal votes. Stealing votes is treason.

    Finally, lets check out the returns together. If you have time, ask to stay in your precinct and oversee the counting.

    Thank you for reading. I promise I wont do this again. And please vote.

    I trust you and I believe in you.

    Your Friend,

    Send all Jokes, Letters and other stuff to Jerky:
  • Today's first joke was sent in by Seamus O'Blimey!

    Q: What's the difference between ignorance and apathy?
    A: I don't know and I don't care.

    *** *** ***

  • Thanks to our old pal Tuchus for sending in today's second joke.

    A liar, a deserter, and a war criminal walk into a bar.
    The bartender says, "Good evening, Mister Preznit! Will you be having the usual this evening?"

  • Today's groaner was sent in by Tone Loke...

    A cabbie picks up a nun. She gets into the cab, and notices that the very handsome cab driver won't stop staring at her.
    She asks him why he is staring.
    He replies, "I have a question to ask you, but I don't want to offend you."
    She answers, "My son, you cannot offend me. When you're as old as I am and have been a nun as long as I have, you get a chance to see and hear just about everything. I'm sure that there's nothing you could say or ask that I would find offensive."
    "Well, I've always had a fantasy to have a nun kiss me."
    She responds, "Well, let's see what we can do about that. You have to be single and you must be Catholic."
    The cab driver is very excited and says, "Yes, I'm single and Catholic!"
    "OK" the nun says... " Now pull into the next alley..."
    The nun fulfils the cab driver's fantasy with a kiss that would make a hooker blush.
    When they get back on the road, the cab driver starts crying.
    "My dear child", said the nun, "Why are you crying?"
    "Forgive me but I have sinned I lied and I must confess, I'm married and I'm Jewish."
    The nun says, "That's ok. My name's Kevin and I'm going to a Halloween party."


    "Those in power need checks and restraints lest they come to identify the common good for their own tastes and desires, and their continuation in office as essential to the preservation of the nation."

    - Justice William O. Douglas (1898-1980), U. S. Supreme Court Justice. Quoted in "We, The Judges", 1956.

    *** **** ***

    "I was really fat. I made a promise to my family that I would lose weight. And I lost 70 pounds. I always keep my promises. And I promise if I am elected Insurance Commissioner, I will lower your insurance rates."

    - California Democrat Cruz Bustamante provides evidence that rampant Republican scams aren't the only reason Democrats lose so many elections.

    *** **** ***

    "Ask yourself who the most powerful people in the White House are. They are women who are in love with the president: Laura, Condi, Harriet Miers, and Karen Hughes."

    - In Vanity Fair's cleverly-titled neoconservative expos, Neo Culpa, fascist scholar Michael Ledeen blames "the bitches" for Preznit Dubya's innumerable catastrophic failures.

    *** **** ***

    "If you ask me, this country could do with a little less motivation. The people who are causing all the trouble seem highly motivated to me. Serial killers, stock swindlers, drug dealers, Christian Republicans. I'm not sure that motivation is always a good thing. You show me a lazy prick lying in bed all day watching TV, and I'll show you a guy who's not causing any trouble."

    - George Carlin is right... again!


    February 24th, 1999 -- first response to authentic reader mail

    Dear Jerky: Hi... I guess Pig has moved on and now it is somebody called Jerky. Anyway, I want your advice on something. I am 26 and a pretty good looking girl I think or that is what everybody tells me. I have slept around some and have gotten a bad reputation because of it. What makes me super mad is how guys can do the same or much more and they are known as being 'studs'- while girls of course gets reps as 'Sluts.' This makes me sick. Especialy that other girls are the ones who come down on me the worse. Why is it like this? (I want to know!) deeanne

    Dear deeanne: Basically, other women see you as a threat to their security. By having sex whenever and with whomever you please, you're taking away their single greatest tool in the quest to bag a husband: PUSSY LEVERAGE. The laws of supply and demand apply to the world of relationships, just as they do to the world of economics. In effect, you and others like you are creating a PUSSY GLUT. And when there is a PUSSY SURPLUSS on the market, it makes for a lackluster buyer's game, if you get my drift. I'm not saying your friends are right to think this way... I'm just telling you why they hate your guts.


    MOP, Jerky, Let me ask you a question I've been wanting to for quite awhile but keep forgetting it. (72 years old) Why is everybody pissed at the Dixie Chicks about talking about Dubya? God-damn, everybody talks about him, including you and me. He's the laughing stock of the world. All it's done is make them more popular than ever. YOP, Kenny "B"

    [Apparently some folks are pissed off that Dixie Chick Natalie Maines criticized Preznit Dubya in England, instead of the good ol' US-and-A. Of course, nobody here ever bothered to ask them about Dubya, so the point is kind of moot. - Jerky]
    *** **** ***

    Jerky; In regard to Rembrandt's comment about giving Bush a little credit because there has been no more terrorist attacks. That's like saying I have no lions come into my yard because I grow roses. It is not a cause and effect. J. Scoby

    [So there you go. - Jerky]
    *** **** ***

    Jerkmeister, So happy to see you once again. A couple of questions if they are not to personal. What the hell is your other job? Who the hell are your bosses? Will you marry my sister who just won the lottery? Good to see ya, Dave H.

    [Same place, different jobs. My bosses are the same as always. And please give your sister my e-mail. - Jerky]

    Comment: max comment length 512 characters

    no urls, html, or profanity accepted
    From harrahs casino joliet : Excellent work! A site very interesting and design top-level. Thanks!


    From daddybear : Also said bush (bushmills)Sounds like Dubya's private cat house don't it Bushmills get it HA!

    From Six : Ha, ha. You said Bra. (brawl.) And yeah, so sue me. I've been watching some Beavis and Butthead for about 4 hours per year since 2000. Before 2000 it was more like 8 hours a year. But recently I caught about 2 hours of my 2006 allocation. And yeah, Sofaking ran the S h i t athlon 500 in the past 2 or 3 months. Cheers to our old pal.

    From daddybear : typos you make !Just post! something !!!!!!!!!Hell Six was nice enough to start the damn thing and Sofaking is a breathe of fresh air in a crowded elevator . Even with all the crap he's had land on him as of late he still makes the effort and me myself hey ya may not like what Icontribute and if ya don't contribute your own shat. but at least six Myself Sofa and Chuckles have been making a stab at it!!! Join the Brawl!!!!!!!!!

    From daddybear : yeah guys I know the feeling all to well 6or8 pints of guiness and a coupla shots of bushmills really raises hell with my creativity also . Wish JERKY would UPDATE! already. ALL YOUR BEAVERS ARE BELONG TO US!But that has nothing to do with the rest of US on the Group We're what out 5 or more "MEMBERS" Come on folks Voice your Opions explore your option get drunk and be somebody and post something add a political file type a drunken uninteligable rant !!!!!!! Hell no one care how you sound or how many ty

    From Six : Sofa perhaps you should supplement your diet with well, supplements. Vitamin B for example. Vicodin maybe, like old Dr. House. Or a little bit of that Adderall. Junior High kids sell that at a better price than college kids. But seriously Sofa, your presence alone is inspiring to the rest of us. Copy and paste some garbage so we(I) can feed off a little something.

    From SofaKing : I for one, have been quiet because work is kicking my a*s and I just don't feel like writing. As soon as I get back to my slave quarters, all I want to do is drink beer. Six's post is funny because of its truthful nature. Many times in recent memory, beer has been my dinner. I only wish I could get a creative spark with enough life to write a meaningful post or article, but it is elusive to this point. All I can say is, "ALL YOUR BEAVERS ARE BELONG TO US"

    From Six : Daddybear, et al, speaking of Dirtspawn, things have been kind of quiet around the group the past few days. Perhaps people are giving thanks a little early. I know I am. I just sat down to a tasty dinner of beer can with beer stuffing, beer gravy, and beer pie for dessert. Why would YOPF's sockpuppet say I drink too much if I'm quite obviously eating?

    From citrate generic viagra : Here is intresting people... Lets talk!



    From Sixpuppet : I'm not sure I get the reference, but you said...."beavers."

    From Oddity : Well, at least they keep update the left bar ads and my computer's address.
    Beavers are taking over the world.

    From Foxpuppet : Hey, you know I hear that guy Fox is not only one hell of a musician, singer, and artist, but he is also one good-looking mofo.

    From Keetz : update? hello? anyone? UPDATE!!!

    From ThousandDemons : I want a suck-date, but not with a gigolo.
    Too bad I'm too fargin' lazy to go out and get another woman.
    And so I need something to do to pass the time. Like reading. Reading The Dirt.
    So yeah, UPDATE already!

    From sockpuppetdaddybear : SUCK DATE!SUCKDATE!SUCKDATE!SUCKDATE! OMG! sounds like a gay gigalo!!!!!!!!

    From SockpuppetKing : Yeah, leave SofaKing alone, Six. He is probably the nicest and smartest jerk in here... besides YOPF.

    From Six : It all started when I said hypothetically "For instance, I accuse Beaudreaux and Sofaking of being YOPF sympathizers. " to explain the modus operandi. Perhaps I let the sockpuppetathlon get away from me. Now I see what fun Frank was having with them! Let's see what female sockpuppet has to say about this...and my manmeatosaurus.

    From SofaKing : Sheesh, Six... What'd I do?!?

    From Beudreaux : Ambushed.

    And I walked right into it.


    From Sixs Sockpuppet : Yeah Six, what the hell you thinking? We oughta tie you down and surgically implant taste buds in your anus for that one!

    From Beudreaux : Good grief... geniuses all....

    Wasn't that Bush's argument?

    If you aren't "with us" you must be "against us"?

    What's going on here Six? If someone doesn't agree with your agenda you use YOUR sockpuppets to gang up on them? Is that different from what you claim YOPF was doing?

    From Major Asshole Sockpuppet : FRIGGIN UPDATE ALREADY!!!!


    From daddybear : ladies gentleman and and suckpuppets , let us not digress from the mission at hand or puppet ! UPDATE! UPDATE! UPDATE! UPDATE! UPDATE! UPDATE!

    From FireFox : A suck-puppet? Man, now I know what to ask Santa for this year.

    From Female Suckpuppet : Yeah Six, you're right. They're sympathizers.

    And he's not trying to drag you into anything Beaudreaux, just demonstrate how YOPF operates. And I bet Six has the longest and thickest manshank of all the posters. How I'd love to take all 9 of his inches into every one of my holes.

    From Beudreaux : J'accuse Six?

    Basically, you are correct Six. I have no beef with Frank or anyone else so please don't try dragging me into what ever happened between you guys. I don't really care to be a part of it.

    So sue me.

    From Six : Anytime someone starts passing judgment in this forum (like Admin, TPTB, or Comment Cop), and somone seconds it, you can bet a sockpuppet's involved. For instance, I accuse Beaudreaux and Sofaking of being YOPF sympathizers. Let's see what happens.

    From Beudreaux : Yes.... (sigh) I regret the fact that I read about Britney's sex tape scandal. But it ain't just one tape Sofa..... there's a whole BUNCH of them that ex-hubby is holding over her 100 million dollar blond head.

    Speaking of celebrity stuff... did you hear about poor Pammy? Her uterus is so rotten and poluted with Hep C and disease that she miscarried. Poor dear. The news just shocked the hell out of me.

    Anyway.... the sock puppet seems to be gone so perhaps they do live in a different time zone

    From SofaKing : I think the sock puppet phrase was Firefox's. But, he could have mucked it from someone else.
    BTW- Anyone hear that there might be a Britney Spears sex tape? I thought I was so over her until I heard that. The only bad thing is we'll probably be subject to K-Fed weiner. But a Pam and Tommy style shag fest would be cool to see...

    From Chuck U Farley : It wasn't my term, however I think all that junk below is another one of those "All Your Base Are Belong to Us" moments.

    From Six : I bet the Thais are back.

    Beaudreaux- I think it was either Chuck U. Farley or, more likely, Sofaking that coined that term regarding YOPF and his "supporters" that nobody had ever heard of but who consistently showed up anytime he posted to cheer him on or bash other people when he started bashing them. Gotta give credit where credit is due, but it's a dandy of a term ain't it?

    From Beudreaux : Well...that explains it.

    Mutant chakra, petvet, Sword buzz, Spiritus disease and Silent Tim are all... as Six would call them .... sock puppets.

    In other words all those names are just one retard acting retardish.

    From Mutant chakra : Skill
    DNA blueprint evolving 'double helix' to 'shield' star of David
    'junk' team
    there back(here)
    32 bones in spinal cord 32 degree Mason
    war is brewing btw mutants and rest of humanity

    From petvet : cue
    optimum cure/fix
    coexist cat theorum
    alien penetration

    From Beudreaux : No idea SofaKing. They seem to have an agenda but never really seem specific....ceptin for Jesus of course....we know what HIS agenda is.

    But "cold cure prevention best medicine"? I mean.... good lord... what the fock is that?

    Methinks they are just retards....but thats just my guess.

    From SofaKing : All of this is confusing me. Are these posts from spam-bots? Or is it just way over my head? Could be either, I suppose.
    All I know is, "SOYLENT GREEN IS PEOPLE".

    From Sword buzz : What you said

    name the "S"word contest

    From Spiritus dis ease : "S" word buzz
    Is there a better name?
    and the winners are...

    From Chicken : 'Everything tastes just like me'

    From silent tim : Portmanteau/Neologisms
    World Domination Update
    "Venus di Milo Flytrap"
    vol.VIII, iss.IV

    From Jesus : Oh just kiss my assticus Ecclesiasticus......

    FireFox? Soylent Green tastes just like chicken.

    From Ecclesiasticus : Ecclesiasticus 3/21

    From FireFox : SOYLENT GREEN IS MADE OF PEOPLE!!'s made of people......

    From Fred :

    redundent lent

    redundent lent

    From esp lent : cold cure prevention best medicine

    From esp lent : cold cure prevention best medicine

    From ubiquitous little ants : ubiquitous fog
    esp soy lent

    From ubiquitous little ants : ubiquitous fog
    esp soy lent

    From three blind mice : sofaking,
    the only cure is prevention come to the cold store with me and I can show you secrets.

    From blind albert : 9/11 was small potatoes
    lil prince of darkness richard perle piss on you

    From SofaKing : No, Albert... It's not soil and greens... IT'S SOYLENT GREEN....
    Can't you see?? It's made of PEOPLE!!

    From ThousandDemons : I'll start chanting... UPDATE! UPDATE! UPDATE UPDATE UP-DATE!
    SAYNG ALAWNG with me, mah CHULDREN!

    From blind albert : 'petroleum' transliteration 'soil and greens'

    From blind albert : "religion for dummies"

    From CC Addict : Expect the Worst Hope for the Best
    I Re'member' NYC

    From albert : 'petroleum' equate's to 'soil and greens'

    From mark : Gasoline is up .25 Pa since the election.

    From CC Addict : Expect the Worst Hope for the Best
    I Re'member' NYC

    From Daffy Dolphin : I remember actual dialogue.

    From CC Addict : Expect the Worst Hope for the Best
    I Re'member' NYC

    From daddybear : hey Six whats with the nonbelievers??? UPDATE! UPDATE!UPDATE!cough, cough, wheeze! UPDATE!UPDATE!

    From Six : C'mon Dominic. Chant with us. It has a habit of working.


    From Dominic : Yeah...ok.

    You go girls.

    From Six : I'll tell you what he's on Dominic it's UPDATE FEVER! Very contagious s h i t I tell you. As a matter fo fact I think I've got (cough, cough) a case of it myself.


    From Dominic : I wonder what this guys on?

    From daddybear : Friends Romans Lend me Your members. UPDATE! UPDATE! UPDATE !UPDATE!UPDATE! UPDATE !UPDATE! UPDATE! Guest Editorials are cool but they don't count! UPDATE!UPDATE!UPDATE!UPDATE!

    From Six : Hey Romans. You know Romans 7/5 uses the term "members." Chapter 23 goes so far as to say But i see another law in my "members",warring against the law in my mind, and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin, which is in my "members." Now that's somethign to re"member."

    From Romans : Romans (C)7(V)15

    From Romans : Romans 715

    From ACDC : can you post numbers here?
    here is my fax number # 416 924 0095

    From ACDC : can you post numbers here?
    here is my fax number # 416 924 0095

    From Six : Update! Update! Update!

    From Adalbert : (A)ll (C)lear

    From daddybear : Is it to soon to take up the Chant? Update! Update! Update!

    From daddybear : Just goes to show ya! What Cronyism and the republican party really are about . The Crony isn't as important as the Ism, As in Ism my job as preznit in danger? Lets fire Rummy! He's a crony he'll understand.Now send that hot black chick Condeleeeza in here for my morning hummer. Yes.....Mr.Preznit

    From buy vicodin : Hello, cool site - nice navigation keep going do it! You will have them for our next


    From Six : If I know Bush like I think I do, he'll sell her to the plantation down the road to appease the democrats. I still don't understand why he couldn't find a buyer for Colon Pow, but I guess a scapegoat is a valuable tool to have in one's arsenal.

    From Beudreaux : Not really Fla Man...

    Cheney went hunting today in S. Dakota so he'll probably shoot his own foot off and be out of the picture anyway.... and numbnuts won't be able to function without Cheney and Rummy. Then we have Condeleeeeeza...and well... Jerky has a wee bit of a hard on for her so why don't we do him a favor and throw her on THE RACK????? You know.... drawn and quartered?

    From FLA MAN : 1 DOWN 2 TO GO.

    From daddybear : EXICUTIONER GET MY AXE !!!! WE HAVE RUMMY ON THE BLOCK TODAY!! No... don't bother to sharpen it. HEH HEH HEH.

    From Beudreaux : Rumsfeld FIRED!


    From ThousandDemons : Jerky, good to see you buddy.
    And geez, I remember VAGUELY about pussy leverage. That was some time ago...

    From deith : Now its crystal clear what the war in iraq was all about , to divert our attention from the fact that they demolished the towers for the money, time to expose the bastards!

    From Six : You're right, but I don't regret the vote. Perry wound up with what, 39% of the vote? That means 61% of Texas doesn't like him enough to vote for him. Now if only he can wrap himself up in a meth/gay sex scandal, or something accounting-related...

    From SofaKing : I
    Related searches:
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