About Us and Submissions

Baraka Books is a Quebec-based English-language book publisher specializing in creative and political non-fiction, history and historical fiction, and fiction. Our belief is that books are a haven of freedom and that they remain the foremost vector for change.

The word baraka is used in many languages and cultures and, depending on the language, can mean blessing, wisdom, luck, and more.

Inspired by this multilingual and cross-cultural word, Baraka Books is committed to providing English-speaking readers in Canada and elsewhere with ideas, points of view, and creative works that might otherwise be overlooked because of cultural or linguistic barriers.

President and Publisher : Robin PHILPOT
Associate : Gilles HERMAN
Associate : Denis VAUGEOIS


Baraka Books publishes six to eight titles a year, but we receive several submissions a week. If you would like to submit, please become acquainted with the books on our list to make sure your work corresponds to our editorial policy.

To submit, please send an introductory letter, a synopsis of your proposed book, some sample chapters, and short biographical notes by email to info@barakabooks.com. We try to respond promptly, but please be patient.

Baraka Books acknowledges the generous support of its publishing program from the Canada Council for the Arts and the Société de développement des entreprises culturelles du Québec (SODEC).

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