
Please click on the item you want to download to go to its download page. For Weaver II Pro, visit

Weaver II Theme (2) »

  1. Weaver II 1.0.18 - This is the release version of Weaver II, a brand new theme based on the original Weaver. This is version 1.0.18. A version of Weaver II should be available on soon.

    IMPORTANT! Use Easy Theme Upgrader to upgrade your previous version of Weaver II.

  2. Language Files 1.0 - This file contains the visitor side translation files for these languages: AR, CZ, DK, DE, ES, FI, FR, IL, IT, JA, NO, NL, PL, BR, RU, SE, and UK. Upload it to the /wp-content/themes/weaver-ii/languages directory.

Weaver Plugins (2) »

  1. Weaver II Theme Extras 1.0 - This plugin allows Weaver II (basic version) to Save and Restore theme settings by downloading them to your own computer.
  2. Weaver II Theme Switcher 1.0 - This plugin will allow you to define several Weaver II sub-themes, and allow visitors to your site to switch between theme. See Weaver II Sub-Themes Demos to see the plugin in action.