JavaScript Days - Meet the experts - Qafoo GmbH - passion for software quality

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By Jakob Westhoff, first published at Tue, 07 Feb 2012 08:25:24 +0100

JavaScript Days - Meet the experts

As my first official announcement at Qafoo, I am happy to present you JavaScript Days: A 3-day event fully packed with workshops around all your JavaScript needs.

Save the date: March 12-14, JavaScript Days in Cologne!

JavaScript Days is presented by entwickler akademie, the creator of the well-known PHP-Summit, and heavily supported by Qafoo. The event will take place from the 12. - 14. March 2012 in Cologne and blast you with three days of workshops by experts from all over the community and a keynote on Programming Style and Your Brain by the famous Douglas Crockford.

spacer JavaScript-Days 2012 - 12-14. March Cologne

Our trainer Kore will introduce you to the world of CouchDB: In three detailed sessions he will show you what the hype is all about, while providing you with hands-on information on how to use this NoSQL solution for your own products and environments.

Use your chance to meet the experts at JavaScript-Days. With Kore and Jakob being present full time during the event, you have a great opportunity of meeting with us.

After covering all the basics, like using JavaScript to create map-reduce based views on your data, he will cover more advanced topics like eventual consistency, sharding and replication. Finally, Kore will provide a dedicated session on how to create JavaScript applications, which are solely run from within a CouchDB. Those CouchApps are a great way of consolidating all your application needs into one technology. Use your CouchDB infrastructure, to distribute, store, sync and manage your application in one place.

Of course, I'll also give sessions myself: The first one will provide you with a detailed understanding of how Scopes and Closures are working in the heart of JavaScript. As important as this knowledge is for any JavaScript developer, as misleading are some of those concepts in the language. Showing detailed examples, filled with in-depth knowledge about the inner workings of JavaScript engines, this session will provide you with all the information you need to understand Scopes and Closures once and for all.

During another session, I will present a currently hot debated topic inside the JavaScript community: Dependency Management. I will present different ways of automatically managing the dependency hell JavaScript projects can produce. On the server side, as well as in the browser. Finally, I will talk about CoffeeScript: I will show you some of the features this alternative approach to writing JavaScript provides, as well as presenting you some of the pitfalls, to enable yourself to decide what all the fuzz is about.

Besides the sessions presented by Kore and myself, there will be 12 more workshops by leading experts from the community. We have been able to acquire Christian Johansen, the author of "Test-driven JavaScript development", creator of Sinon- and Buster.js, Hans-Christian Otto, known for his workshops on ExtJs and mobile web development, Bastian Feder, Thorsten Rinne and Sebastian Springer as your trainers for those fully packed three days.

Get expert consulting for the full stack of your web application architecture and software design.

Finally there will be a keynote held by Douglas Crockford, best known as the inventor of the JSON format and for his involvement in the development of the JavaScript language itself.

Don't miss your chance to meet us and all the experts at this event. Get your tickets now, while they are still on sale. The earlybird will end on the 10. February. We are already looking forward to meet you there.



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