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About Rodney


Welcome to my home on the net!

My name is Rodney Jansen; I am a multiple business owner and entrepreneur having a broad knowledge of what it takes to start a business, run a business, and grow a business. I also have had a broad marketing career which is fueled by an insatiable appetite to improve my bottom line and effectiveness in whatever venture I am currently involved with.  This has resulted in reading  hundreds of books, attending many seminars and workshops and consulting with some of the best folks in their field.

My intention is that this blog will give you a road map to building a successful enterprise whatever it may be. Whether you are a seasoned business owner looking to improve your business, or a person just starting out on the journey of being self employed, there is something here for everyone.

Some of the things you will read and learn about on this blog are:

* Social media marketing, the new platform to launch your product or service.

* Video Marketing and using this tool to build your brand.

* Internet marketing from securing your domain name to getting your website and  more….

* Tools to save you time and money.

* People to connect with that will help you grow your business.

My Past:

I have been in sales my entire career. It must be in the DNA since my father and his father also had a successful career in sales. At nineteen I took a sales job that lead to other sales jobs over a 13 year period of time. Each job I gained more experience and skills and I was usually the top producer in that company. I felt I was advancing in my sales careers and was basically happy with my progress. However, deep down inside I knew I needed to break away from corporate america and start my own business. 

 entrepreneurial Ventures….

The year was 1994 and I was ready to embark on the journey of being self employed. We were still struggling to make ends meet with two little boys and one child on the way. All my friends and family discouraged me from making this jump and thought I was not using my better judgment. They told me I should find an employer that had great medical benefits since I had a baby well on the way. I discussed the pros and cons with my wife and we decided to DO IT NOW!

The business I chose to launch was a replacement window company. I felt the timing was good because the housing market was strong. I rented an office with a small warehouse, secured my window manufacturing company and essentially was ready for business.

Of course I am cutting out a lot here but I basically had all the framework together within a few weeks. I had only $2000.00 in my checking account at the time and no idea where my first client was coming from. I remember reading in a book a saying…. “If it’s to be, it’s up to me” so I started to go door to door through my town introducing myself and my new company. That company grew to be a flourishing home remodeling company booking millions in sales over a 15 year period of time.

My focus turned toward the Internet….

Though I was succeeding in my remodeling company, my passion was really marketing. I had been drawn to the internet over the past several years as I understood the significance it could have on the success of my business, I knew that this was going to be the next big boom and I felt I could help a lot of businesses transition their marketing efforts to this new media.

What I have to offer…

With all the years of being a business owner, all the books that I have read (And am still reading,) the seminars, the workshops,  I am ready to teach and coach those that are looking to improve their businesses and financial lives.

I am now combining my offline business experience with my continual development of online experience. I am learning and teaching marketing strategies that assist anyone with any business to tap into where the economy is going….. ONLINE!

Let’s get to know one another and grow our businesses together…

I can’t wait to meet you and learn more about you and what your goals are. I am looking forward to getting to know you more and seeing how I can help you grow your business and achieve your dreams and goals.

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