

Hi! I’m Dani. I’m a hippie, teacher, artist, and signal-booster. When I’m not dancing barefoot in mud puddles or playing in the snow, I help passionate entrepreneurs, purpose-driven leaders, and creative spirits connect with their communities authentically and organically on the web, take action, and get inspired.

What gets me out of bed in the morning is the idea of living life unconstrained, going with the flow, and being unhindered by doing the “right thing” or living up to expectations. I live my barefoot life in Buffalo, NY, with my marvelous partner and a fantastical cat, with frequent trips back home to eastern PA to visit family and friends, including my “baby” brother (who’s not a baby, really) and his beautiful wife, and my baby sister (who’s 6!).

Get to know me on the blog, learn more about how I can help you build your business, check out some workshops, or get in touch and share your passion—I’d love to hear from you!

Photo by the amazing ALM Photo!

Dani is the catalyst to finding the path towards that inner voice screaming at you to wake the fuck up and make life your own.

~Hannah Tighe, Chatterbox Social Media

My Story

I used to “make websites”. Research. Design. Iterate. Develop. Deploy. But the best projects, the biggest successes, came from firm goals, a refined message, a sense of clarity.

I don’t make websites any more.

Where’s the rest of my story? It’s coming. But I’m all about marvelous imperfection right now, and telling my story along the way.

Want to know more? Check out my free Barefoot Living Guide.


Get Connected

I’m all about making beautiful connections and would love to connect with you…

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