
Fitness Meal Plans – Why I Don’t Make Them

Fitness meal plans, or pre-made diets, are something I’ve strayed from for the longest time and I can’t imagine I’ll ever give into creating them for clients. A few common questions I get on a weekly basis are “what do you eat?” “What do I need to eat to lose weight?”  “Can you make me [...]


Roger Lawson and JC Deen Podcast #1

JC Deen | Alan Aragon | Roger Lawson – Roger Lawson of and I have put together our very first podcast after many requests. It was our first one, and we’re just having fun with it.  We plan to do a few of these every month – so if you have anything you want [...]


Know When To Walk Away

I know you’ve been there.  Perhaps today is one of those days… You’re stale, weak, and dehydrated from the previous nights (insert crazy activities here). On top of that, you’re running off fumes from some weak espresso you picked up on your way to work.  You still have the bitter taste of day-old coffee on [...]


How I Plan to Power Through 2012 Like A Boss

Okay, so it’s the 3rd day of 2012 and I’m sure you’ve read a bunch of motivational posts on how to get fit and healthy, or [insert whatever resolution here].  If so, then good – we definitely need to be reading this type of material. I actually read a few pieces that got me really [...]



"JC is one of the most down-to-earth people I know, and it shows in the delivery of his information. It's clear, practical, and scientifically current. JC is one of the rare guys in this industry who will not BS you or use gimmickry to make a fast buck."

Alan Aragon - Creator of the Alan Aragon Research Review


"If I were a T.Rex, I could count on one hand the number of people with whom I'd entrust my clients to in my absence. JC is one of those people, and he has your best interest in mind, which is more than I can say about many in this industry."

Roger Lawson - Head Trainer/Comedian at RogLaw Fitness


"JC isn't afraid to go against popular opinion and it is what makes his methods so effective. He focuses in on what works, cuts out the fluff, and this helps his clients and readers get results quickly. The cool thing is that he does this in a seriously entertaining way. An awesome methodology, backed by science...while being fun to read. I'm a fan!"

Rusty Moore - Fitness Black Book


"A true BS-free zone. - That is how I would describe JCDFitness. In a world where anyone and everyone can create a website and be a self-proclaimed expert, JC provides an honest and unique approach, and outlook on the fitness world while providing excellent content. JC is one of the few guys I can trust to tell it like it is, without any ulterior motives."

Nia Shanks - Strength Coach & Author of Beautiful Badass


"JC is one of the most well-respected, popular people in the Fitocracy community. People follow him in hordes... I can't tell you how many times I've seen his work circulate around Fitocracy as a must-read. The most impressive thing about JC that I have seen is that his work resonates with everyone from mainstream folks to fitness professionals. It's very rare to see someone bridge that gap in fitness segments like JC does."

Richard Talens - Co-founder & CTO of Fitocracy


"What makes JC Deen unique is his ability to be both Personal and Honest while still maintaining Relevance. His recognition that true fitness encompasses more than just your body, and includes your mental and emotional life is refreshing and all too rare. JC is a major player in the Fitness New Wave for a reason."

Nicholas Horton - The Iron Samurai


"JC is very practical, knowledgeable and does an awesome job catering to individual client needs. On a more personal note, he's got a great sense of humor and he's a genuinely interesting person to talk to. We've become great friends since my initial consultation. Click below to read about my experience under his guidance."

Joe Stuchinsky - JCDFitness Client


"If you want practical, science-based advice about how to find your path to being lean and ripped without it becoming a full time job or making you obsessed and no fun to be around, come to JCD Fitness. He'll also make you laugh while he breaks it all down for you. JCD is fitness help without the hype. I'm so over the hype."

Kim Frazier - Vibrance Wellness Coaching


"This experience has truly changed my life and I am grateful to JC for all his patience and guidance he has shown and given me over the last few months. I hope I can spread the word of his work to others and that his popularity grows rapidly, because people do not know what they have been missing."
- Click below to learn about Chris' transformation

Chris Brown - JCDFitness Client


"JC is one of the top providers of no-bs fitness information. But after you go through something like this, you realize that sometimes it's more than creating good blog posts. It's about appreciating your following and treating them with the highest respect. That's something that JC surely does, and is reason enough for me to admire him."

Anthony Mychal - Teacher, Writer, Coach


"Anyone who's been bamboozled by the myriad of conflicting fitness and nutrition information or is struggling to attain their fitness goals should read this blog. JC dispels all the myths and factoids about in the fitness industry and sifts out the few, surprisingly simple methods that really work. There aren't 53 steps to a six-pack, but getting a Superhero-worthy body isn't a piece of cake, either. Never again will I feel guilty when I drink my favorite Frappuccino or eat anything other than steamed chicken breast and broccoli. JC has taught me invaluable lessons about diet and fitness that allow me to construct simple yet effective and enjoyable training templates and diet protocols that fit seamlessly into my lifestyle, not the other way around."

Clement You - JCDFitness Reader


"I can't tell you how much time and effort I wasted on fad diets and ridiculous workouts. I found JCDFitness and I found salvation and an honest, NO-BS approach to achieving my fitness goals. I'll admit I was skeptical when I first found the site but after reading a few articles and then working with JC for a few months, he truly changed my life for the better! If you're serious about meeting your goals, this is the place for you."

Keith Jablonski - JCDFitness Client


"I love your site, I'd been reading, T-Nation, and WannaBeBig for about a year and a half before I stumbled across JCDfitness. You really opened my eyes to what T-Nation was all about, plus helped me see what the proper relationship to fitness really is - a goal, not an obsession."

Bobo Bose-Kolanu - JCDFitness Reader


"The problem with the fitness industry is it's assumed we all live in a gym in a world with no such thing as fast food. JC gives advice that people can actually stick with consistently, whether it be how to train for muscle gain or debunking the myths of clean eating. His blog truly is a no-BS guide on how to look good naked. JC helped us from day one, always there with advice and help when needed, a great guy to know, thanks again."

Propane Fitness Editors - JCDFitness Reader


"JCDFitness is truly a great resource for people of all fitness levels. He breaks things down in a very digestible way and explains complex ideas by relating them to practical application while finding a way to mix in some humor. His No-BS Approach to Looking Great Naked is a breath of fresh air from information offered in mainstream magazines. His writings are based on scientific evidence, and what works for the vast majority of normal people. You won't find him talking about the newest pre-workout drink or the one exercise that needs to be in everyone's workout routine. He approaches each issue with an unbiased opinion and looks at each side of the argument before reaching a conclusion. What truly sets him apart from the competition is his true passion for the JCDFitness community. Not many sites have email addresses available to ask the author specific questions to be answered individually. A question I had was answered in less than 24 hours. Thanks to JCDFitness for being a reliable and enjoyable source for health and fitness information."

Henry Zale - Personal Trainer


"I really can't explain how glad I am that I found Thanks to JC and his articles I went from counting egg whites and hitting the gym every single day, To enjoying drinks with my friends on the weekend, visiting the gym 3-4 times a week at the most, and actually ENJOYING life. Plus, I've never looked or felt better." Read more.

Sean Tomaszewski - JCDFitness Reader


"JC is one of the most innovative and effective individuals in the training and nutrition industry. He consistently provides easy-to-use and insightful information while captivating his readers with his hilarious and informative writing style. If you're looking for a quality, no-BS approach to looking great naked, you need look no further."

Jordan Syatt - Personal Trainer/Writer


"I'm from South Africa. Just want to say I've been following your website for about a year now, and can honestly say that I got my best results from following your advise(prior to this website I've been following your typical fitness magazine workouts 5-6 day splits) , at the moment I'm aiming to lose some body fat and get lean, so I'm following a simple 3-4 day upper/lower split (which I got from this site) and for diet I'm eating in a slight deficit taking the intermittent fasting approach and it's working like a charm, fat is coming of really easy, and all this by keeping it simple...thanks for a great website!!!"

Willem de Bruyn - JCDFitness Reader


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JC's writing featured all over the web...

Fitness Meal Plans – Why I Don’t Make Them

Fitness meal plans, or pre-made diets, are something I’ve strayed from for the longest time and I can’t imagine I’ll ever give into creating them for clients. A few common questions I get on a weekly basis are “what do you eat?” “What do I need to eat to lose weight?”  “Can you make me [...]


Roger Lawson and JC Deen Podcast #1

JC Deen | Alan Aragon | Roger Lawson – Roger Lawson of and I have put together our very first podcast after many requests. It was our first one, and we’re just having fun with it.  We plan to do a few of these every month – so if you have anything you want [...]


Know When To Walk Away

I know you’ve been there.  Perhaps today is one of those days… You’re stale, weak, and dehydrated from the previous nights (insert crazy activities here). On top of that, you’re running off fumes from some weak espresso you picked up on your way to work.  You still have the bitter taste of day-old coffee on [...]


How I Plan to Power Through 2012 Like A Boss

Okay, so it’s the 3rd day of 2012 and I’m sure you’ve read a bunch of motivational posts on how to get fit and healthy, or [insert whatever resolution here].  If so, then good – we definitely need to be reading this type of material. I actually read a few pieces that got me really [...]



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