
I believe that the internet is the ultimate equalizer.

Through social media, websites, and blogs, average people can chat with celebrities, address their concerns with corporate giants, and influence legislation like never before in history.

I believe that anyone who is willing to do the work can build a successful internet business, regardless of experience or finances.

I believe that powerful business-building skills like search engine optimization and social media engagement should be available to everyone.

I started my first website in 1995, and I have been close to the business of the internet ever since.

I am an active member of the blogging community with a highly successful personal blog.

I have been publishing, Feels Like Home Blog since 2007, and I also own and publish a local site called the Harrisburg Area Moms Blog. Feels Like Home has been internationally syndicated, and my writing has appeared on BabyCenter’s Momformation blog, DaySpring’s (in)courage blog, and BlogHer.com, in addition to numerous personal blogs and websites.

I am the Inbound Marketing Manager for AboutOne, an online organizer and family management system, and the featured Life at Home blogger at Sonsi Living.

I have recently served as an Ambassador in Arm & Hammer’s Switch to Save program, a Blogger Advocate for Mizkan, and a member of MomAgenda’s Council of Media Moms.

I do all this because I like it. I enjoy encouraging and mentoring new bloggers through personal consultations and by attending and speaking at industry events including Type-A Parent Conference, Savvy Blogging Summit, Be Blogalicious, Relevant, and Bloggy Boot Camp.

I am an active member of many social media and blog networks, including the Philly Social Media Moms, BabyCenter’s Momformation Blog Network, BlogHer’s Reviewer Network, and the Clever Network, and I am featured as a professional blogger in a marketing case study by BabyCenter.com.

I am a wife and a mother of two small girls. In 2011, I left a 10-year career as a high school astronomy teacher to be an at-home mom, blogger, and coach.

gipoco.com is neither affiliated with the authors of this page nor responsible for its contents. This is a safe-cache copy of the original web site.