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About Clutter

Clutter is an open source (LGPL 2.1) software library for creating fast, compelling, portable, and dynamic graphical user interfaces. It is a core part of MeeGo, and is supported by the open source community. Its development is sponsored by Intel.

Clutter uses OpenGL for rendering (and optionally OpenGL|ES for use on mobile and embedded platforms), but wraps an easy to use, efficient, flexible API around GL's complexity.

Clutter enforces no particular user interface style, but provides a rich, generic foundation for higher-level toolkits tailored to specific needs.

Go to Docs to get started with Clutter.

Who's using Clutter?


GNOME Shell, the base of the GNOME 3.0 user experience, is based on Clutter. Screencasts are available.

Media Explorer

The Media Explorer user interface, developed by the Intel Opensource Technology Center, uses Clutter (and other GNOME technologies) to browse and play media on local and networked devices.

MeeGo Netbook User Experience (UX)

MeeGo's netbook UX makes extensive use of Clutter:

litl webbook

Most of the litl webbook user interface is written in Clutter (plus liberal dashes of GNOME and other open source software: see this blog entry and this other blog entry for more technical details.

Photos & Mediawall from asklitl on Vimeo.

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